


操作常识:Operating common sense


Jaw crusher often cause system halted due to improper use, therefore,when crash the material , pay attention to the material even rate, and it is also the hardness of the material to appropriate, ifbe able to pass the stiffest test , you can add procedure.


Usually the main factors that affect jaw crusher work are tooth Angle and rotation. Tooth Angle is included angle between the move jaw and set jaw. According to the calculated the maximum tooth Angle to 32 degrees. And the actual use of less than 25 degrees, generally for 18-20 degrees or so. If tooth Angle is too big, can make the ore in the crushing cavity extrusion up , so that hurt or damage out other equipment, and as the tooth Angle increases (broken rate increase) productivity decline. Adjust the size of theRow ore mouth, then will change the size of the tooth Angle. In real life, according to the requirements of the ore row size to adjust the the size of the row ore mouth. Therefore, to ensure the product size in the request, as far as possible amplification the row ore mouth is reasonable. Row ore size can adjust by regulating adjust piece,It must be pay attention to the relationship between the broken rate and productivity .

在一定的范围内,增加偏心轴的转数,可以提高破碎机的生产能力,但是也会增加破碎单位重量矿石的电能消耗。转速太大,会使破碎腔中已被破碎的矿石来不及排出,而产生堵塞现象,反而使生产能力降低,电能消耗增加,因此,颚式破碎机应有一个最适宜的转数。 颚式破碎机的偏心轴、连杆、可动颚板、轴与衬板是主要的磨损部件,需要经常注意润滑与更换。

In a certain extent, increase eccentric shaft RPM , can improve the crusher production capacity, but will also increase electricity consumption of ore broke unit weight. Revolving speed is too big, can make the ore brokened in crushing cavity too late to discharge , and come into clogging phenomenon, but make production capacity reduce, power consumption increase, so, jaw crusher should have a number of the most suitable turn.

eccentric shaft, connecting rod, move jaw plate, shaft and lining board of Jaw crusher is the main wear parts, need often note lubricating and replacement.


操作常识:Operating common sense


Jaw crusher often cause system halted due to improper use, therefore,when crash the material , pay attention to the material even rate, and it is also the hardness of the material to appropriate, ifbe able to pass the stiffest test , you can add procedure.


Usually the main factors that affect jaw crusher work are tooth Angle and rotation. Tooth Angle is included angle between the move jaw and set jaw. According to the calculated the maximum tooth Angle to 32 degrees. And the actual use of less than 25 degrees, generally for 18-20 degrees or so. If tooth Angle is too big, can make the ore in the crushing cavity extrusion up , so that hurt or damage out other equipment, and as the tooth Angle increases (broken rate increase) productivity decline. Adjust the size of theRow ore mouth, then will change the size of the tooth Angle. In real life, according to the requirements of the ore row size to adjust the the size of the row ore mouth. Therefore, to ensure the product size in the request, as far as possible amplification the row ore mouth is reasonable. Row ore size can adjust by regulating adjust piece,It must be pay attention to the relationship between the broken rate and productivity .

在一定的范围内,增加偏心轴的转数,可以提高破碎机的生产能力,但是也会增加破碎单位重量矿石的电能消耗。转速太大,会使破碎腔中已被破碎的矿石来不及排出,而产生堵塞现象,反而使生产能力降低,电能消耗增加,因此,颚式破碎机应有一个最适宜的转数。 颚式破碎机的偏心轴、连杆、可动颚板、轴与衬板是主要的磨损部件,需要经常注意润滑与更换。

In a certain extent, increase eccentric shaft RPM , can improve the crusher production capacity, but will also increase electricity consumption of ore broke unit weight. Revolving speed is too big, can make the ore brokened in crushing cavity too late to discharge , and come into clogging phenomenon, but make production capacity reduce, power consumption increase, so, jaw crusher should have a number of the most suitable turn.

eccentric shaft, connecting rod, move jaw plate, shaft and lining board of Jaw crusher is the main wear parts, need often note lubricating and replacement.


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