

Attention should be criticized and educated approach

Remember that a good teacher once said: "God made mistakes is to the children's rights," we are faced with is a teen character forming in the will of the minor students, they need tolerance. Tolerance give them correct their mistakes and shortcomings of the force. "Tolerance" is not the class teacher of students erroneous thinking, behavior and indifference and indulgence, and only to students Gaicu create opportunities for students to avoid the psychological harm caused a way to solve problems and attitudes.

In the education process, criticism is also indispensable means, but if undue criticism easily lead to "good intentions stem bad thing." Criticism must not use insulting language and innuendo language, we must make "sincere, color temperature, gas and, tactful words," to seek truth from facts, master measured and pay attention to ways and means. Criticism is the player between the ideological communicate with each other, help each other, to correct the mistakes of the students and awareness. Therefore, the criticism should be positive and encouraging.


记住,一个好的老师曾经说过:“上帝犯错误是儿童的权利,“我们面临的是一个少女的未成年学生会形成,他们需要宽容。宽容给他们改正他们的错误和缺点的力量。”宽容不是学生的错误思想班主任,行为和冷漠和放纵,只有学生gaicu 为学生创造心理伤害的机会,避免造成的解决问题的方法和态度。





作为教育工作者,“教育艺术的本质在于唤醒、激励、鼓舞”。正确的表扬作为一种“性价比”非常高的教育方式,可以对学生的行为起导向和激励的作用。从行为心理学角度说,表扬这种强化手段,是使那些符合某种心愿的行为坚持下去的最好方式。古人云:“数子十过,不如奖子一功”,足见其对表扬的推崇。历史和实践表明,表扬比批评有着压倒性的优势: 第一,正确的表扬符合人的身心发展规律,故而应用极其广泛。如前所述,每个都渴望得到

肯定,每个人都有自尊心,满足人类普遍需求, 实现人性深处的渴望, 最好的方式就是表扬。尤其是孩子,心智尚不成熟,生性敏感而脆弱,采用批评,千万要慎之又慎。


的那场新课程改革的风暴大家并不陌生。其改革的缘起,就是反思我们原来的教育不够民主,很不平等;过于严厉的规矩、制度和批评,严重束缚了孩子的个性,限制了学生的发展,几乎毁灭了中华民族的创造性——至今没有一个本土的诺贝尔奖获得者就是一个有力的佐证。 第三,表扬作为正面教育原则的体现,是我们教育的主要手段,首选方式。虽然,批评在短期内也能使学生就范,却不一定真触动孩子,令其口服心服,其内驱力会产生逆反心理,极不利于心智健康和多元智慧的形成。因此,当今教育部文件中明确提出:“要改变过去过分强调选拔和甄别的功能,忽视改进与激励的功能”“多用采用激励性的语言,客观描述学生的进步、潜能与不足”。中国教育,亟需“多一点表扬,少一些批评”。



Today, so many "engineers of human souls" gather here to discuss a very interesting question: praise and criticism, which better? As we all know, praise and criticism, are an important way of education. Recognition is a kind of thinking and behavior of students give a positive evaluation of the advantages to be consolidated and the development of teaching methods. Criticism, it is a more severe correction than the direct means of behavior of others. Compared the two, we believe that "good criticism than praise!"

The well-known American psychologist James said: "The human essence of the most Yin (yin) is the desire to cut the demand to be sure." This certainly encourage that recognition. Who do not know, whether adult or child, no one do not like to be praised; and resist the criticism is a human nature, no one likes to be criticized on the natural. The great hierarchy of needs theory of Maslow believes that people's physiological and safety needs to be met, you need to have a strong self-esteem, that is eager to get other people's recognition and respect, even praise and worship. All times and in all, men, women and children without exception.

As educators, "the essence of art education is to awaken, stimulate and inspire." Correct recognition as a "cost" of education is very high, the behavior of students can play the role of guidance and encouragement. From the perspective of behavioral psychology, said that strengthening the means of recognition is the wish of those who are eligible for the conduct of some of the best way to do so. The ancients said: "the number of sub-10, and son and a prize than reactive," reflects its highly commendable. History and practice has shown that praise than criticism has an overwhelming advantage:

First, the correct recognition of the physical and mental development in line with the law, they are a wide range of applications. As mentioned above, each eager to be sure that everyone has the self-esteem, to meet universal human needs, the realization of the depths of human desire, the best way to pay tribute. Especially children, the mind is not yet mature, sensitive and fragile nature, the use of criticism, but you should never have to care.

