


Directions: In this part, you are required to write a composition entitled If I Were the Mayor of This City in no less than 200 words. Your composition should be based on the following outlines: Outlines: 这个城市现在存在的问题;

假如我是市长的话, 如何解决这些问题; 问题解决后的城市前景.

2004 年武汉大学考博作文题

Directions: In this part, you are required to write a composition entitled My View on Terrorist Activities in Some

Countries in no less than 200 words. Your composition should be based on the following outlines:




你对我国政府所采取措施的态度或看法. 2003 年武汉大学考博作文题

Directions: In this part, you are expected to write a composition entitled Looking Forward to the New Reform of College English in China in no less than 200 words.

Your composition should be based on the following outlines:

有些人认为随着各种高水平电子课件的制作与引进,大学生基本上可以自学英语了; 有些人认为大学英语教师虽然面临挑战,但不可或缺;


2002 年武汉大学考博作文题

Directions: In this part, you are expected to write a composition entitled Pressures on Modern Man in no less than 200

words. Your composition should be based on the following outlines:

现代人会遇到各种各样的压力; 压力的来源;



250字 My Understanding of Globalization

Pressures on Modern Man

With the development of science and technology, people ’s life style has rapidly/dramatically changed/altered. As a consequence, people are facing an increasingly unbearable burden, either physically or mentally/psychologically.

It is a highly socialized problem. In recent years, it is often reported that people who can’t endure/tolerate/put up with pressure in work or family committed suicide. It is really something to be pitied. They just see the negative side of the meaning of life. Even if they perished, they

wouldn ’t be liberated mentally. From the report, you can always see that the man who can ’t endure the pressure are who have rejected advanced educate. The education system lead to the problem. Many people believe that the technology is the most important when a person who is educated well as result of the excited competation in the society. This is a very old view if you see further, the knowledge you study often can ’t used immediately in your work, the control of your pleasure with the pressures you faced is more important. Believe that, every person has its own

ability, just do it as you are the most preferable person to do this work.

The way to resolve the problem is that teach man how to love himself and his family. Whenever you are in pressure, find an excuse to let you relexiable. The end and most important that change the education system, IQ is not the first problem, just be kind with yourself.

Since everything has two sides.


Directions: In this part, you are required to write a composition entitled If I Were the Mayor of This City in no less than 200 words. Your composition should be based on the following outlines: Outlines: 这个城市现在存在的问题;

假如我是市长的话, 如何解决这些问题; 问题解决后的城市前景.

2004 年武汉大学考博作文题

Directions: In this part, you are required to write a composition entitled My View on Terrorist Activities in Some

Countries in no less than 200 words. Your composition should be based on the following outlines:




你对我国政府所采取措施的态度或看法. 2003 年武汉大学考博作文题

Directions: In this part, you are expected to write a composition entitled Looking Forward to the New Reform of College English in China in no less than 200 words.

Your composition should be based on the following outlines:

有些人认为随着各种高水平电子课件的制作与引进,大学生基本上可以自学英语了; 有些人认为大学英语教师虽然面临挑战,但不可或缺;


2002 年武汉大学考博作文题

Directions: In this part, you are expected to write a composition entitled Pressures on Modern Man in no less than 200

words. Your composition should be based on the following outlines:

现代人会遇到各种各样的压力; 压力的来源;



250字 My Understanding of Globalization

Pressures on Modern Man

With the development of science and technology, people ’s life style has rapidly/dramatically changed/altered. As a consequence, people are facing an increasingly unbearable burden, either physically or mentally/psychologically.

It is a highly socialized problem. In recent years, it is often reported that people who can’t endure/tolerate/put up with pressure in work or family committed suicide. It is really something to be pitied. They just see the negative side of the meaning of life. Even if they perished, they

wouldn ’t be liberated mentally. From the report, you can always see that the man who can ’t endure the pressure are who have rejected advanced educate. The education system lead to the problem. Many people believe that the technology is the most important when a person who is educated well as result of the excited competation in the society. This is a very old view if you see further, the knowledge you study often can ’t used immediately in your work, the control of your pleasure with the pressures you faced is more important. Believe that, every person has its own

ability, just do it as you are the most preferable person to do this work.

The way to resolve the problem is that teach man how to love himself and his family. Whenever you are in pressure, find an excuse to let you relexiable. The end and most important that change the education system, IQ is not the first problem, just be kind with yourself.

Since everything has two sides.


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