

一 日常生活

1).如今,微信WeChat 已成为人们生活的一部分。人们可以快速地在微信上获取信息, 和朋友保持联系,分享身边的新鲜事, 把它当作电话来沟通, 节省话费。也可以随时在上面表达自己的心情和想法,上传(upload )图片让朋友更加了解你身边的情况; 展示自己的作品等。但它也有它的不足,例如它会占用你过多的时间,微信上也可能有假的信息或不健康的信息,有可能会泄露自己的私人信息等。因此我们要充分利用它的优点,尽量避免它的不足。

请你以 WeChat in our life 为题写一篇短文。


1. 表达清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯,书写规范;

2. 文中不得出现真实姓名和校名;

3. 词数:不少于80。

express our feelings or thoughts;upload pictures or photos; provides a platform(舞台) for ordinary people to show their abilities; give away(泄露); advantages(优点)

WeChat in our life

In recent years, WeChat has been more and more popular。 Actually, it has become part of our life. It seems that everyone uses WeChat now. It is so popular among people because it has many advantages.

First, everyone can easily use it, it does not need much skills. Second, we can express our feelings and thoughts at any time and anywhere if we have a phone, then our friends can know us well. If we are sad, we can easily get help comfort from others. Third, we can get the latest information quickly and easily , which let us know quickly what is going on around us . So it is very useful. What’s more, it provides us a platform to show our abilities. When we get prizes, or sing a good song , or draw a good picture, we can just upload them and let our friends know. When we go to a new place or make some delicious food, we can also share them with others. And we can use it as a telephone to talk with our families, how fantastic! So everyone love it .

But it also has some bad effects on our study if we spend too much time on it. And if we put our private information on it, it may give away to others, so it may be dangerous to us.

So we should be careful while using it. All in all, If we make good use of it, I think it has more advantages than disadvantages.

2). 现在,越来越多的青少年学生拥有手机。你觉得学生应该将手机带到学校吗?请你依据下面信息提示,写一篇题为“Should students have a mobile phone at school?”的短文。


1. 明确你的观点

2. 阐述你的理由

3. 给学校提出一两点建议


1. 表达清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯,书写规范;

2. 文中不得出现真实姓名和校名;

3. 词数:不少于80。

Now more and more students have mobile phones. Some of them even bring mobile phones to school. In my opinion, students shouldn’t have a mobile phone at school.

I can’t find any advantages in bringing them to school. Some students use mobile phones to send messages to others in class. Some use mobile phones to play games and others even take photos of students and teachers and post them online without asking permission. All these habits are bad for students’ study.

So I hope schools can set some rules for students and make them use mobile phones in a right way. If so, mobile phones will become useful to students.


3). 如今,微博( micro blog) 已成为人们生活的一部分。人们可以在上面随时表达自己的心情和想法,上传(upload )图片让朋友更

加了解你身边的情况; 展示自己的作品,(如获奖的作文,美术作品, 歌曲,美食等),和朋友保持联系,分享身边的新鲜事, 把它当作电话来沟通, 节省话费。但它也有它的不足,例如它会占用你过多的时间,微信上也可能有假的信息或不健康的信息,有可能会泄露自己的私人信息。因此我们要充分利用它的优点,尽量避免它的不足。

请你以 Micro blog in our life 为题写一篇短文。


1. 表达清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯,书写规范;

2. 文中不得出现真实姓名和校名;

3. 词数:不少于80。

express our feelings or thoughts;upload pictures or photos; provides a platform(舞台) for ordinary people to show their abilities;share views and get information; give away(泄露); advantages(优点)

Micro blog in our life

In recent years, Micro-blog has been more and more popular。Actually, it has become part of our life. It seems that everyone has amicro blog now. It is so popular among people because it has many advantages.

First, everyone can easily use it, it does not need much skills. Second, we can express our feelings and thoughts at any time

anywhere if we have a phone, then our friends can know us well. If we are sad, we can easily get help comfort from others. Third, we can

get the latest information quickly and easily which let us know

quickly what is going on around us . So it is very useful. What’s more, it provides us a platform to show our abilities. When we get prizes, or sing a good song , or draw a good picture, we can just upload them and let your friends know. When we go to a new place and make

some delicious, we can also share them with others. And we can use it as a telephone to talk with our families, how fantastic! So everyone love it .

