

第 1 页(共 1 页)

As is vividly shown in the picture, the man is sparing no effort to reach for the fruits on the tree across the river with a long net, neglecting a bridge nearby. Hard as he is trying, all his effort seems in vain.

According to my understanding, what the picture intend to mirror to us is the significance of finding the best possible method. What getting the fruits is to the man is exactly what achieving our goals is to us. Rather than just stepping forward without consideration, it is acquiring a clear understanding of the present situation first that is top on the agenda. Only if all the ways leading to our destination are clearly realized can we further chose the best one and reach for our dream with least meaningless effort. Whenever faced with a dilemma, blindly fighting will no doubt lead to a waste of energy and wisdom, while choosing the best method before acting can ensure a better result.

There is no denying that trying hard also work, however, why not take action and follow a easier way to avoid unnecessary pains? Therefore, always think twice and chose the best method before set out for a brighter future! 上下文逻辑清楚; 语言表达流畅 (13分)

As can be seen from the picture, a man is using a long stick with a basket on its end to pick the apple across the river so that he can avoid himself from walking a long way through the wood bridge to get to the apple tree, which is sure to help him to save a lot of time.

In my opinion, the picture sharply points out that when we are performing certain tasks, we ought to be wise to find the best approach. Nowadays, many people tend to pursue their goals without thinking over if there is a better way to choose.

They may either follow others or reject to use their creativity to come up with better choices for they hold the firm belief that it will be a waste of time, while the truth is that they are to get half result with twice the efforts. On the contrary, there also quite a lot of people working like the man in the picture. They try their best to find a better way and thus they will complete their tasks more easily than others, which, in turn, will undoubtedly add to their self-confidence. And, with their wise choice, the success they expect will be just around the corner.

To sum up, to achieve one's goal, one must be aware of the significance of keeping an eye on finding a better way to accomplish things. That’s how we stand out from other competitors and that’s how we not only promote ourselves but also co ntribute to our society better. ( 260字 14分

第 1 页(共 1 页)

As is vividly shown in the picture, the man is sparing no effort to reach for the fruits on the tree across the river with a long net, neglecting a bridge nearby. Hard as he is trying, all his effort seems in vain.

According to my understanding, what the picture intend to mirror to us is the significance of finding the best possible method. What getting the fruits is to the man is exactly what achieving our goals is to us. Rather than just stepping forward without consideration, it is acquiring a clear understanding of the present situation first that is top on the agenda. Only if all the ways leading to our destination are clearly realized can we further chose the best one and reach for our dream with least meaningless effort. Whenever faced with a dilemma, blindly fighting will no doubt lead to a waste of energy and wisdom, while choosing the best method before acting can ensure a better result.

There is no denying that trying hard also work, however, why not take action and follow a easier way to avoid unnecessary pains? Therefore, always think twice and chose the best method before set out for a brighter future! 上下文逻辑清楚; 语言表达流畅 (13分)

As can be seen from the picture, a man is using a long stick with a basket on its end to pick the apple across the river so that he can avoid himself from walking a long way through the wood bridge to get to the apple tree, which is sure to help him to save a lot of time.

In my opinion, the picture sharply points out that when we are performing certain tasks, we ought to be wise to find the best approach. Nowadays, many people tend to pursue their goals without thinking over if there is a better way to choose.

They may either follow others or reject to use their creativity to come up with better choices for they hold the firm belief that it will be a waste of time, while the truth is that they are to get half result with twice the efforts. On the contrary, there also quite a lot of people working like the man in the picture. They try their best to find a better way and thus they will complete their tasks more easily than others, which, in turn, will undoubtedly add to their self-confidence. And, with their wise choice, the success they expect will be just around the corner.

To sum up, to achieve one's goal, one must be aware of the significance of keeping an eye on finding a better way to accomplish things. That’s how we stand out from other competitors and that’s how we not only promote ourselves but also co ntribute to our society better. ( 260字 14分


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