


乐手克列斯比在疯狂的弹了一夜的大提琴后割腕自杀,读到阿玛兰塔变态无耻的苟活着,只是为了给自己的姐姐也是自己的情敌编织殓衣,读到第十七个小奥雷连诺躲过数十年的追杀,却被家人拒之门外,最终逃不掉额头被钉死的宿命,读到那装满了两百节车厢的死尸被倒入大海... 会悚然惊觉,经过了开头几节的艰深滞涩,写到这里已经是酣畅淋漓,仿佛马尔克斯十几年的悄没声息的创作磨练将所有的情节浑然一体,所有的情感在这一瞬厚积薄发不可抑制。我感觉自己似乎身处一个黑暗的隧道,面前是一个似乎无所不知的老太婆,说着自己的往事,那么多惊心动魄的故事在平静的语调中娓娓道来。你被每一个情节震撼,但是你能隐隐约约的清楚其实所有的事情都已注定,似乎每个人都被一个线牵引着无法偏离轨道。她偶尔会透露一些宿命的迹象,比如皮拉? 苔列娜用来算命的纸牌,奥雷连诺上校对死亡的预感,羊皮纸上的梵语密文;但是,这些宿命的暗示却被那些自认为清醒的人们当作疯子的澹语和梦呓,而那些真正清醒的人从中得到的却是更加无边无际的绝望和痛苦――发现自己的孤独和苦难是不可避免,无论你是否努力去抗争都摆脱不了的绝望和痛苦。读着读着,你会被这种悲观的念头击溃,会傻傻的想人生就是这样,一切的命运都没法改变,难道这样就不要活了吗?人生的意义何在?如何才能摆脱这宿命的孤独?当我终于读完这本书,合上之后唯一的念头就是走出门外呼吸一下新鲜的空气;我需要面对阳光来证明自己其实刚才只是做了一场恶梦。虽然走出去之后,我看着屋外的天空,怎么也想不起到底是上午还是下午,但仍然觉得很幸运,真的是一种解脱,从恶梦里惊醒的感觉,一种逃离死境的庆幸,一种劫后余生的喜悦。

《百年孤独》里给人印象最深的是布恩蒂亚家族的孤独者们。孤独成了这个家族的徽记,如同他们血液中固有的冒险、冲动、勇敢和不屈,还有遗传的高高的颧骨,以及骨子里隐藏至深的luan 伦渴望。这种孤独不同于中世纪贵族的那种“高贵的忧郁”,象莎士比亚笔下的威尼斯商人安东尼奥,它不是在华丽的客厅里,踱着方步慨叹生命之短暂、蔷薇之枯萎;也不是用天使的丽目俯察人世的风云无常、世态炎凉。它是对世界本体的一种凄凉的绝望,是低贱的、卑微的,有一种浓灰色的压抑感,有是一种惨淡的幽默。这是一种绝顶的忧郁,无可逃遁甚至无法减轻。

Keres musicians shells than in the wild after a night of cello割腕suicide, read shameless a metamorphosis, but in order to own their own sister is also a rival mortuary woven clothing, read the seventeenth a small escaped down for decades, but his family out, and ultimately can not escape the fate of his forehead was crucified, read the compartment filled with 200 dead bodies were dumped into the sea ... will be surprised, after the beginning of the difficult sections, wrote here already earned dripping, as if Marquez was

done in not more than ten years of creative silence temper seamless all the circumstances, all the emotion in this moment can not be inhibited. I seem to feel that they live in a dark tunnel, the face of a seemingly all-knowing the old woman, said his back, so many soul-stirring story in a calm tone in. You are the circumstances of each shock, but you can clearly vague in fact all the things have been doomed, it seems that everyone is towed by a line with no deviation from the track. She occasionally revealed some signs of fate, such as Pilar? Carex Lena cards for fortune-telling, the proofing premonition of death, the Sanskrit parchment ciphertext; However, the fate implied by those sober people think of Dan as a crazy language and balderdash, and those who really get sober but it is more despair and suffering immense - they found that their loneliness and suffering is inevitable, no matter whether you try to fight all and could not shake off the despair and misery. Reading reading, you will be pessimistic about the idea of such a defeat would is the wish of life, the fate of all could not change it so do not live it? What is the meaning of life? How to get out of this lonely fate? When I finally finished reading this book, after the close of the idea is only going outside to breathe some fresh air; I need to prove himself to face the sun in fact, done just a nightmare. While going out, I looked at the sky outside, also can not remember how the morning or afternoon in the end, but still

feel very lucky, really is a relief, awoke from a nightmare in the sense of a territory to escape death Fortunately, a kind of joy survivors.