But it also has some bad effects on our study if we spend too much time on it. And if we put our private information on it, it may give away to others, so it may be dangerous to us.

So we should be careful while using it. All in all, If we make good use of it, I think it has more advantages than disadvantages.

4). 现在越来越多的人在网上购物(shopping online ),网购已成为流行趋势,网购的利弊也成为人们讨论的焦点。请参考下面的信息,并结合你的观点写一篇短文,谈谈你对网购的看法。

1. 方便。可以在家买东西,不受时间限制;

2. 有很大的商品信息,可以买到当地没有的商品;

3. 价格较便宜;

4. 买货容易退货难;

5. 实物和图片有差距;

6.网络支付(e-pay )不安全。


网店:online shop; 实物:material object; 货比三家shop around ; 保护私人信息:protect your privacy;保持理智:stay rational ;支付宝:ali-pay ;打折:discount



2.书写工整,句式规范. 标点符号和大小写使用正确;


4. 80字左右, 开头、过渡和结尾已给出,不计入总字数。 is convenient. You can shop whenever you like because the online shop are open 24 hours a day. It is often to buy goods and it is also easy to find the things that you can’t buy in the shop . Besides, it’s cheaper .

You can’t see the material objects or check their quality. Usually the pictures are more beautiful than the goods. So when we get the goods and don’t like them, they sometimes are not easy to give back. What’s more , It’s not safe to pay through the internet.

5)。2014年的最后一天,上海外滩发生了踩踏事故造成多人伤亡,这为我们敲响了安全的警钟。作为一名中学生,请你以Safety rules in

public 为题写一篇作文,对于在公共场所如何保持安全,提出你的建议:

It’s important for us to keep safe in public and it will make us live more happily. In order to keep safe in public, we must do like these. First, be in order when we are going upstairs or downstairs .Try not to be hurt.

Second, make sure you know where emergency exit is when we are in public.

Third, know about some knowledge of safety .It’s helpful to us. If we follow the advice, we’ll make ourselves safe in public.

6)根据右边图片的内容,以"Mother Stops Him",为题,用英语写一篇短文。

[写作内容] (1)描述图中发生的亊件;





1. 表达清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯,书写规范;

2. 文中不得出现真实姓名和校名;

3. 词数:不少于80。标题和开头已给出,不计人总词数。 参考词汇:lift…up扶起 knock…down撞倒 trust 信任

Mother Stops Him Here is a picture from a news report. In the picturewe can see three people. An old woman is lying on the ground. A boy is trying to lift her up, but his motherstops him at once. Don t do that! Others may think it's you who have knocked her down" she says.

In my opinion, the mother's behavior is not right. A mother should encourage her child to give others a hand. How can a child become warm-hearted if he is educated in such a way? And the old woman might feel worse or even be hit by the traffic unless we move her away in time.

I hope it won’t Happen again. Let’s trust each other and help anyone in trouble.

7). 2015年1月2日13时17分,位于哈尔滨市太古头道街的北方南勋陶瓷大市场的三层仓库起火。持续了9个多小时的大火导致仓所在的居民楼塌方,扑救过程中,共有5名消防战士牺牲,13名消防干部战士和1名保安不同程度受伤。

请你依据下面信息,以 “火灾发生时做什么”为题写一篇短文。 写作内容:1. 尽快找到安全出口;

2. 把湿毛巾放在门底边以阻止烟火进入;

3. 拨打119电话报告火情。


1. 表达清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯,书写规范;

2. 词数:不少于80词。

What should we do when the fire started

If there is a fire going on in the building, there are some rules that must be followed. Firstly, find the exit as quickly as possible. Touch the door of your room to make sure if it is hot or not. If it is hot, don't open it, find other ways to escape. Secondly, put wet towels along the bottom of the door to stop the smoke and fire coming in. Thirdly, phone the reception desk and call 119 telling them the accident. Then open the window and wave and shout for help. When the firemen come to help, do what they say, don't argue with them on anything. If you follow the above advice, you should survive any fire accident.


