



我的小学生涯是不学习英语的,真正接触英语是初一的时候,那时候我是从最基本的26个字母学起的。因为家里是农村的原因,所以英语老师的水平都不怎么好,不过那时候最崇拜和最恐惧的就是英语老师了。崇拜的原因是老师在讲台上侃侃而谈,我们根本听不懂,便觉得听不懂就是好的。恐惧的原因是每次上课都要上讲台上默写单词或者两人对话,那时候觉得没有什么比这更可怕的事情了。周围的小伙伴大部分都是初中没读完就辍学了,更加不知道学习英语的重要性了。我们那时候普通话都说不好,更不用说主动用英语来交流了。对一个农民来说英语简直天方夜谭。同学们之间普遍流行一句话:我是中国人,为啥学习外语,不学ABC ,照样当经理。众所周知,学习一门语言环境很重要,我周围的环境使得我对刚刚接触的英语提不起兴趣,更不用说学好它了。因此,应对考试成了我学习英语的唯一动力。现在回想起那时候的时光,一半忧伤,一半喜悦。

在我村子,能把初中读完的人很少,考上高中的人更加稀如牛毛,而我就是那牛毛中的一根。没有人愿意承认自己在某方面比别人差,我也想学好英语,我也想在别人面前自豪的用英语讲话。然而这一愿望在升入高中后很快夭折了,因为我明白了在中国升入高中意味着你要时刻为高考做准备。每天重复着做英语试题,每天接触到选项A B C D,我讨厌那种应试教育,但是我又不得不去忍受,世界上最痛苦的事情莫过于此。





My English study

I want to talk about English study today. I have a lot to say about learning English. Though I read the book for many years, also learn English for many years, but always think my English level is very poor, especially oral English. Every time I want to talk with others in English, even the most simple words are right on the tip of my tongue, not to mention the composition of the sentence, the more I don't know where to put the preposition. Each time I FELT very embarrassed. Let me talk about my English study course.

I DO not learn English IN My primary school, I firstly got in touch with English was in the junior middle school. At that time I began to learn English from the 26 letters. Because of my home is in the countryside, the level of English teacher is not good. At that time I most worshiped and feared people was an English teacher. I adored my English teacher because the teacher said a lot in English on the platform, we simply couldn't understand. I felt didn't understand was good. I feared the teacher because we had to write English words or dialogue on the platform each class. At that time, I thought there was nothing more terrible than this. Most of my friends dropped out of school in junior middle school, so I didn't know the importance of learning English. At that time, our mandarin was not good, not to mention we communicated in English. English is a fable for a farmer. Between students generally popular a word: I'm a Chinese, why do I learn a foreign language, even I do not learn ABC, I will become the manager. As we all know, the environment is very important to learn a

language, the environment around me made me is not interested in English, let alone learn it well. Therefore, exams became my only motivation to learn English. When I recalled that time again, half in sorrow, half in joy.

In my village, very few people could finish the junior middle school, more less people who admitted to high school, and I was the one of the few. No one is willing to admit that he is inferior to others in some way. I also want to learn English well, I also want to talk to others proudly in English. However, this desire died soon after I went to junior high school. Because I've learned that you always were preparing for the college entrance examination in high school in China. You had to repeat the test every day, every day I had to come into contact with the options A, B, C and D. I hated that kind of exam-oriented education, but I had to endure again, it is the most painful thing in the world.

I don't know how I was admitted to the university, but not because I clearly understand English. After entering university, English education was free, but few people didn't skip class in the class of 200 people, I was one of them. Sometimes I went to class, I also was not very focused, I learned very little in the university. In college, there were a lot of after-class time, I liked watching English movies, which left me the deepest impression was "pride and prejudice", and taken including Disney cartoons, such as the "ice age", "the beautiful big feet" and so on. Though I passed the national college English band 4 and 6 in college, but I always felt a little more luck, even in. The postgraduate entrance examination .Sometimes I really didn't know some English words , also I didn't understand what the topic is.

I started my graduate life in the University of Shantou. I thought English education such as bachelor degree, and I didn't know English teaching class is small, this made me very excited. My English foundation (including pronunciation, grammar, etc.) is poor compared to others. Sometimes I don't understand what the teacher is saying, but I will try to practice my English listening and speaking. As I won't give up English learning, I believe that god will never give up people who are motivated. In addition, I like the teacher's teaching way, and the teacher is very patient. I believe that my English will be improved under the guidance of the teacher.

Finally end in one sentence: the early birds catch the worms!




As we such a big man, their minds have the outline of a house. My ideal home is not a villa, mansion, but simple three bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom, had better have a balcony, so that I can grow flowers on the balcony and enjoy the sun. I don't like the house with the elevator, because every time to ride the elevator, I always worry about the elevator will be broken. And the location of the house is not too high, third layers is the best. The most important of all, the environment around the house must be better, such as landscaping, lighting, ventilation, etc.

Inside the house, I want to decorate into rural style, because I'm yearning rural life, the curtain is light green. Toilet decorate must be high-grade, especially the toilet waterproof.