"One Hundred Years of Solitude" and the most impressive family who are lonely. Lonely has become the emblem of the family, as they take the risk inherent in the blood, impulsive, courageous and unyielding, as well as the high genetic cheekbone, as well as bones hidden deep desire of luan lun. This is different from the medieval aristocracy alone the kind of "noble and melancholy," as Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice Antonio, it is not in the gorgeous living room, walking with measured steps sigh Life is short, the withered rose; not use angels Li heads down review of the situation and volatile world,. It is one of the world body bleak despair, is inferior, and humble, there is a thick gray depression, there is a kind of bleak humor. This is an excellent shape and depression, it is unable to escape or even to mitigate.


乐手克列斯比在疯狂的弹了一夜的大提琴后割腕自杀,读到阿玛兰塔变态无耻的苟活着,只是为了给自己的姐姐也是自己的情敌编织殓衣,读到第十七个小奥雷连诺躲过数十年的追杀,却被家人拒之门外,最终逃不掉额头被钉死的宿命,读到那装满了两百节车厢的死尸被倒入大海... 会悚然惊觉,经过了开头几节的艰深滞涩,写到这里已经是酣畅淋漓,仿佛马尔克斯十几年的悄没声息的创作磨练将所有的情节浑然一体,所有的情感在这一瞬厚积薄发不可抑制。我感觉自己似乎身处一个黑暗的隧道,面前是一个似乎无所不知的老太婆,说着自己的往事,那么多惊心动魄的故事在平静的语调中娓娓道来。你被每一个情节震撼,但是你能隐隐约约的清楚其实所有的事情都已注定,似乎每个人都被一个线牵引着无法偏离轨道。她偶尔会透露一些宿命的迹象,比如皮拉? 苔列娜用来算命的纸牌,奥雷连诺上校对死亡的预感,羊皮纸上的梵语密文;但是,这些宿命的暗示却被那些自认为清醒的人们当作疯子的澹语和梦呓,而那些真正清醒的人从中得到的却是更加无边无际的绝望和痛苦――发现自己的孤独和苦难是不可避免,无论你是否努力去抗争都摆脱不了的绝望和痛苦。读着读着,你会被这种悲观的念头击溃,会傻傻的想人生就是这样,一切的命运都没法改变,难道这样就不要活了吗?人生的意义何在?如何才能摆脱这宿命的孤独?当我终于读完这本书,合上之后唯一的念头就是走出门外呼吸一下新鲜的空气;我需要面对阳光来证明自己其实刚才只是做了一场恶梦。虽然走出去之后,我看着屋外的天空,怎么也想不起到底是上午还是下午,但仍然觉得很幸运,真的是一种解脱,从恶梦里惊醒的感觉,一种逃离死境的庆幸,一种劫后余生的喜悦。

《百年孤独》里给人印象最深的是布恩蒂亚家族的孤独者们。孤独成了这个家族的徽记,如同他们血液中固有的冒险、冲动、勇敢和不屈,还有遗传的高高的颧骨,以及骨子里隐藏至深的luan 伦渴望。这种孤独不同于中世纪贵族的那种“高贵的忧郁”,象莎士比亚笔下的威尼斯商人安东尼奥,它不是在华丽的客厅里,踱着方步慨叹生命之短暂、蔷薇之枯萎;也不是用天使的丽目俯察人世的风云无常、世态炎凉。它是对世界本体的一种凄凉的绝望,是低贱的、卑微的,有一种浓灰色的压抑感,有是一种惨淡的幽默。这是一种绝顶的忧郁,无可逃遁甚至无法减轻。

Keres musicians shells than in the wild after a night of cello割腕suicide, read shameless a metamorphosis, but in order to own their own sister is also a rival mortuary woven clothing, read the seventeenth a small escaped down for decades, but his family out, and ultimately can not escape the fate of his forehead was crucified, read the compartment filled with 200 dead bodies were dumped into the sea ... will be surprised, after the beginning of the difficult sections, wrote here already earned dripping, as if Marquez was

