

Glittering of Gold

As we know,gold is one of the earliest chemical elements that we study in the lab.Pure gold is mined,crushed,elutriated from gold ore which used to be black without golden and light.With the final purification,the unique glaring golden surround gold back.Just like an old saying,it will glitter sooner or later if it is gold.

Stephen Hawking is an internationally renowned mathematician, theoretical physicist, Cambridge University Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics tenure.When he was in college, began suffering from "spinal muscular atrophy lateral sclerosis", which leads to hemiplegia.He overcame the difficulties with disabilities,and then he completely created "a point of infinite density" of the famous theory.

There is a true story that was played a movie I've watched,American dreams in China.This film is about three graduated university students,all of them aspiring to studying oversea in the US.Each of them strove to achieve their American dreams.As a result,Meng and Wang succeeded,but Chen failed.However, now Chen has become the CEO of New Oriental Education & Technology Group.The three young men all have achieved their American dream in their ways.

Cao Xueqin was one of the most famous people in Chinese history.He was born a rich family,as result of his grandparents.His grandfather was an officer, being believed by the emperor.But,there were something change in his family.After that,he lived a poor life.In his later years, he was dedicated to writing his novel -- Dream of the red chamber.Fortunately, his novel was known by people all over the world, known as one of the Four Classis.

Above all,we must believe that we all "gold",which only needs to improve "the relative purity".The second,we'd best do all what we can do to achieve what we want to achieve.No matter where we are or how hard we face,if we know we are gold,just try again again.In short,it is necessary to do and think to succeed.

Glittering of Gold

As we know,gold is one of the earliest chemical elements that we study in the lab.Pure gold is mined,crushed,elutriated from gold ore which used to be black without golden and light.With the final purification,the unique glaring golden surround gold back.Just like an old saying,it will glitter sooner or later if it is gold.

Stephen Hawking is an internationally renowned mathematician, theoretical physicist, Cambridge University Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics tenure.When he was in college, began suffering from "spinal muscular atrophy lateral sclerosis", which leads to hemiplegia.He overcame the difficulties with disabilities,and then he completely created "a point of infinite density" of the famous theory.

There is a true story that was played a movie I've watched,American dreams in China.This film is about three graduated university students,all of them aspiring to studying oversea in the US.Each of them strove to achieve their American dreams.As a result,Meng and Wang succeeded,but Chen failed.However, now Chen has become the CEO of New Oriental Education & Technology Group.The three young men all have achieved their American dream in their ways.

Cao Xueqin was one of the most famous people in Chinese history.He was born a rich family,as result of his grandparents.His grandfather was an officer, being believed by the emperor.But,there were something change in his family.After that,he lived a poor life.In his later years, he was dedicated to writing his novel -- Dream of the red chamber.Fortunately, his novel was known by people all over the world, known as one of the Four Classis.

Above all,we must believe that we all "gold",which only needs to improve "the relative purity".The second,we'd best do all what we can do to achieve what we want to achieve.No matter where we are or how hard we face,if we know we are gold,just try again again.In short,it is necessary to do and think to succeed.


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