




Throughout its existence of more than 150 years, the Expo will bring new knowledge from a specific period of time and trend of development, reflecting the human civilization. The main attractions of the first session of the World Expo in 1851 in the Crystal Palace in London: almost 500 meters long palace built of cast iron and glass. Subsequently, the participating countries will offer similar advantages to introduce from time to time every few years.

Today EXPO is the economic and cultural Olympiad of the world, a competition among nations, as well as among exhibitors from the private sector on a given subject. At the same time, it is about marketing countries internationally. Expositions of the first category last a maximum of 6 months and may be held on an enormous area. But at a time when information as well as goods can be had through the internet and other technologies, they remain a place of rendezvous and of authentic experiences.


Shanghai will host the 2010 World Expo. The World Expo has a long history but it has never been held in Asia. So the 2010 World Expo is an honor for all of the Asians. Our government has promised that it will be the best one. And Shanghai, as

a host city,

will have more chances to develop quickly. As a student in Shanghai, I should learn English well so that I can be a volunteer in the Expo to help foreigners know more about Shanghai.


How To Be A Lovely Citizen(如何成为一个可爱的上海人)

Great changes have taken place in Shanghai and more and more people throughout the world are focusing their attention on Shanghai now. As a citizen of Shanghai, I feel I must spare no efforts to do my bit. First, I decide to help plant more trees to make our city more beautiful. Second, I should obey seven nos and be good at learning from others. Third, I should study hard so that I can do something better for my city in the future.


中国上海2010年世博会:Eopo 2010 Shanghai China

世博会会徽: the Expo emblem

世博会会徽看起来像三个人手挽着手。The Expo emblem looks like three people holding hands.

世博会将持续半年。The Expo will last six months.

世博会的主题: the theme of Expo


Better city, better life. 世博园区

: the Expo Site

沿黄浦江两岸:along both sides of the Huangpu River 主题馆: the theme pavilions

中国馆:China's pavilion

东方之冠:The Crown of the East





Mascot, as the symbol featuring the hosting country, will embody the history, development, culture, concept and social background of the country and will play an important role in the

communication in political, economical and cultural fields.


The mascot of World Expo 2010 Shanghai China is trying to accomplish the following functions:




Created from the Chinese character "人," which means people, the mascot embodies the character of Chinese culture and echoes with the designing concept of the emblem of World Expo Shanghai.

Using the Chinese character as the mascot of an international event is an innovation.


中国2010年上海世博会吉祥物的名字叫“海宝(HAIBAO )”, 意即“四海之宝”。“海宝”的名字朗朗上口,也和他身体的色彩呼应,符合中国民俗的吉祥称谓原则。“海宝”的名字与吉祥物的形象密不可分,


The name of the mascot of World Expo 2010 Shanghai China is Hai Bao, which means the treasure of the sea. The name of Hai Bao is easy to remember, echoes with the color of its body and is

a typical lucky name in Chinese tradition.




Hai Bao embodies ideal of the coexistence of different cultures in cities; embodies the appreciation of economic development and environmental sustainable development; embodies the wish to remodel the city communities, embodies the anticipation of the well-off both urban cities and countrysides. Hai Bao is the whish to colorful life and the warm invitation to friends from all

over the world to Shanghai.




Throughout its existence of more than 150 years, the Expo will bring new knowledge from a specific period of time and trend of development, reflecting the human civilization. The main attractions of the first session of the World Expo in 1851 in the Crystal Palace in London: almost 500 meters long palace built of cast iron and glass. Subsequently, the participating countries will offer similar advantages to introduce from time to time every few years.

Today EXPO is the economic and cultural Olympiad of the world, a competition among nations, as well as among exhibitors from the private sector on a given subject. At the same time, it is about marketing countries internationally. Expositions of the first category last a maximum of 6 months and may be held on an enormous area. But at a time when information as well as goods can be had through the internet and other technologies, they remain a place of rendezvous and of authentic experiences.


Shanghai will host the 2010 World Expo. The World Expo has a long history but it has never been held in Asia. So the 2010 World Expo is an honor for all of the Asians. Our government has promised that it will be the best one. And Shanghai, as

a host city,

will have more chances to develop quickly. As a student in Shanghai, I should learn English well so that I can be a volunteer in the Expo to help foreigners know more about Shanghai.


How To Be A Lovely Citizen(如何成为一个可爱的上海人)

Great changes have taken place in Shanghai and more and more people throughout the world are focusing their attention on Shanghai now. As a citizen of Shanghai, I feel I must spare no efforts to do my bit. First, I decide to help plant more trees to make our city more beautiful. Second, I should obey seven nos and be good at learning from others. Third, I should study hard so that I can do something better for my city in the future.


中国上海2010年世博会:Eopo 2010 Shanghai China

世博会会徽: the Expo emblem

世博会会徽看起来像三个人手挽着手。The Expo emblem looks like three people holding hands.

世博会将持续半年。The Expo will last six months.

世博会的主题: the theme of Expo


Better city, better life. 世博园区

: the Expo Site

沿黄浦江两岸:along both sides of the Huangpu River 主题馆: the theme pavilions

中国馆:China's pavilion

东方之冠:The Crown of the East





Mascot, as the symbol featuring the hosting country, will embody the history, development, culture, concept and social background of the country and will play an important role in the

communication in political, economical and cultural fields.


The mascot of World Expo 2010 Shanghai China is trying to accomplish the following functions:




Created from the Chinese character "人," which means people, the mascot embodies the character of Chinese culture and echoes with the designing concept of the emblem of World Expo Shanghai.

Using the Chinese character as the mascot of an international event is an innovation.


中国2010年上海世博会吉祥物的名字叫“海宝(HAIBAO )”, 意即“四海之宝”。“海宝”的名字朗朗上口,也和他身体的色彩呼应,符合中国民俗的吉祥称谓原则。“海宝”的名字与吉祥物的形象密不可分,


The name of the mascot of World Expo 2010 Shanghai China is Hai Bao, which means the treasure of the sea. The name of Hai Bao is easy to remember, echoes with the color of its body and is

a typical lucky name in Chinese tradition.




Hai Bao embodies ideal of the coexistence of different cultures in cities; embodies the appreciation of economic development and environmental sustainable development; embodies the wish to remodel the city communities, embodies the anticipation of the well-off both urban cities and countrysides. Hai Bao is the whish to colorful life and the warm invitation to friends from all

over the world to Shanghai.


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