我的小学生涯是不学习英语的,真正接触英语是初一的时候,那时候我是从最基本的26个字母学起的。因为家里是农村的原因,所以英语老师的水平都不怎么好,不过那时候最崇拜和最恐惧的就是英语老师了。崇拜的原因是老师在讲台上侃侃而谈,我们根本听不懂,便觉得听不懂就是好的。恐惧的原因是每次上课都要上讲台上默写单词或者两人对话,那时候觉得没有什么比这更可怕的事情了。周围的小伙伴大部分都是初中没读完就辍学了,更加不知道学习英语的重要性了。我们那时候普通话都说不好,更不用说主动用英语来交流了。对一个农民来说英语简直天方夜谭。同学们之间普遍流行一句话:我是中国人,为啥学习外语,不学ABC ,照样当经理。众所周知,学习一门语言环境很重要,我周围的环境使得我对刚刚接触的英语提不起兴趣,更不用说学好它了。因此,应对考试成了我学习英语的唯一动力。现在回想起那时候的时光,一半忧伤,一半喜悦。

在我村子,能把初中读完的人很少,考上高中的人更加稀如牛毛,而我就是那牛毛中的一根。没有人愿意承认自己在某方面比别人差,我也想学好英语,我也想在别人面前自豪的用英语讲话。然而这一愿望在升入高中后很快夭折了,因为我明白了在中国升入高中意味着你要时刻为高考做准备。每天重复着做英语试题,每天接触到选项A B C D,我讨厌那种应试教育,但是我又不得不去忍受,世界上最痛苦的事情莫过于此。





My English study

I want to talk about English study today. I have a lot to say about learning English. Though I read the book for many years, also learn English for many years, but always think my English level is very poor, especially oral English. Every time I want to talk with others in English, even the most simple words are right on the tip of my tongue, not to mention the composition of the sentence, the more I don't know where to put the preposition. Each time I FELT very embarrassed. Let me talk about my English study course.

I DO not learn English IN My primary school, I firstly got in touch with English was in the junior middle school. At that time I began to learn English from the 26 letters. Because of my home is in the countryside, the level of English teacher is not good. At that time I most worshiped and feared people was an English teacher. I adored my English teacher because the teacher said a lot in English on the platform, we simply couldn't understand. I felt didn't understand was good. I feared the teacher because we had to write English words or dialogue on the platform each class. At that time, I thought there was nothing more terrible than this. Most of my friends dropped out of school in junior middle school, so I didn't know the importance of learning English. At that time, our mandarin was not good, not to mention we communicated in English. English is a fable for a farmer. Between students generally popular a word: I'm a Chinese, why do I learn a foreign language, even I do not learn ABC, I will become the manager. As we all know, the environment is very important to learn a

language, the environment around me made me is not interested in English, let alone learn it well. Therefore, exams became my only motivation to learn English. When I recalled that time again, half in sorrow, half in joy.

In my village, very few people could finish the junior middle school, more less people who admitted to high school, and I was the one of the few. No one is willing to admit that he is inferior to others in some way. I also want to learn English well, I also want to talk to others proudly in English. However, this desire died soon after I went to junior high school. Because I've learned that you always were preparing for the college entrance examination in high school in China. You had to repeat the test every day, every day I had to come into contact with the options A, B, C and D. I hated that kind of exam-oriented education, but I had to endure again, it is the most painful thing in the world.

I don't know how I was admitted to the university, but not because I clearly understand English. After entering university, English education was free, but few people didn't skip class in the class of 200 people, I was one of them. Sometimes I went to class, I also was not very focused, I learned very little in the university. In college, there were a lot of after-class time, I liked watching English movies, which left me the deepest impression was "pride and prejudice", and taken including Disney cartoons, such as the "ice age", "the beautiful big feet" and so on. Though I passed the national college English band 4 and 6 in college, but I always felt a little more luck, even in. The postgraduate entrance examination .Sometimes I really didn't know some English words , also I didn't understand what the topic is.

I started my graduate life in the University of Shantou. I thought English education such as bachelor degree, and I didn't know English teaching class is small, this made me very excited. My English foundation (including pronunciation, grammar, etc.) is poor compared to others. Sometimes I don't understand what the teacher is saying, but I will try to practice my English listening and speaking. As I won't give up English learning, I believe that god will never give up people who are motivated. In addition, I like the teacher's teaching way, and the teacher is very patient. I believe that my English will be improved under the guidance of the teacher.

Finally end in one sentence: the early birds catch the worms!




As we such a big man, their minds have the outline of a house. My ideal home is not a villa, mansion, but simple three bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom, had better have a balcony, so that I can grow flowers on the balcony and enjoy the sun. I don't like the house with the elevator, because every time to ride the elevator, I always worry about the elevator will be broken. And the location of the house is not too high, third layers is the best. The most important of all, the environment around the house must be better, such as landscaping, lighting, ventilation, etc.

Inside the house, I want to decorate into rural style, because I'm yearning rural life, the curtain is light green. Toilet decorate must be high-grade, especially the toilet waterproof.


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