

Good morning, everyone!

I want to share a very common puzzle with u when people get a job, which is job-hopping. For most people, when they get their first job they have little idea about if they will remain in the same organization or they will change to anther job frequently. Especially for the 90’s, according to a survey, more than 90% of 90’s tend to change their job if they have a chance.

People who often change their job can get more chance to experience different company and learn more skills, and if they are lucky enough, they can meet a nice boss or workmates that can get along well. Besides, the most important, they can get better paid or welfare.

However, job-hopping also have some risks, they can’t gather enough experiences if they can ’t stay in one organization for a long time, and if change jobs frequently other company may not think u are reliable. Besides, teamwork is getting more and more importance today, you need to get accept by a new team when you change your job.

Considering all those advantages and disadvantages, we should think carefully before make the decision. Here is some aspects that we should put into consideration.

Salary. Most people change their job because of salaries, at least, the salary can afford the risks you are going to take.

Culture. You should learn it’s culture before sign in, if the culture do not suits you, work can be nightmare.

Career plan. Take the job that is identical with your career plan , if not , would make you less prospective.

That ’s all thank you.

Good morning, everyone!

I want to share a very common puzzle with u when people get a job, which is job-hopping. For most people, when they get their first job they have little idea about if they will remain in the same organization or they will change to anther job frequently. Especially for the 90’s, according to a survey, more than 90% of 90’s tend to change their job if they have a chance.

People who often change their job can get more chance to experience different company and learn more skills, and if they are lucky enough, they can meet a nice boss or workmates that can get along well. Besides, the most important, they can get better paid or welfare.

However, job-hopping also have some risks, they can’t gather enough experiences if they can ’t stay in one organization for a long time, and if change jobs frequently other company may not think u are reliable. Besides, teamwork is getting more and more importance today, you need to get accept by a new team when you change your job.

Considering all those advantages and disadvantages, we should think carefully before make the decision. Here is some aspects that we should put into consideration.

Salary. Most people change their job because of salaries, at least, the salary can afford the risks you are going to take.

Culture. You should learn it’s culture before sign in, if the culture do not suits you, work can be nightmare.

Career plan. Take the job that is identical with your career plan , if not , would make you less prospective.

That ’s all thank you.


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