1. 表达清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯,书写规范;

2. 文中不得出现真实姓名和校名;

3. 词数:不少于80。

在unit3 Family Life 中,Emily 家有个大公寓,并且有很多私人财产,也从来不用做家务,

相比Jerry 家, Emily 家是比较富裕的,可是Emily 经常觉得很孤独,不开心。相反,Jerry 家虽然很拥挤,家里也没有多少私人物件,很显然,家庭经济条件没有Emily 家好,但是Jerry 每天都觉得很开心,过得很幸福。


1. 金钱确实很重要,写出它的重要性。

2. 生活中也有很多是金钱买不到的东西。(至少列举2种)

3. 钱就是一切吗?钱就等于幸福吗?(写出你的观点)

4. 幸福是什么?(可以参考Jerry 幸福开心的原因,也可自由发挥) 参考词汇:equal v.等于


My view on money and happiness

As we all know, money plays an important role in our daily life. We can’t live without it, because we have to use money to buy our daily things, like food, drinks, clothes, books, and so on. And we also need money to pay for our houses and education.

However, there are so many things that money can’t buy. For example, money can’t buy us knowledge, friendship, abilities and exp erience. In addition, money can’t buy us a happy feeling and a good health. So,

In my opinion, money doesn’t mean everything. Money doesn’t equal happiness. Happiness is having good health and a close relationship between family members. We will feel happy if we have

some close friends and we can share something with them. 作文评分标准

第一档 13~15分 书写干净工整;信息完整;表达流畅;无语言错误或基本无语言错误。

第二档 10~12分 书写干净工整;信息基本完整;表达较流畅;有个


第三档 7~9分 书写欠干净工整;但能传递部分信息。表达不够流畅,但句子基本可读。

第四档 4~6分 书写欠干净工整;只能传递少量信息;表达不通顺,只有少量句子可读。

第五档 1~3分 书写欠干净工整;只能传递个别信息;表达不清楚,只有个别句子可读。

9). 目前,越来越多的中学生利用周末上各种各样的培训班或请家教。请根据以下提示,以Is a Training Class of Family Teacher Necessary ?为题写一篇作文。


1. 对于这一现象,存在两种不同观点: 有些人认为有必要 ,因为跟老师学比自己学好 ,可以巩固课堂所学内容 ,可以学到更多的东西 ;

2. 另一些人认为没有必要 , 容易养成依赖习惯,

学生需要时间休息, 许多培训班和家教以赢利为目的。

3. 谈谈你的感受


1. 写一篇80词左右的短文,并简要阐述自己的观点。

2. 文中不得出现真实姓名和校名;

3. 层次清晰,连贯流畅;表达灵活,不要逐字逐句翻译。

4. 参考词汇:巩固strengthen ;

5. 文章开头已给出, 不计入总字数。

Is a Training Class or Family Teacher Necessary?

More and more middle school students are going to all

kinds of training classes or having family teachers at

the weekend. There are two different viewpoints about




10). 上周星期六,小米参观了动物园。她在动物园里发现了一些问题,觉得很担心,决定给动物园管理处写一封信反映这些问题并








Dear Sir/Madam,

I visited the zoo last Saturday, but I was unhappy and worried about the following things.

The lions were all in cages, but the cages were too small for them to move freely. That was terrible. When I went to the fish pool, I found many people feeding them. They gave them too much rice and meat. That would kill the fish! Wha t’s worse, all the rubbish bins were completely full, so the rubbish was everywhere.

To make the zoo a nice place, you should do something. First, you’d better move the lions into big cages. Secondly, put a “No feeding” notice near the pool, tell people not to feed the fish too much food, or they may die. Finally, ask the cleaners to take charge of their work, and put more rubbish bins.

I hope you can improve these to make the zoo better and better.

Yours sincerely

Xiao Mi

11)对于每个人来说, 健康的生活方式至关重要,但是现在有许多的青少年不重视他们的生活习惯,这严重影响了他们的健康。请你根据以下内容提示,以“Have a healthy lifestyle”为题写一篇英语短文。 内容提示:

1. 众所周知,健康很重要;

2. 许多青少年不注重健康问题,如长时间看电视、上网聊天、玩游戏等;

3. 不良生活习惯带来的危害;

4. 你的看法。


1. 表达清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯,书写规范;

2. 文中不得出现真实姓名和校名;

3. 词数在80左右。

As we all know, health is very important. But many teenagers

don’t pay any attention to their health. They spend too much time watching TV, playing games and chatting on the Internet. As a result of that, they get nearsighted and their bodies become much weaker. What’s worse, they will lose the chance to communicate with others face to face because they never go out. And this may have a bad effect on their mental health.

