







………(开头:为了避免跟大部分模板有重复之嫌,我们可以在第一句写一句跟作文话题有关的句子,俗语和谚语皆可,也可以是一句关于话题的感悟。如果实在写不出可以不写)………. ,The picture above symbolically /subtly illustrate /demonstrate that ……(描述图画) ……。Below the drawing ,there is a caption which indicates ……(图片下的标题) ……….. 。或者:【on the drawing ,there are huge Chinese characters reads :……(图片上的中文字) ……. 】

Undoubtedly ,we can deduce from the cartoon that the painter is trying to show us that ……(主旨)……….. 。To begin with ,……………。In addition ,………….. 。………(小结)……….. 。

As far as I am concerned ,it is high time that we highlighted the significance of ………and cultivated the citizens’awareness that ……….is essential to us 。only by enforcing these measures into practice ,can our society be more harmonious,our economy be more prosperous and we,as individuals ,embrace more promising prospect 。


………(开头:为了避免跟大部分模板有重复之嫌,我们可以在第一句写一句跟作文话题有关的句子,俗语和谚语皆可,也可以是一句关于话题的感悟。如果实在写不出可以不写)………. ,The picture above symbolically /subtly illustrate /demonstrate that ……(描述图画) ……。Below the drawing ,there is a caption which indicates ……(图片下的标题) ……….. 。或者:【on the drawing ,there are huge Chinese characters reads :……(图片上的中文字) ……. 】

Undoubtedly ,we can deduce from the cartoon that due attention has to be paid to the issue of …………. 。The causes of this phenomenon are as follows :To begin with ,……………。In addition ,………….. 。Last but not

least ,…………………。If we let this situation continue as it is,our …………will suffer a great destruction/damage/injury。The problem will be worse and worse 。

As far as I am concerned ,It is imperative for us to take drastic and effective measures to reverse the disturbing trend revealed in the above picture。On the one hand ,…………….. 。on the other hand,………………. 。Only by enforcing these measures into practice can we ,and we will have a brilliant future。


………(开头:为了避免跟大部分模板有重复之嫌,我们可以在第一句写一句跟作文话题有关的句子,俗语和谚语皆可,也可以是一句关于话题的感悟。如果实在写不出可以不写)………. ,The picture above symbolically /subtly illustrate /demonstrate that ……(描述图画) ……。Below the drawing ,there is a caption which indicates ……(图片下的标题) ……….. 。或者:【on the drawing ,there are huge Chinese characters reads :……(图片上的中文字) ……. 】

Apparently ,we can deduce from the cartoon that the painter is trying to attract our attention to the issue of …………. 。A coin has two sides ,the …………likes a double-edged sword 。On the one hand,…………….. 。on the other hand,………………. 。……(小结)…….. 。

As far as I am concerned,……itself is not good or bad and we can benefit a lot from …….as long as we take a good control over them 。Only by doing so can

our society be more harmonious ,our economy be more prosperous and we ,as individuals ,embrace more promising prospect。







………(开头:为了避免跟大部分模板有重复之嫌,我们可以在第一句写一句跟作文话题有关的句子,俗语和谚语皆可,也可以是一句关于话题的感悟。如果实在写不出可以不写)………. ,The picture above symbolically /subtly illustrate /demonstrate that ……(描述图画) ……。Below the drawing ,there is a caption which indicates ……(图片下的标题) ……….. 。或者:【on the drawing ,there are huge Chinese characters reads :……(图片上的中文字) ……. 】

Undoubtedly ,we can deduce from the cartoon that the painter is trying to show us that ……(主旨)……….. 。To begin with ,……………。In addition ,………….. 。………(小结)……….. 。

As far as I am concerned ,it is high time that we highlighted the significance of ………and cultivated the citizens’awareness that ……….is essential to us 。only by enforcing these measures into practice ,can our society be more harmonious,our economy be more prosperous and we,as individuals ,embrace more promising prospect 。


………(开头:为了避免跟大部分模板有重复之嫌,我们可以在第一句写一句跟作文话题有关的句子,俗语和谚语皆可,也可以是一句关于话题的感悟。如果实在写不出可以不写)………. ,The picture above symbolically /subtly illustrate /demonstrate that ……(描述图画) ……。Below the drawing ,there is a caption which indicates ……(图片下的标题) ……….. 。或者:【on the drawing ,there are huge Chinese characters reads :……(图片上的中文字) ……. 】

Undoubtedly ,we can deduce from the cartoon that due attention has to be paid to the issue of …………. 。The causes of this phenomenon are as follows :To begin with ,……………。In addition ,………….. 。Last but not

least ,…………………。If we let this situation continue as it is,our …………will suffer a great destruction/damage/injury。The problem will be worse and worse 。

As far as I am concerned ,It is imperative for us to take drastic and effective measures to reverse the disturbing trend revealed in the above picture。On the one hand ,…………….. 。on the other hand,………………. 。Only by enforcing these measures into practice can we ,and we will have a brilliant future。


………(开头:为了避免跟大部分模板有重复之嫌,我们可以在第一句写一句跟作文话题有关的句子,俗语和谚语皆可,也可以是一句关于话题的感悟。如果实在写不出可以不写)………. ,The picture above symbolically /subtly illustrate /demonstrate that ……(描述图画) ……。Below the drawing ,there is a caption which indicates ……(图片下的标题) ……….. 。或者:【on the drawing ,there are huge Chinese characters reads :……(图片上的中文字) ……. 】

Apparently ,we can deduce from the cartoon that the painter is trying to attract our attention to the issue of …………. 。A coin has two sides ,the …………likes a double-edged sword 。On the one hand,…………….. 。on the other hand,………………. 。……(小结)…….. 。

As far as I am concerned,……itself is not good or bad and we can benefit a lot from …….as long as we take a good control over them 。Only by doing so can

our society be more harmonious ,our economy be more prosperous and we ,as individuals ,embrace more promising prospect。


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