

Marry for Love or Money?

Recently, I have just finished a novel, named “Pride and Prejudice”, which is written by Jane Austen, in 1813.This novel is set in the conventional and enclosed country life in England during the end of eighteenth century and the beginning of nineteenth century. The main information that this novel conveys is such a view for marriage: it ’s wrong to marry only for property and social states, and also you are fool if you marry without considering money. Elizabeth and MR Darcy play the main roles. Born in a rich family, MR Darcy fell in love with Elizabeth, whose family is poor, however, Elizabeth refused his propose because of some misunderstandings with him. But finally, she married him after she knew his kindness and true love to her. Also, in this novel, it describes the marriage of Elizabeth’s sisters, which can be reflected with her ideal marriage vividly. After reading this novel, I really sank into thinking. I wonder what we should marry for on earth! I think I would like to agree with the information that the novel conveys: Marry for love but also considering money.

Most people, who choose to marry for love, are just attracted by men ’s or women ’s charming appearance. They also have a feeling that how charming and lovely she or he is when they first meet someone. Just like Jane met MR Bingley. “He is just what a young man ought to be, sensible, good humoured , lovely; and I never saw such happy manners!

So much ease, with such perfect good breeding! ” I believe that many people have experienced the same feeling for one person and hence getting the ideal to marry him or her. However, such feeling can ’t last until both of you die. Especially when you marry a man without money, problem will arouse somehow. Therefore, marry just for love is really unwise.

Well, vice and versa, if you marry just for property and social states, you may feel comfortable in material life but what about your mentality? What about your spiritual needs? A rich life can ’t give you that. As a result, you get unhappy and perhaps quarrel with your husband all the time. How terrible it is!

“Made up the match, gave the money, paid the fellow’s debt…rant and storm about his love for you, and there will be an end of the matter.” (P487) This is a description about MR Darcy, Elizabeth is a really lucky girl, she got a husband who not only loved her a lot, but also had a large property. I think MR Darcy can really be our ideal husband. Marriage is a matter of one ’s whole, marrying for love or money is tedious, while marrying for love with considering property can lead you a really satisfying life.

Marry for Love or Money?

Recently, I have just finished a novel, named “Pride and Prejudice”, which is written by Jane Austen, in 1813.This novel is set in the conventional and enclosed country life in England during the end of eighteenth century and the beginning of nineteenth century. The main information that this novel conveys is such a view for marriage: it ’s wrong to marry only for property and social states, and also you are fool if you marry without considering money. Elizabeth and MR Darcy play the main roles. Born in a rich family, MR Darcy fell in love with Elizabeth, whose family is poor, however, Elizabeth refused his propose because of some misunderstandings with him. But finally, she married him after she knew his kindness and true love to her. Also, in this novel, it describes the marriage of Elizabeth’s sisters, which can be reflected with her ideal marriage vividly. After reading this novel, I really sank into thinking. I wonder what we should marry for on earth! I think I would like to agree with the information that the novel conveys: Marry for love but also considering money.

Most people, who choose to marry for love, are just attracted by men ’s or women ’s charming appearance. They also have a feeling that how charming and lovely she or he is when they first meet someone. Just like Jane met MR Bingley. “He is just what a young man ought to be, sensible, good humoured , lovely; and I never saw such happy manners!

So much ease, with such perfect good breeding! ” I believe that many people have experienced the same feeling for one person and hence getting the ideal to marry him or her. However, such feeling can ’t last until both of you die. Especially when you marry a man without money, problem will arouse somehow. Therefore, marry just for love is really unwise.

Well, vice and versa, if you marry just for property and social states, you may feel comfortable in material life but what about your mentality? What about your spiritual needs? A rich life can ’t give you that. As a result, you get unhappy and perhaps quarrel with your husband all the time. How terrible it is!

“Made up the match, gave the money, paid the fellow’s debt…rant and storm about his love for you, and there will be an end of the matter.” (P487) This is a description about MR Darcy, Elizabeth is a really lucky girl, she got a husband who not only loved her a lot, but also had a large property. I think MR Darcy can really be our ideal husband. Marriage is a matter of one ’s whole, marrying for love or money is tedious, while marrying for love with considering property can lead you a really satisfying life.


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