

christmas day is the biggest festival in the western countries.it is on december 25£¬now its more and more important to china.the christmas season begins five or six weeks before the exact holiday.there is always a shopping boom during this period.so its really a happy season for shop owners.if we can do a good job marketing, it is certainly a great benefit to be obtained

through the following several points can do marketing work¡£

first of all, it is important to create a good festival atmosphere.we can put a christmas tree in front of the shop.and put a little of the classic festival music can be better to increase the festive atmosphere¡£sales staff and the cashier all head wearing a hat, but also a good way to stimulate consumption and increase the atmosphere¡£ second points, holding various promotional activities.through these promotional activities to increase consumption, hit the purpose of profit.for example, we can increase the consumption of shopping vouchers by spending 300 yuan.

last but not least,stores can hold public events¡£as long as the customer put the purchase of small votes in the collection box, the store will be 1% of the amount of money donated to the orphanage.and select 10 consumers in the christmas day and the store together to the orphanage to do public service activities.

by way of the above, we can do a good job in the christmas holiday marketing

christmas day is the biggest festival in the western countries.it is on december 25£¬now its more and more important to china.the christmas season begins five or six weeks before the exact holiday.there is always a shopping boom during this period.so its really a happy season for shop owners.if we can do a good job marketing, it is certainly a great benefit to be obtained

through the following several points can do marketing work¡£

first of all, it is important to create a good festival atmosphere.we can put a christmas tree in front of the shop.and put a little of the classic festival music can be better to increase the festive atmosphere¡£sales staff and the cashier all head wearing a hat, but also a good way to stimulate consumption and increase the atmosphere¡£ second points, holding various promotional activities.through these promotional activities to increase consumption, hit the purpose of profit.for example, we can increase the consumption of shopping vouchers by spending 300 yuan.

last but not least,stores can hold public events¡£as long as the customer put the purchase of small votes in the collection box, the store will be 1% of the amount of money donated to the orphanage.and select 10 consumers in the christmas day and the store together to the orphanage to do public service activities.

by way of the above, we can do a good job in the christmas holiday marketing


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