Secondly, the recognition is more powerful than the criticism. A sincere person will pay tribute to the strength and confidence inspiring. From a psychological point of view, more vulnerable to criticism than praise to shorten the psychological distance of the education equality, the creation of education miracle. End of the 20th century, set off land of China The new curriculum reform that we are not unfamiliar to the storm. The origin of the reform is to reflect on the education we had enough of democracy and inequality; the rules are too harsh, and criticism, has severely constrained the children's personality, limits the development of students, almost destroyed the creativity of the Chinese nation - so far do not have a local winner of the Nobel Prize is a powerful support.

Third, the recognition of education as a positive manifestation of the principle is the primary means of education, the preferred approach. Although criticized in the short term can make the students into submission, not necessarily the children really touched to make it convincing, the drive will reverse the psychology of most mental health and is not conducive to the formation of multiple intelligences. Therefore, today the Ministry of Education documents explicitly put forward: "To change the past too much emphasis on the function of selection and screening, neglect and incentive to improve the function of" "more incentive to adopt the language, an objective description of student's progress, potential and shortcomings." China's education, an urgent need "a little more praise and less criticism."

To sum up, a good criticism than praise indeed. Recognition as a beacon, it can see the confused mind of the road leading to the front; it can discourage the soul to see a bright future. Recognition according to the wishes of our heads in the bright sun, it gives not only the warmth of people, there is a bright and strength. Colleagues, please less criticism, more and more recognition of it!

praise is more profitable than criticism

Today, we will discuss a very interesting question: praise and criticism, which better? As we all know, praise and criticism, are an important way of education. Recognition is a kind of thinking and behavior of students give a positive evaluation of the advantages to be consolidated and the development of teaching methods. Criticism, it is a more severe correction than the direct means of behavior of others. In my opinion, praise is more profitable than criticism.

Praise is like sunlight to the human spirit , we cannot flower and grow without it. I remember when I was in primary school my writing is not good, teacher and my parents have criticized me, makes me tired of writing, so now I write not good. so praise is more profitable than criticism.

I think ach eager to be sure that everyone has the self-esteem, to meet universal human needs, the realization of the depths of human desire, the best way to pay tribute. Especially children.





Attention should be criticized and educated approach

Remember that a good teacher once said: "God made mistakes is to the children's rights," we are faced with is a teen character forming in the will of the minor students, they need tolerance. Tolerance give them correct their mistakes and shortcomings of the force. "Tolerance" is not the class teacher of students erroneous thinking, behavior and indifference and indulgence, and only to students Gaicu create opportunities for students to avoid the psychological harm caused a way to solve problems and attitudes.

In the education process, criticism is also indispensable means, but if undue criticism easily lead to "good intentions stem bad thing." Criticism must not use insulting language and innuendo language, we must make "sincere, color temperature, gas and, tactful words," to seek truth from facts, master measured and pay attention to ways and means. Criticism is the player between the ideological communicate with each other, help each other, to correct the mistakes of the students and awareness. Therefore, the criticism should be positive and encouraging.


记住,一个好的老师曾经说过:“上帝犯错误是儿童的权利,“我们面临的是一个少女的未成年学生会形成,他们需要宽容。宽容给他们改正他们的错误和缺点的力量。”宽容不是学生的错误思想班主任,行为和冷漠和放纵,只有学生gaicu 为学生创造心理伤害的机会,避免造成的解决问题的方法和态度。





作为教育工作者,“教育艺术的本质在于唤醒、激励、鼓舞”。正确的表扬作为一种“性价比”非常高的教育方式,可以对学生的行为起导向和激励的作用。从行为心理学角度说,表扬这种强化手段,是使那些符合某种心愿的行为坚持下去的最好方式。古人云:“数子十过,不如奖子一功”,足见其对表扬的推崇。历史和实践表明,表扬比批评有着压倒性的优势: 第一,正确的表扬符合人的身心发展规律,故而应用极其广泛。如前所述,每个都渴望得到

