

介绍自己This is me

Hello! I ’m a girl. My name is Wang Mei. I come from Liping, Guizhou. I amtwelve years old. I’m a student in Beijing International School. I am in Class 13,GradeSeven. My telephone number is 13891383388.I have a round face, a small nose, awide mouth, long hair and big eyes. My favorite color is blue. So I am often in blueclothes. I like noodles very much. I often have noodles for breakfast.

介绍我的家庭My Family

My name is Wang Ping. I am twelve. I am a student of Li ping No.2 Junior HighSchool. I am in Class 13, Grade 7. Four people are in my family. They are my parents,my sister and I. My father is a teacher. He teaches English in our school. My motheris a doctor. She works in a hospital. My sister is a nurse. I have a happy family. I lovemy family very much.

My name is Peter. I come from America. I am twelve years old. I ’ a student in Grade Seven. I have a happy family. We live in Beijing now. My father is doctor. He works in a hospital. My mother is a teacher. She teaches in a high school. My grandparents live with us. My little sister, Rose, is four years old. She likes to play with Kitty. It is a cute cat. Its color is black and white. I love my family!

我的好朋友My Good Friend

I have a good friend. Her name is Wang Yan. She is thirteen years old. She is a Chinese girl. She comes from Chongqing. She is in Chongqing No. 3 Junior High School. She has two big black eyes, long black hair and a small nose. Her face is round. She is very nice. Her favorite color is yellow. She is often in yellow clothes. She likes English very much. She can speak English very well. She likes Sichuan food a lot. She doesn’t like milk at all.

我的一天My day

It ’s Sunday today. In the morning, I get up at 7:30 and have breakfast at 8:00. Ihave bread and milk. I go to the zoo with my friends at 9:30. I have a good time there.At 12:00, I have rice and meat for lunch. In the afternoon, I go fishing at 2:30. Then I go home at 4:45 and have dinner at 6:00. I have chicken and vegetables for dinner. I am happy today.

记一次野餐A Picnic

Today is Sunday. My friends and I go to Nanquanshan for a picnic. Liu Weitakes some orange juice. Zhao Ming takes some apples. Han Yong takes somehamburgers and milk. I take some bread and some chicken. Li Fang takes a kite andher dog. At about 11:00, Liu Wei cooks with Zhao Ming. Han Yong and I get somewater. Li Fang flies a kite with her dog. At 12:00, we have food and drinks. Then wesing Chinese songs and English songs. We are all very happy.

Going out for a picnic 外出野炊

I ’

m Kangkang. My family often go out for a picnic on Sundays. We take some apples, bananas, hamburgers and eggs with us. We take drinks like milk and orange juice. My father likes eating apples.

Bananas are my mother’ favorite. I like hamburgers and orange juice. I like fish, too. My father and I go fishing. Then my father gets water. My mother likes to cook for us and she cooks fish and eggs. I fly a kite with our dog, Dingding. We sing some songs. We are all very happy.


1. 先写草稿,紧扣主题:看好要求或提示,按所提示或要求写,无关的内容不要写。

2. 写简单句。不要按中文的表达直接译写英语。而是用我所学的英语句子还表达我们要写的内容。(我们所学的哪种句子最接近我们表达的内容,或能表达一样的意思)

3. 发现不会写的句子,就换一种表达方式。

4. 检查:名词单、复数形式;是否用动词的第三人称单词形式;句型结构;大小写;标点符号等。

5. 检查冠词a,an,the 是否运用恰当。

介绍自己This is me

Hello! I ’m a girl. My name is Wang Mei. I come from Liping, Guizhou. I amtwelve years old. I’m a student in Beijing International School. I am in Class 13,GradeSeven. My telephone number is 13891383388.I have a round face, a small nose, awide mouth, long hair and big eyes. My favorite color is blue. So I am often in blueclothes. I like noodles very much. I often have noodles for breakfast.

介绍我的家庭My Family

My name is Wang Ping. I am twelve. I am a student of Li ping No.2 Junior HighSchool. I am in Class 13, Grade 7. Four people are in my family. They are my parents,my sister and I. My father is a teacher. He teaches English in our school. My motheris a doctor. She works in a hospital. My sister is a nurse. I have a happy family. I lovemy family very much.

My name is Peter. I come from America. I am twelve years old. I ’ a student in Grade Seven. I have a happy family. We live in Beijing now. My father is doctor. He works in a hospital. My mother is a teacher. She teaches in a high school. My grandparents live with us. My little sister, Rose, is four years old. She likes to play with Kitty. It is a cute cat. Its color is black and white. I love my family!

我的好朋友My Good Friend

I have a good friend. Her name is Wang Yan. She is thirteen years old. She is a Chinese girl. She comes from Chongqing. She is in Chongqing No. 3 Junior High School. She has two big black eyes, long black hair and a small nose. Her face is round. She is very nice. Her favorite color is yellow. She is often in yellow clothes. She likes English very much. She can speak English very well. She likes Sichuan food a lot. She doesn’t like milk at all.

我的一天My day

It ’s Sunday today. In the morning, I get up at 7:30 and have breakfast at 8:00. Ihave bread and milk. I go to the zoo with my friends at 9:30. I have a good time there.At 12:00, I have rice and meat for lunch. In the afternoon, I go fishing at 2:30. Then I go home at 4:45 and have dinner at 6:00. I have chicken and vegetables for dinner. I am happy today.

记一次野餐A Picnic

Today is Sunday. My friends and I go to Nanquanshan for a picnic. Liu Weitakes some orange juice. Zhao Ming takes some apples. Han Yong takes somehamburgers and milk. I take some bread and some chicken. Li Fang takes a kite andher dog. At about 11:00, Liu Wei cooks with Zhao Ming. Han Yong and I get somewater. Li Fang flies a kite with her dog. At 12:00, we have food and drinks. Then wesing Chinese songs and English songs. We are all very happy.

Going out for a picnic 外出野炊

I ’

m Kangkang. My family often go out for a picnic on Sundays. We take some apples, bananas, hamburgers and eggs with us. We take drinks like milk and orange juice. My father likes eating apples.

Bananas are my mother’ favorite. I like hamburgers and orange juice. I like fish, too. My father and I go fishing. Then my father gets water. My mother likes to cook for us and she cooks fish and eggs. I fly a kite with our dog, Dingding. We sing some songs. We are all very happy.


1. 先写草稿,紧扣主题:看好要求或提示,按所提示或要求写,无关的内容不要写。

2. 写简单句。不要按中文的表达直接译写英语。而是用我所学的英语句子还表达我们要写的内容。(我们所学的哪种句子最接近我们表达的内容,或能表达一样的意思)

3. 发现不会写的句子,就换一种表达方式。

4. 检查:名词单、复数形式;是否用动词的第三人称单词形式;句型结构;大小写;标点符号等。

5. 检查冠词a,an,the 是否运用恰当。


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