

140150446 Meii

Dear David,

Would you like to join to my and my family for Chinese New Year ? Chinese New Year in China

, also known as the Spring Festival, it begins on the first day of the first lunar month. Is the most important festival in our various festivals .,it is the symbol of new and promising life.

The festival is permeated with an atmosphere of jubilation. People decorate their homes with red lanterns, red posters with poetic verses are put on the door.

On Spring Festival' Eve , Wherever the family are ,they get together to eat reunion dinner .There are some traditional and delicious food ,such as dumplings ,it symbolizes the reunion .After the dinner, people who wear the new cltoh visit their families to send Chinese New Year greetings to each other ,which is benefit for the harmony of the family .Children is so pleased to receive “luck” money.

In the evening of the Spring Festival Eve, people set off fireworks to cast away the monster whose name is Nian .people think that it will break up any bad luck and bring forth good luck.

There are also many cultural activities to welcome the New Year ,such as dragon and lion dances, ancestor worship and so on .

How colorful the festival is ! I am looking forward to your attendance.

Yours sincerely ,


140150446 Meii

Dear David,

Would you like to join to my and my family for Chinese New Year ? Chinese New Year in China

, also known as the Spring Festival, it begins on the first day of the first lunar month. Is the most important festival in our various festivals .,it is the symbol of new and promising life.

The festival is permeated with an atmosphere of jubilation. People decorate their homes with red lanterns, red posters with poetic verses are put on the door.

On Spring Festival' Eve , Wherever the family are ,they get together to eat reunion dinner .There are some traditional and delicious food ,such as dumplings ,it symbolizes the reunion .After the dinner, people who wear the new cltoh visit their families to send Chinese New Year greetings to each other ,which is benefit for the harmony of the family .Children is so pleased to receive “luck” money.

In the evening of the Spring Festival Eve, people set off fireworks to cast away the monster whose name is Nian .people think that it will break up any bad luck and bring forth good luck.

There are also many cultural activities to welcome the New Year ,such as dragon and lion dances, ancestor worship and so on .

How colorful the festival is ! I am looking forward to your attendance.

Yours sincerely ,



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