

Today in English class I was afraid to speak out because I didn't want to be laughed at by the other students. My teacher asked me some questions and I had a hard time with the words to use. After class, my teacher told me to listen to English TV and radio programs, to not be afraid to talk to foreign people I meet on the street, and to say the English words out loud over and over until I know them well. I thought this was a good idea and I will try to do this every day. I hope I can learn to speak English without being afraid.

In this weekly English exam I didn't do well. I was not careful and didn't take the time to do a good job. My problem is that I am very careless and make many mistakes. I need to work hard to learn English and get a good grade next week.

Today in English class I was afraid to speak out because I didn't want to be laughed at by the other students. My teacher asked me some questions and I had a hard time with the words to use. After class, my teacher told me to listen to English TV and radio programs, to not be afraid to talk to foreign people I meet on the street, and to say the English words out loud over and over until I know them well. I thought this was a good idea and I will try to do this every day. I hope I can learn to speak English without being afraid.

In this weekly English exam I didn't do well. I was not careful and didn't take the time to do a good job. My problem is that I am very careless and make many mistakes. I need to work hard to learn English and get a good grade next week.


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