

1 2014-2015第一学期期末考试书面表达专项训练

作文 1

根据下面提示,发挥合理想象,写一篇短文。提示:1. 2100年的初中生将没有太多的作业,他们只需要学会使用电脑, 2. 假如生病了,不必去医院,电脑可以看病。 3 可以到月球上旅游,有很多人已经定居在那儿,地球上不再有交通堵塞(much traffic)的现象。

要求:1 思路清晰,表达正确。 2 短文须包括所有提示内容,可适当发挥。3 70词左右。 范文:

In 2100, middle school students won’t have too much homework and all of them have to learn how to use the computer. When people are ill, they won’t go to hospital. Because computers will tell them what’s the matter with them and tell them what to do with their illness. People will be able to visit the moon. Maybe many of them will live there. Because of this, there will not be much traffic on the earth.


作文2. What will your life be like in 10 years? 描述你10年后的生活(如居住环境、生活水平、事业、家庭、爱好等的变化), 不少于8句话。

In ten years ,my future will be happy. I already graduated(毕业) at that time from the university. I will find a good job . What will be my future job?

I have many ideas. I want to work as a singer, I also want to work as a nurse, bring the health for the people; I want to work as a pilot, drive the airplane in the blue sky; I want to work as a gardener , let our life forever fill the green. After growing up, I want to be a teacher. I will have many students. Every day I will give many classes to them.I can certainly be a good teacher in the future.

I will also be a volunteer of my city. I will help a lot of people. Do many meaningful things. I will have a bright future. Now I will study hard and make preperation for my future. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

作文3 根据提示写一封60~80词的信。注意书信的书写格式。

2 Tom 邀请Li Ping参加他这周的生日宴会,但Li Ping 的父母去北京了,他们直到下个月回来,

奶奶又卧病在床(be ill in bed ),需要人照顾。再说英语考试即将来临,因此无法前去参加生日宴会。Li Ping感到很抱歉,只好写辞谢信。

Dear Tom,

Thank you for your invitation. I would like to go to your birthday party ,but I am afraid

I can’t . My parents went to Beijing last week .They won’t come back until next month. Unluckily, My grandma is ill in bed .I have to look after her at home. I am really busy now.You know ,our English exam is coming ,I must study for it.So I have no time to go to your pary .I am so sorry .I wish you a happy party .

Li Ping



______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 作文4

同学们,在紧张的学习和考试就要结束的同时,寒假即将来到了。寒假里,除了休息好,你一定还有更多的事情要做吧! 根据提示, 赶紧拿起笔写一份My Resolutions for the Winter Vacation 吧!(词数:60—80) My Resolutions for the Winter Vacation

Winter is coming, I have many resolutions. First of all, I will do three important

things in the winter vacation. First, I will play some sports, and then I would like to do some exercises, and the last one is to read some books. I think they can help me a lot. I will get up at half past eight every morning. And then, I will do my homework for an hour. Every day, I

will spend 3 hours doing my homework. After lunch, I will do some English or Math

exercises. In the afternoon, maybe I will go running in the park, or go to the movies with my

friends , or read books in the library. In the evening, I will watch TV, surf on the

Internet, and so on. Sometimes, I will go shopping with my friends. I will buy some

books, food, and clothes.

This is my plan. I will try my best to do this things. What about you?

3 作文5、下周一晚上,你们班要举办一次“告别不良习惯,倡导健康生活”的活动,请你写一篇发言稿,介绍健康的生活方式。70词左右。提示如下:

To keep

healthy, we need enough sleep. So we had better go to bed early and get up early every day. Doing more exercise is also good for us. We can do sports every day . We can run and play basketball. Remember to eat more vegetables and fruits. Maybe junk food is your favorite, but I hope you eat less. Drink milk every day ,it’s good for your health. If you like playing computer games ,don’t spend too much time on it. Do you often smile? Keep happy and fortget your trouble.

作文6. 、 根据汉语提示及要求,以“My Dream Job”为题用英语写一篇短文。

提示:1. 想成为一名记者。 2.打算给报纸、杂志写文章。 3.高中毕业后想去北京上大学。 4. 想在一家电台工作并环游世界。 要求:1. 条理清楚,语句通顺,语法正确,书写规范;

2.提示内容全部体现在文章中; 3.不少于60词。

My dream job is to be a reporter when I grow up. I'm going to read many books and practice writing every day. I'm going to write articles and send them to magazines and newspapers. I am going to study in Beijing after high school. I want to work at a TV station. I am going to travel all over the world. I hope my dream can come true some day.


作文7、 根据下面表格提示,请你充分发挥想象力,描述一下未来人们的生活。

要求:1. 提示内容全部使用,语句通顺;2.词数在70词左右。

will happen. But what will the changes be?

