

1 1.Venice was built on over ____ islands and ____ canals.

2.San marco, is home to many of Venice ’s attractions, including St Mark ’s Basilica. This spectacular church has ___ main arches.

3.The Carnival is an annual celebration before Lent, a ______ -day period of fasting that preceeds Easter.

4.There are some _____ palaces and homes of major historic importance in Venice. Notable among its _____ bridges is the Bridge of Sighs and among its churches is St. Mark's Basilica.

5.Most of the city's workers find employment in ___________ and related industries.

2. 3.

5. church ____________ 6. palace _____________

7. 位于….__________________ \ ________________ \ __________________

8. 有…人口 _________________________________

9. 由…组成 _______________________\ _____________________

10. 交通工具 ________________________________

11. 历史文化名城 ______________________________

12. 被分割成 ___________________

13. 叹息桥 _______________________

Venice 是意大利东北部的城市,人口约34万,由118个小岛组成,有水城之称。船是唯一的交通工具。它也是意大利的历史文化名城,城内古迹众多,有各式的教堂和宫殿。全城最长的街道是大水道,它把城市分割为两部分,两岸有许多著名的建筑。2月份会有狂欢节,期间人们戴着假发和面具庆祝节日。Venice 的必访景点是叹息桥,据说以前的囚犯经过那里总会发出一声叹息。沐浴在阳光里,泛舟水上,你会有一种满足感。








2 描述一个地方

1. 地理位置、周边环境 (Location)

1) My hometown stands on the bank of the changjiang river.

2)Our library lies in the middle of the school.

3)Surrounded by mountains on three sides, the small village faces a clear river.

4)….be located in\ on \ to ; …be situated in\ on\ to ; …lie in \ on \ to…; 位于…; 坐落于…;

a. 我们的校园位于文峰塔下。


5) …be covered with…

b. 那个区域常年被绿地覆盖。


5)in the middle of….; = in the centre of…; 在…. 中央

at the foot of…; 在…. 脚下

on the top of….; 在…顶端

6) 4000 meters above the sea-level ________________________________

2. 面积 (Area )

1) Our school covers\ has\ takes up an area of 21,000 square meters.

2) Our school is a place with an area of 21, 000 square meters.

3. 人口 (Population )

Qingyuan is a developing city with a population of about 4 million.

80% of the population are farmers.

3. 交通 (Transportation )

It takes 6 hours to reach xiushan by bus.

The new city has convenient transportation.

4. 历史 (History )

China has a history of 5,000 years.

China enjoyed a world-wide reputation with a history of 5,000 years.

5. 气候 (Climate)

1) The climate here is dry, humid, cold, sunny, stormy, rainy…

2) The average temperature in HongKong is about 22 degrees centigrade.

6. 特色 (Specialty )

1) The place is famous for the hospitality.

2) NanShan is rich in natural resources.

3) Sichuan is home to pandas.

1 1.Venice was built on over ____ islands and ____ canals.

2.San marco, is home to many of Venice ’s attractions, including St Mark ’s Basilica. This spectacular church has ___ main arches.

3.The Carnival is an annual celebration before Lent, a ______ -day period of fasting that preceeds Easter.

4.There are some _____ palaces and homes of major historic importance in Venice. Notable among its _____ bridges is the Bridge of Sighs and among its churches is St. Mark's Basilica.

5.Most of the city's workers find employment in ___________ and related industries.

2. 3.

5. church ____________ 6. palace _____________

7. 位于….__________________ \ ________________ \ __________________

8. 有…人口 _________________________________

9. 由…组成 _______________________\ _____________________

10. 交通工具 ________________________________

11. 历史文化名城 ______________________________

12. 被分割成 ___________________

13. 叹息桥 _______________________

Venice 是意大利东北部的城市,人口约34万,由118个小岛组成,有水城之称。船是唯一的交通工具。它也是意大利的历史文化名城,城内古迹众多,有各式的教堂和宫殿。全城最长的街道是大水道,它把城市分割为两部分,两岸有许多著名的建筑。2月份会有狂欢节,期间人们戴着假发和面具庆祝节日。Venice 的必访景点是叹息桥,据说以前的囚犯经过那里总会发出一声叹息。沐浴在阳光里,泛舟水上,你会有一种满足感。








2 描述一个地方

1. 地理位置、周边环境 (Location)

1) My hometown stands on the bank of the changjiang river.

2)Our library lies in the middle of the school.

3)Surrounded by mountains on three sides, the small village faces a clear river.

4)….be located in\ on \ to ; …be situated in\ on\ to ; …lie in \ on \ to…; 位于…; 坐落于…;

a. 我们的校园位于文峰塔下。


5) …be covered with…

b. 那个区域常年被绿地覆盖。


5)in the middle of….; = in the centre of…; 在…. 中央

at the foot of…; 在…. 脚下

on the top of….; 在…顶端

6) 4000 meters above the sea-level ________________________________

2. 面积 (Area )

1) Our school covers\ has\ takes up an area of 21,000 square meters.

2) Our school is a place with an area of 21, 000 square meters.

3. 人口 (Population )

Qingyuan is a developing city with a population of about 4 million.

80% of the population are farmers.

3. 交通 (Transportation )

It takes 6 hours to reach xiushan by bus.

The new city has convenient transportation.

4. 历史 (History )

China has a history of 5,000 years.

China enjoyed a world-wide reputation with a history of 5,000 years.

5. 气候 (Climate)

1) The climate here is dry, humid, cold, sunny, stormy, rainy…

2) The average temperature in HongKong is about 22 degrees centigrade.

6. 特色 (Specialty )

1) The place is famous for the hospitality.

2) NanShan is rich in natural resources.

3) Sichuan is home to pandas.


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