In my opinion, they should spend less time in front of the TV or the computer. Instead, they should go out to play some sports, visit some friends and have a healthy lifestyle.

12). 不久前,深圳一位年轻的女歌手因癌症不幸去世,又一次引起人们对健康的关注。请你以如何保持健康为话题,写一篇不少于80字的短文。

写作内容包括:远离烟酒, 多做运动, 饮食均衡, 保持心情愉快, 至少每年体检一次.

Not long ago, a young singer in Shenzhen died of cancer in her thirties. It reminds us the importance of health again. Here is some advice about keeping healthy.

Firstly, it is bad for our health to smoke and drink, so we’d better stay away from it. Secondly, We should do more exercise in our spare time. Sports can provide us energy and make us lively. Thirdly, having a balanced diet is important to us. It is good for us to eat more vegetables and less meat. In addition, happiness is important.

Remember to keep yourself in a good mind. Finally, it is necessary for you to have a medical exam at least once a year.

All in all, health is wealth. We should care about our health.

13). 假设你是李磊,你的美国朋友Tim 想通过你了解中国的传统节日。请你根据提示,给Tim 写一封e-mail ,向他介绍我国传统节日春节的情况。


1. 春节是中国最重要的传统节日之一;

2. 春节期间人们的主要活动 (如节前大扫除、除夕夜吃团圆饭、节日期间人们相互拜年、给小孩派利是钱等等) 。


1. 表达清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯,书写规范;

2. 文中不得出现真实姓名和校名;

3. 词数:不少于80。

[提示词汇] Spring Festival, traditional, decorate, clean up the house, on the eve of the festival, get together, set off fireworks, lucky money Dear Tim,

How are you? I’m really glad that you are interested in traditional Chinese festivals. There are many traditional festivals in China, such as Spring Festival, Mid-Autumn Day and so on. I’d like to introduce the Spring Festival to you. Spring Festival is the most important traditional holiday in China. It usually lasts for 15 days。 Days before the festival, people clean their houses. They think

cleaning sweeps any bad luck. They decorate their houses with paper cuts. On the eve of the festival, family members get together and have big meals. Then they watch the Spring Festival Gala on TV . At midnight, they set off fireworks to welcome the New Year. During the festival, kids get lucky money from old people. People visit their relatives and friends. They wish each other a happy year and good luck. How happy we are!

I love Spring Festival. I always have a great time! Do you like it? Best wishes!

Yours, Li Lei



1. 内容必须包括表格所给的信息,并提出至少二条建议;

2. 文中不得出现真实姓名和校名;

3. 80字左右,开头已给出,不计入总字数。

There are many advantages of waste sorting. First of all, it can help reduce the pollution. Waste sorting can also make it easier to recycle waste. Besides, it can beautify the city.

There are many things people can do. For example, we can start sorting waste ourselves and encourage our friends to start doing it too. Newspapers can also put on articles about the importance of waste sorting.

It’s our duty to keep our cities clean and beautiful. So just start waste sorting today!


〖写作注意〗1. 文章要涵盖表格内的所有内容;2. 词数100左右。

〖参考词汇〗娱乐entertainment 参考书 reference books

Our class has recently had a survey about how to spend the pocket money. Here are the results. About 45% of the students spend their pocket money buying reference books, and 30% use their pocket money to buy snacks and drinks. While 25% of the students spend the pocket money on entertainment, such as surfing the net and playing computer games.

Then how should we spend our pocket money in a right way? Firstly, we should spend the money mainly on school things. Secondly, we can save the pocket money and use it to help the people in need. What’s more, we shouldn’t spend too much money on entertainment, especially on computer games. It’s bad for our study and our health.

It’s not easy for parents to earn money, so we had better spend our pocket money wisely and properly.



要求: 1. 短文应简要概述表格中所提示的信息,并表述自己的观点,可适当发挥。

2. 要求语句通顺, 意思连贯,书写工整。词80左右,短文开头已给出,不计入总词数。

Should I be allowed to surf the Internet

Recently I have talked to my parents about whether or not I should be allowed to surf the internet.

My parents think I should not surf the internet because it’s a waste of time. In addition, teenagers depend on the internet too much and they even don’t like to talk to their parents or friends. using computers too much is bad for their eyes and health.