The population (人口) is growing fast. There will be many people in the world.The streets will be more crowded. And there will be more tall buildings. More and more cars will go on the roads. People cut down many trees. The environment will become worse and worse . People will be in great danger. The earth is our home,so we should try our best to protect it ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

作文8、 你学习和生活中一定会遇到一些麻烦和困难,你认为怎样解决才好?请写出你的想法?要求:70~80词。

1 2014-2015第一学期期末考试书面表达专项训练

作文 1

根据下面提示,发挥合理想象,写一篇短文。提示:1. 2100年的初中生将没有太多的作业,他们只需要学会使用电脑, 2. 假如生病了,不必去医院,电脑可以看病。 3 可以到月球上旅游,有很多人已经定居在那儿,地球上不再有交通堵塞(much traffic)的现象。

要求:1 思路清晰,表达正确。 2 短文须包括所有提示内容,可适当发挥。3 70词左右。 范文:

In 2100, middle school students won’t have too much homework and all of them have to learn how to use the computer. When people are ill, they won’t go to hospital. Because computers will tell them what’s the matter with them and tell them what to do with their illness. People will be able to visit the moon. Maybe many of them will live there. Because of this, there will not be much traffic on the earth.


作文2. What will your life be like in 10 years? 描述你10年后的生活(如居住环境、生活水平、事业、家庭、爱好等的变化), 不少于8句话。

In ten years ,my future will be happy. I already graduated(毕业) at that time from the university. I will find a good job . What will be my future job?

I have many ideas. I want to work as a singer, I also want to work as a nurse, bring the health for the people; I want to work as a pilot, drive the airplane in the blue sky; I want to work as a gardener , let our life forever fill the green. After growing up, I want to be a teacher. I will have many students. Every day I will give many classes to them.I can certainly be a good teacher in the future.

I will also be a volunteer of my city. I will help a lot of people. Do many meaningful things. I will have a bright future. Now I will study hard and make preperation for my future. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

作文3 根据提示写一封60~80词的信。注意书信的书写格式。

2 Tom 邀请Li Ping参加他这周的生日宴会,但Li Ping 的父母去北京了,他们直到下个月回来,

奶奶又卧病在床(be ill in bed ),需要人照顾。再说英语考试即将来临,因此无法前去参加生日宴会。Li Ping感到很抱歉,只好写辞谢信。

Dear Tom,

Thank you for your invitation. I would like to go to your birthday party ,but I am afraid

I can’t . My parents went to Beijing last week .They won’t come back until next month. Unluckily, My grandma is ill in bed .I have to look after her at home. I am really busy now.You know ,our English exam is coming ,I must study for it.So I have no time to go to your pary .I am so sorry .I wish you a happy party .

Li Ping



______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 作文4

同学们,在紧张的学习和考试就要结束的同时,寒假即将来到了。寒假里,除了休息好,你一定还有更多的事情要做吧! 根据提示, 赶紧拿起笔写一份My Resolutions for the Winter Vacation 吧!(词数:60—80) My Resolutions for the Winter Vacation

Winter is coming, I have many resolutions. First of all, I will do three important

things in the winter vacation. First, I will play some sports, and then I would like to do some exercises, and the last one is to read some books. I think they can help me a lot. I will get up at half past eight every morning. And then, I will do my homework for an hour. Every day, I

will spend 3 hours doing my homework. After lunch, I will do some English or Math

exercises. In the afternoon, maybe I will go running in the park, or go to the movies with my

friends , or read books in the library. In the evening, I will watch TV, surf on the

Internet, and so on. Sometimes, I will go shopping with my friends. I will buy some

books, food, and clothes.

This is my plan. I will try my best to do this things. What about you?

3 作文5、下周一晚上,你们班要举办一次“告别不良习惯,倡导健康生活”的活动,请你写一篇发言稿,介绍健康的生活方式。70词左右。提示如下:

To keep

healthy, we need enough sleep. So we had better go to bed early and get up early every day. Doing more exercise is also good for us. We can do sports every day . We can run and play basketball. Remember to eat more vegetables and fruits. Maybe junk food is your favorite, but I hope you eat less. Drink milk every day ,it’s good for your health. If you like playing computer games ,don’t spend too much time on it. Do you often smile? Keep happy and fortget your trouble.

作文6. 、 根据汉语提示及要求,以“My Dream Job”为题用英语写一篇短文。

提示:1. 想成为一名记者。 2.打算给报纸、杂志写文章。 3.高中毕业后想去北京上大学。 4. 想在一家电台工作并环游世界。 要求:1. 条理清楚,语句通顺,语法正确,书写规范;

2.提示内容全部体现在文章中; 3.不少于60词。

My dream job is to be a reporter when I grow up. I'm going to read many books and practice writing every day. I'm going to write articles and send them to magazines and newspapers. I am going to study in Beijing after high school. I want to work at a TV station. I am going to travel all over the world. I hope my dream can come true some day.


作文7、 根据下面表格提示,请你充分发挥想象力,描述一下未来人们的生活。

要求:1. 提示内容全部使用,语句通顺;2.词数在70词左右。

will happen. But what will the changes be?

The population (人口) is growing fast. There will be many people in the world.The streets will be more crowded. And there will be more tall buildings. More and more cars will go on the roads. People cut down many trees. The environment will become worse and worse . People will be in great danger. The earth is our home,so we should try our best to protect it ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

作文8、 你学习和生活中一定会遇到一些麻烦和困难,你认为怎样解决才好?请写出你的想法?要求:70~80词。


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