

boys both holding guitar are playing different life situations. The boy on the left is daydreaming about the day he gives a perfect concert and is admired by all the fans, while the boy on the right is practicing the guitar and singing skill persistently.

developed rapidly in terms of economy and science and technology. We have accomplished in about two decades action to do great number of students choose to take part in the National Entrance Exam for master’s degree. However, those who dreamed of becoming the postgraduates without taking any actions are even tremble at the thought of taking the exam, most of whom are escaping the classroom when the first exam is over.

In a word, I believe, just like Forrest Gump said, “Life is like a box of chocolates: you never know what you’re gonna get.” Unless you have the awareness that action speaks louder than the word.

people are trapped in two large tanks swim ring on his neck, struggled to get out of the tank by swimming but failed, while

大作文预测话题四: 社会现象类(剽窃,真人秀、传统文化缺失)

trying to plagiarize others' research results without doing any real experiment, while he doesn't feel any guilty about what he has host of intellectuals have a growing respect on the so-called "big event" while ignoring the value of doing academic research. Therefore, people would no longer believe what the scientists say. Since scientists are noble elites of society, then the credibility of the whole society would deteriorate and collapse if their words are the higher position in university, scholars have been manipulated by "false hope" and money, since the way of "plagiarism ", all other up intellectual academic plagiarism.

still need more space for the "real" scholar.

boys both holding guitar are playing different life situations. The boy on the left is daydreaming about the day he gives a perfect concert and is admired by all the fans, while the boy on the right is practicing the guitar and singing skill persistently.

developed rapidly in terms of economy and science and technology. We have accomplished in about two decades action to do great number of students choose to take part in the National Entrance Exam for master’s degree. However, those who dreamed of becoming the postgraduates without taking any actions are even tremble at the thought of taking the exam, most of whom are escaping the classroom when the first exam is over.

In a word, I believe, just like Forrest Gump said, “Life is like a box of chocolates: you never know what you’re gonna get.” Unless you have the awareness that action speaks louder than the word.

people are trapped in two large tanks swim ring on his neck, struggled to get out of the tank by swimming but failed, while

大作文预测话题四: 社会现象类(剽窃,真人秀、传统文化缺失)

trying to plagiarize others' research results without doing any real experiment, while he doesn't feel any guilty about what he has host of intellectuals have a growing respect on the so-called "big event" while ignoring the value of doing academic research. Therefore, people would no longer believe what the scientists say. Since scientists are noble elites of society, then the credibility of the whole society would deteriorate and collapse if their words are the higher position in university, scholars have been manipulated by "false hope" and money, since the way of "plagiarism ", all other up intellectual academic plagiarism.

still need more space for the "real" scholar.


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