

Be an ambitious person

Do you have such an experience that you can get up more easily on weekdays than on weekends? Many people attach great significance to success. Actually, it is ambition that matters. As we all know, suppose there is no fuel, we won’t drive cars any more. Ambition is to a person what fuel is to a car.

Generally speaking, it is certain that most people in the world have a large ambition during one special period of their life. If he is a farmer, then his ambition is to grow the best rice. If he is a miner, th en his ambition is to dig out the best ore. Without an ambition, there’s usually no driving force when someone is doing something that must be done.

I’d like to take MaYun as a good example. MaYun, the founder of Alibaba, who used to be a poor guy, has become a billionaire now. When summarizing his successful experience, he said such powerful words, “You’re poor, which is just because you have no ambitions. The ambition is a kind of great ideal in one’s whole life. There’s just something that you don’t dare to do or to think, but there’s no such thing that can not be done well! The larger your ambition is, the brighter your future will be!” His words have given us something to think about. Even if a man is a street cleaner, he can also be a hero provided he doesn’t give up his ambition. Only when one has an ambition, will the laziness and trouble disappear.

As has been stated, we can find that the quickest way to overcome one’s laziness is to build up an ambition first. Laziness is not built in one day, so it will be very hard to remove if you want to change yourself. Please remember, an ambition can be an impulsion that will push us to a brighter future. As a result, let’s clear our goals and give up laziness from now on.

Be an ambitious person

Do you have such an experience that you can get up more easily on weekdays than on weekends? Many people attach great significance to success. Actually, it is ambition that matters. As we all know, suppose there is no fuel, we won’t drive cars any more. Ambition is to a person what fuel is to a car.

Generally speaking, it is certain that most people in the world have a large ambition during one special period of their life. If he is a farmer, then his ambition is to grow the best rice. If he is a miner, th en his ambition is to dig out the best ore. Without an ambition, there’s usually no driving force when someone is doing something that must be done.

I’d like to take MaYun as a good example. MaYun, the founder of Alibaba, who used to be a poor guy, has become a billionaire now. When summarizing his successful experience, he said such powerful words, “You’re poor, which is just because you have no ambitions. The ambition is a kind of great ideal in one’s whole life. There’s just something that you don’t dare to do or to think, but there’s no such thing that can not be done well! The larger your ambition is, the brighter your future will be!” His words have given us something to think about. Even if a man is a street cleaner, he can also be a hero provided he doesn’t give up his ambition. Only when one has an ambition, will the laziness and trouble disappear.

As has been stated, we can find that the quickest way to overcome one’s laziness is to build up an ambition first. Laziness is not built in one day, so it will be very hard to remove if you want to change yourself. Please remember, an ambition can be an impulsion that will push us to a brighter future. As a result, let’s clear our goals and give up laziness from now on.


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