肯定,每个人都有自尊心,满足人类普遍需求, 实现人性深处的渴望, 最好的方式就是表扬。尤其是孩子,心智尚不成熟,生性敏感而脆弱,采用批评,千万要慎之又慎。


的那场新课程改革的风暴大家并不陌生。其改革的缘起,就是反思我们原来的教育不够民主,很不平等;过于严厉的规矩、制度和批评,严重束缚了孩子的个性,限制了学生的发展,几乎毁灭了中华民族的创造性——至今没有一个本土的诺贝尔奖获得者就是一个有力的佐证。 第三,表扬作为正面教育原则的体现,是我们教育的主要手段,首选方式。虽然,批评在短期内也能使学生就范,却不一定真触动孩子,令其口服心服,其内驱力会产生逆反心理,极不利于心智健康和多元智慧的形成。因此,当今教育部文件中明确提出:“要改变过去过分强调选拔和甄别的功能,忽视改进与激励的功能”“多用采用激励性的语言,客观描述学生的进步、潜能与不足”。中国教育,亟需“多一点表扬,少一些批评”。



Today, so many "engineers of human souls" gather here to discuss a very interesting question: praise and criticism, which better? As we all know, praise and criticism, are an important way of education. Recognition is a kind of thinking and behavior of students give a positive evaluation of the advantages to be consolidated and the development of teaching methods. Criticism, it is a more severe correction than the direct means of behavior of others. Compared the two, we believe that "good criticism than praise!"

The well-known American psychologist James said: "The human essence of the most Yin (yin) is the desire to cut the demand to be sure." This certainly encourage that recognition. Who do not know, whether adult or child, no one do not like to be praised; and resist the criticism is a human nature, no one likes to be criticized on the natural. The great hierarchy of needs theory of Maslow believes that people's physiological and safety needs to be met, you need to have a strong self-esteem, that is eager to get other people's recognition and respect, even praise and worship. All times and in all, men, women and children without exception.

As educators, "the essence of art education is to awaken, stimulate and inspire." Correct recognition as a "cost" of education is very high, the behavior of students can play the role of guidance and encouragement. From the perspective of behavioral psychology, said that strengthening the means of recognition is the wish of those who are eligible for the conduct of some of the best way to do so. The ancients said: "the number of sub-10, and son and a prize than reactive," reflects its highly commendable. History and practice has shown that praise than criticism has an overwhelming advantage:

First, the correct recognition of the physical and mental development in line with the law, they are a wide range of applications. As mentioned above, each eager to be sure that everyone has the self-esteem, to meet universal human needs, the realization of the depths of human desire, the best way to pay tribute. Especially children, the mind is not yet mature, sensitive and fragile nature, the use of criticism, but you should never have to care.

Secondly, the recognition is more powerful than the criticism. A sincere person will pay tribute to the strength and confidence inspiring. From a psychological point of view, more vulnerable to criticism than praise to shorten the psychological distance of the education equality, the creation of education miracle. End of the 20th century, set off land of China The new curriculum reform that we are not unfamiliar to the storm. The origin of the reform is to reflect on the education we had enough of democracy and inequality; the rules are too harsh, and criticism, has severely constrained the children's personality, limits the development of students, almost destroyed the creativity of the Chinese nation - so far do not have a local winner of the Nobel Prize is a powerful support.

Third, the recognition of education as a positive manifestation of the principle is the primary means of education, the preferred approach. Although criticized in the short term can make the students into submission, not necessarily the children really touched to make it convincing, the drive will reverse the psychology of most mental health and is not conducive to the formation of multiple intelligences. Therefore, today the Ministry of Education documents explicitly put forward: "To change the past too much emphasis on the function of selection and screening, neglect and incentive to improve the function of" "more incentive to adopt the language, an objective description of student's progress, potential and shortcomings." China's education, an urgent need "a little more praise and less criticism."

To sum up, a good criticism than praise indeed. Recognition as a beacon, it can see the confused mind of the road leading to the front; it can discourage the soul to see a bright future. Recognition according to the wishes of our heads in the bright sun, it gives not only the warmth of people, there is a bright and strength. Colleagues, please less criticism, more and more recognition of it!

praise is more profitable than criticism

Today, we will discuss a very interesting question: praise and criticism, which better? As we all know, praise and criticism, are an important way of education. Recognition is a kind of thinking and behavior of students give a positive evaluation of the advantages to be consolidated and the development of teaching methods. Criticism, it is a more severe correction than the direct means of behavior of others. In my opinion, praise is more profitable than criticism.

Praise is like sunlight to the human spirit , we cannot flower and grow without it. I remember when I was in primary school my writing is not good, teacher and my parents have criticized me, makes me tired of writing, so now I write not good. so praise is more profitable than criticism.

I think ach eager to be sure that everyone has the self-esteem, to meet universal human needs, the realization of the depths of human desire, the best way to pay tribute. Especially children.






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