done in not more than ten years of creative silence temper seamless all the circumstances, all the emotion in this moment can not be inhibited. I seem to feel that they live in a dark tunnel, the face of a seemingly all-knowing the old woman, said his back, so many soul-stirring story in a calm tone in. You are the circumstances of each shock, but you can clearly vague in fact all the things have been doomed, it seems that everyone is towed by a line with no deviation from the track. She occasionally revealed some signs of fate, such as Pilar? Carex Lena cards for fortune-telling, the proofing premonition of death, the Sanskrit parchment ciphertext; However, the fate implied by those sober people think of Dan as a crazy language and balderdash, and those who really get sober but it is more despair and suffering immense - they found that their loneliness and suffering is inevitable, no matter whether you try to fight all and could not shake off the despair and misery. Reading reading, you will be pessimistic about the idea of such a defeat would is the wish of life, the fate of all could not change it so do not live it? What is the meaning of life? How to get out of this lonely fate? When I finally finished reading this book, after the close of the idea is only going outside to breathe some fresh air; I need to prove himself to face the sun in fact, done just a nightmare. While going out, I looked at the sky outside, also can not remember how the morning or afternoon in the end, but still

feel very lucky, really is a relief, awoke from a nightmare in the sense of a territory to escape death Fortunately, a kind of joy survivors.

"One Hundred Years of Solitude" and the most impressive family who are lonely. Lonely has become the emblem of the family, as they take the risk inherent in the blood, impulsive, courageous and unyielding, as well as the high genetic cheekbone, as well as bones hidden deep desire of luan lun. This is different from the medieval aristocracy alone the kind of "noble and melancholy," as Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice Antonio, it is not in the gorgeous living room, walking with measured steps sigh Life is short, the withered rose; not use angels Li heads down review of the situation and volatile world,. It is one of the world body bleak despair, is inferior, and humble, there is a thick gray depression, there is a kind of bleak humor. This is an excellent shape and depression, it is unable to escape or even to mitigate.


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  • 小编导语:这是<百年孤独>读后感作文,读完<百年孤独>觉得这是一部讲述孤独的书,整本书中,每个人都是一个孤独的个体.更多<百年孤独>读后感作文尽在百度攻略. 前几天读完了马尔克斯的<百年孤独>,一直打算写篇读后感,苦于无从下笔.一方面是对作品本身有一知 ...

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  • 读后感 最初阅读<百年孤独>这本书是因为"孤独"二字吸引了我.书中内容庞杂,人物众多,情节曲折离奇,再加上神话故事.宗教典故.民间传说以及作家独创的从未来的角度来回忆过去的新颖倒叙手法等等,令人眼花缭乱.但阅毕全书,我们可以领悟,作家是要通过布恩迪亚家族7代人充满神秘 ...

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  • 小编导语:这是<百年孤独>读后感作文,<百年孤独>是马尔克斯的代表作,这是一部讲述拉丁美洲百年孤独的历史的书,更多<百年孤独>读后感作文尽在百度攻略. 马尔克斯的<百年孤独>使他成为拉丁美洲的骄傲.也让他获得了世界级的声望.<霍乱时期的爱情> ...

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  • <百年孤独>读后感 整本书中,不难看出每个人都是一个孤独的个体.我觉得这种孤独并不仅仅只属于布恩蒂亚家族,甚至不仅仅只属于拉美,我觉得孤独是全人类所面临的一种命运,换句话说,孤独才是人类生存的真相.每个人不能掌握自身的命运,产生了绝望.冷漠和麻木感.正因为孤独,我们才会备受苦痛,备受内心 ...

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  • <百年孤独>读后感 最开始关注马尔克斯是因为他的<霍乱时期的爱情>,因为喜欢这部书里马尔克斯细致美丽的写作风格和它淡雅迷人的故事,所以也开始阅读他另一部久负盛名并且获得了文学界最高荣誉诺贝尔文学奖的代表作<百年孤独>. <百年孤独>讲述的是延续了百年血 ...

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  • <百年孤独>读后感 老师推荐了很多的书,<百年孤独>算是一本.但我偏偏购买了这本书,从买书的这一刻,无形之中,我踏入了痛苦的深渊.先看了导读,嗯,感觉不错.随手翻阅,在看了将近五十页后,无奈宣告放弃,此后很长一段时间不曾翻阅,终于在此次暑假将其读完,自豪之感油然而生,买来将近 ...

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  • <百年孤独>读后感 读第一遍的时候,我被完全雷同的姓名,无数的倒叙.插叙给弄晕了,根本不解其义:读第二遍的时候,我把七代人进行了排列,终于使书中的人物对号入座:读第三遍的时候,我连同<百年孤独>所处的时代背景和作者的身世进行了了解,于是,我被深深地震憾了,为作者,为书本,为拉 ...