However, I have different opinions. First, with the internet I can learn the latest information about the world. Second, we can use the internet to chat online ,to book tickets, to download the latest movies or music. Third, we can do our homework on the internet, send e-mails to teachers and friends. In this way, we can save a lot of time. Internet helps us a lot in many ways.

How can we use the internet in a right way? In my opinion, first we should have self-control. During weekdays ,we’d bet ter not use the internet. And we should stay away from computer games. Second, we should go back to the real world. Making more friends in real life. Third, we should put our heart into our studies and doing more outdoor sports helps us have a good health.

17) 关于中学生使用手机


(1) 现在是信息社会,手机是最快的信息交流的工具之一

(2) 应充分利用好手机,如偶遇突发事故,可立即拨打手机求助

(3) 可在每天学习之余利用手机进行电子阅读,扩展个人的能力 反对意见:

(1) 学校已提供了公共电话,因此手机并不能带来更多的方便,而


(2) 课堂接听手机会影响上课

(3) 学生玩手机游戏或接发短信,将无法集中精力学习


(1) 条理清楚,有表明自己观点的句子

(2) 书写工整,句式规范,标点符号和大小写使用正确

(3) 短文应尽量包括提示内容,可适当发挥,但不能出现真实的人名、地名。80词左右

Nowadays mobile phones are becoming more and more popular among the middle school students. Some people think it is good for students to bring a mobile phone. But some people do not think so. They think it is bad for students to bring a mobile phone .Because the students will use mobile phones to read articles, play games, sent text messages, watch movies, etc, which will do harm to their study .And if a mobile phone rings in the class, the teacher and students would be disturbed

In my opinion, we can use mobile phones. As we know, the 21st century is a modern age and full of information. A mobile phone is one of the quickest tools for us to exchange information. The mobile phone is a fashionable and useful invention. So we ought to make the best use of it. Suppose there’s a sudden accident, it is more convenient for us to call for help immediately. There’re also some games in the mobile phone. We can relax ourselves by playing them when we’re tired of our studies .In my opinion, it’s not wrong to follow the fashion ,but the most important thing is how to use the

mobile phone in a right way and do not disturbed others。

二 校园生活:

1) 。作为初三毕业生,请你告诉你的同龄朋友如何减压。


serious ,have a talk with,get on well with, worry about,under pressure ,(want sb. to do, the top student…, take part in…, all kinds of training classes,as a teenager…, learn to arrange,

Pressure is a serious problem in today’s world. Students in our

I’students can’t get on worry about their exams 。My parents want me to be the top student in our class, so they send me to take part in all kinds of training classes at weekends. I’m so busy at weekends that I can hardly have time to do relaxing activities. Last week I had a talk with my mother. My mother agreed with me at last.

So when you have problems with your parents, having a conversation with them is helpful.

2) .目前我校对学生进行一项健康调查,发现学生肥胖现象日益严重。学生们的饮食习惯糟糕,缺乏锻炼,导致身体素质下降。

以How to keep healthy 为题,写一篇80字左右的短文。

3). 以My hobby is reading”为题写一篇英语短文

注意: 1. 词数:80左右 (开头已给出的内容不计入总词数) ;

2. 内容必须包括上表中的要点,可适当发挥,但不要逐条翻译;

3. 条理清楚、语句连贯;

4). 以下表格内容是你对自己15年后的设想。请根据表格内容提示,以“My life in fifteen years” 为题写一篇60词左右的短文,介绍一下15年后的你。

My life in fifteen years

In 15 years, I will be much taller than now, but I still have short straight hair. I will be a teacher in Beijing University. I think it will be a good job to work with students. I can also read more books in the university library. I like swimming. I will have a swimming pool in my home. I will have a lovely and clever child like me. I believe I will have a happy life in fifteen years.







1. 表达清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯,书写规范;

2. 文中不得出现真实姓名和校名;

3. 词数:不少于80。

提示词:take part in sports interesting favourite

singing , story telling , English show, writing for school magazine and sports. We enjoy them very much. Playing football and reading are my favorites. These activities are full of fun. I’ve learnt a lot from my classmates. And I feel relaxed.

Here I also have some suggestions for my classmates. W e’d better take an active part in after-activities, which will not only make our school life colorful, but also improve our learning. Schools should organize more activities for us students and leave more time for

activities by giving us less homework.

