

School activities and studies

In many universities, there are not only studies in school but also many school activities for students to participate in. so some college students love activities such as clubs and sports more at their leisure time, while others students spend more time on their studies.

As far as I am concerned, it’s so normal that the two groups of students exist in one school. Those who spend much time on their studies have strong desire to get a high score in final exam, or they regard study as an interesting thing, they feel happy when they bury their head in studies. However, another group of students often participate in all kinds of activities, they have great chances to make different friends in these activities. What’s more, sports can help us keep health. In consideration of my desire to make friends and have a physique, I’d like spend more time in participating in activities.

Every coin has two sides, we ’d better make an attempt to keep an balance between studies an activities. Only in this way can we have a memorable school life.

The power of school motto

It is universally acknowledged that almost all school have a school moto to express school ’s spirit to the public and their student who are supposed to encouraged to study hard.

There is no doubt that Wuhan University has its own school motto, it says:” promote perseverance, improve yourself, seek truth and make innovation ”. It goes without saying that there are countless students who come from Wuhan University follow the motto to explore truth and make innovation in last over 120 years. Students in Wuhan University learn off the motto, they promote perseverance and improve themselves in daily life and study.School motto like a kind of invisible power, believe it or not, that lead us to earn the good quality which the motto describes. When it comes to talk a certain university, it is generally believed that students from here will have the good quality that its school motto describes.

To sum up, school motto attach great importance to not just students but also school.

School activities and studies

In many universities, there are not only studies in school but also many school activities for students to participate in. so some college students love activities such as clubs and sports more at their leisure time, while others students spend more time on their studies.

As far as I am concerned, it’s so normal that the two groups of students exist in one school. Those who spend much time on their studies have strong desire to get a high score in final exam, or they regard study as an interesting thing, they feel happy when they bury their head in studies. However, another group of students often participate in all kinds of activities, they have great chances to make different friends in these activities. What’s more, sports can help us keep health. In consideration of my desire to make friends and have a physique, I’d like spend more time in participating in activities.

Every coin has two sides, we ’d better make an attempt to keep an balance between studies an activities. Only in this way can we have a memorable school life.

The power of school motto

It is universally acknowledged that almost all school have a school moto to express school ’s spirit to the public and their student who are supposed to encouraged to study hard.

There is no doubt that Wuhan University has its own school motto, it says:” promote perseverance, improve yourself, seek truth and make innovation ”. It goes without saying that there are countless students who come from Wuhan University follow the motto to explore truth and make innovation in last over 120 years. Students in Wuhan University learn off the motto, they promote perseverance and improve themselves in daily life and study.School motto like a kind of invisible power, believe it or not, that lead us to earn the good quality which the motto describes. When it comes to talk a certain university, it is generally believed that students from here will have the good quality that its school motto describes.

To sum up, school motto attach great importance to not just students but also school.


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