






The Rules of the Game Players will walk around stepping stone to music. When the music stops,the players need to stand on a stone,who is not standing on the stone will be eliminated. Each group can play 3 rounds. When the player complete the task, the player can get a stamp.

打保龄球 游戏规则:1、要求家长和幼儿一起站在起点线将球滚向保龄球瓶处。


The Rules of the Game

Players roll the ball to the bowling pins. Each family have 3 opportunities to hit all the pins. When the player complete the task, the player can get a stamp.




The Rules of the Game

Three children to participate in games every time. Players will stand at the starting line with three rings, and throw them to the elephant's nose. When the player complete the task, the player can get a stamp.


游戏规则:1、每次三组家庭参加 2、家长和孩子用铺垫纸片“过河”——把纸片铺在地上两人站上去,再把另一张纸铺在前面两人走到前一张纸上,以此类推往前走 3、在“过河”过程中要求家长和幼儿站在纸上时,双脚不能离开纸片。按要求成功完成游戏将获得印章。 The Rules of the Game

Three family groups in a time. Each family will have two pieces of paper to go across the river. Players will go forward by moving the paper. Players’ feet can't leave the paper during the game. When the player complete the task, the player can get a stamp.



2、幼儿找到妈妈的鞋并给妈妈穿好,按要求成功完成任务将获得印章。 The Rules of the Game Parents will take off shoes in the designated line and find a chair to sit down. Children will find the right shoes and put them on for their Parent. When they complete the task, they can get a stamp.



The Rules of the Game Three family groups in a time. All players will stand at the starting line. Children will step their small feet on parents’ big feet and walk together during the game. When the player complete the task, the player can get a stamp.

游戏:抬小猪 游戏规则:游戏分三组家庭同时进行,听到口令后,家长和幼儿手拿两根小棒(用挂历纸卷成),抬着“小猪”(皮球)从起点走到终点,完成任务得一个印章。

The Rules of the Game

Three family groups in a time. After hearing instructions, players will hold two small rods, carried "piggy"(the ball) from the starting

line to the finish line. When the player complete the task, the player can get a stamp.



2、第二遍音乐响, 报纸对折,围报纸转,音乐停,再次站到报纸上,依次类推,完成任务得一个印章。

The Rules of the Game

Players will walk around newspaper to music. Each round, players need to fold the newspaper in a half . And every time when music stop, players have to stand on the newspaper by their own ways. When the player complete the task, the player can get a stamp.

穿越封锁线 游戏规则:每组家庭所有成员的身体在不触碰棉线的情况下(自行想方法),从起点到达终点,完成任务得一个印章。 Without touching the line, Player will crawl from the starting line to the end. When the player complete the task, the player can get a stamp.


1、三组家庭站成一排,手拉手 2、在不松手前提下,运用身体运动将呼啦圈从第一个人传到最后一个人,按要求成功完成任务将获得印章。 Three pairs of families stand in a row, hand in hand, and use their body

movement to pass the hula hoops from the beginning to the end. When the player complete the task, the player can get a stamp.






The Rules of the Game Players will walk around stepping stone to music. When the music stops,the players need to stand on a stone,who is not standing on the stone will be eliminated. Each group can play 3 rounds. When the player complete the task, the player can get a stamp.

打保龄球 游戏规则:1、要求家长和幼儿一起站在起点线将球滚向保龄球瓶处。


The Rules of the Game

Players roll the ball to the bowling pins. Each family have 3 opportunities to hit all the pins. When the player complete the task, the player can get a stamp.




The Rules of the Game

Three children to participate in games every time. Players will stand at the starting line with three rings, and throw them to the elephant's nose. When the player complete the task, the player can get a stamp.


游戏规则:1、每次三组家庭参加 2、家长和孩子用铺垫纸片“过河”——把纸片铺在地上两人站上去,再把另一张纸铺在前面两人走到前一张纸上,以此类推往前走 3、在“过河”过程中要求家长和幼儿站在纸上时,双脚不能离开纸片。按要求成功完成游戏将获得印章。 The Rules of the Game

Three family groups in a time. Each family will have two pieces of paper to go across the river. Players will go forward by moving the paper. Players’ feet can't leave the paper during the game. When the player complete the task, the player can get a stamp.



2、幼儿找到妈妈的鞋并给妈妈穿好,按要求成功完成任务将获得印章。 The Rules of the Game Parents will take off shoes in the designated line and find a chair to sit down. Children will find the right shoes and put them on for their Parent. When they complete the task, they can get a stamp.



The Rules of the Game Three family groups in a time. All players will stand at the starting line. Children will step their small feet on parents’ big feet and walk together during the game. When the player complete the task, the player can get a stamp.

游戏:抬小猪 游戏规则:游戏分三组家庭同时进行,听到口令后,家长和幼儿手拿两根小棒(用挂历纸卷成),抬着“小猪”(皮球)从起点走到终点,完成任务得一个印章。

The Rules of the Game

Three family groups in a time. After hearing instructions, players will hold two small rods, carried "piggy"(the ball) from the starting

line to the finish line. When the player complete the task, the player can get a stamp.



2、第二遍音乐响, 报纸对折,围报纸转,音乐停,再次站到报纸上,依次类推,完成任务得一个印章。

The Rules of the Game

Players will walk around newspaper to music. Each round, players need to fold the newspaper in a half . And every time when music stop, players have to stand on the newspaper by their own ways. When the player complete the task, the player can get a stamp.

穿越封锁线 游戏规则:每组家庭所有成员的身体在不触碰棉线的情况下(自行想方法),从起点到达终点,完成任务得一个印章。 Without touching the line, Player will crawl from the starting line to the end. When the player complete the task, the player can get a stamp.


1、三组家庭站成一排,手拉手 2、在不松手前提下,运用身体运动将呼啦圈从第一个人传到最后一个人,按要求成功完成任务将获得印章。 Three pairs of families stand in a row, hand in hand, and use their body

movement to pass the hula hoops from the beginning to the end. When the player complete the task, the player can get a stamp.


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