6). 近期,电视节目《一年级》深受大家喜欢,下表是节目的有关信息。



电视节目:TV Program;《一年级》:The First Grade;


1. 不得在文中出现真实的姓名、校名等信息; 2. 部分内容已经给出,请接着续写,注意衔接自然、流畅;

3. 字数:80字左右, 开头、过渡和结尾已给出,不计入总字数。

Y ou can enjoy the show at 22:00 on every Friday night. The program is about seven kids who are smart, cute and sometimes naughty in and after classes.

firstly I think it’s a good way for the teachers to know how the kids think. Secondly, the kids realize the importance of teamwork. Thirdly, the parents know more about the school life. However, I wonder whether it’s proper to put the little kids in the spotlight.

All in all, it’s a good show.

7). 假如你是学校羽毛球俱乐部的一员,请你根据提示以下内容制作一张俱乐部的海报,用来招募新的成员,可适当发挥。词数80词左右。



时间:每周五下午4:00 - 5:30



报名时间和地点 :本周五下午:4:00-5:00 学校大厅

Welcome to our club!

If you are interested in playing badminton, you can join our club. Our club holds meetings Friday afternoons from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.. Mr Huang will show us some skills and teach us how to play well. We can practice playing badminton with teammates. Besides, we can have matches with teams of other schools.

Last Friday afternoon, we had a match with the team in No. 5 Middle School. Both of the teams were good at playing badminton. We played hard and won the game at last! We were so happy!

We hope to see you this Friday afternoon from 4 p.m. to 5.p.m at the School Hall. Come and join our club!

8)同学们即将结束难忘的初中生活,回首这三年,相信大家都是苦中有乐,笑中有泪。你在学校过得快乐吗?生活中的你过得幸福吗?你心目中的快乐生活是什么样的?请你以“The happiest Life”为题,写一篇80词左右的短文来描述一下你认为最快乐的生活。


1. 你在学校的快乐和烦恼是什么?

2. 你追求的最快乐、最幸福的生活是什么样子的?

3. 你会为此做出怎样的努力?


get on well with, have trouble in, study hard, make…come true

The Happiest Life

In my school life, I like studying in the classroom with my lovely classmate. I get on well with my classmates. I have made many good friends with them. We help each other and learn from each other. Teachers are kind, too. However, sometimes there is too much homework. I have difficulty in finishing it on time. I feel very tired and sleepy. I wish to have a happy life in a big city in the future. I hope to have a job I like. I must study hard to make my dream come true.

9). 在一次主题班会上,老师请同学们以“proud of my school”为主题发言。请根据下面所给的提示写一篇发言稿。


1. What does your school look like?

2. What fun do you have at school?

3. Why do you like your school?


1. 表达清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯,书写规范;

2. 文中不得出现真实姓名和校名;

3. 词数:不少于80。

My school is very big with several tall buildings. There are over 2000 students in my school. We have a big playground with lots of trees around it. There are a lot of flowers everywhere. We also have lots of fun at school. After class we play games and do lots of sports, like playing basketball, football and table tennis. Sometimes we have class meetings. They are very interesting. I love my school because it’s like a big family. The teachers in my school are as kind to us as our parents. I feel proud of my school because it is one of the best schools in my heart.

10). 假如你叫Mary ,在下周的英语角活动中你将要就你





1. 你开始学习英语的时间;

2. 你认为学习英语的重要性;

3. 你学习英语的方法、存在的问题、有何疑惑(至少列



1. 根据提示进行写作,可适当发挥;

2. 词数80 左右;发言稿的格式、开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;

3. 发言稿中不得出现真实的姓名和校名,否则不予评分。

Hello, everyone. I’m Mary. I’m glad to have the chance to talk to you about my English study. I began to learn English when I was ten. At first, I knew nothing about English and I found it difficult to understand the teacher. Later on, I realized that English was important and useful, so I tried my best to learn it. I practised

conversations with my friends to improve my speaking skills. I watch English - speaking videos to improve my listening skills. By these ways I found I improved my listening and speaking English quickly. Now my English is good and I enjoy it very much, at the same time, I want to improve my written English, do you have any good ideas?

I hope my ways of studying can help you a lot.

11). 难忘的初中生活结束了,即将迎来全新的高中生活。为了尽快适应新的环境,你打算在英语俱乐部的WeChat 群里留言。请你谈自己在高中学习、生活以及与人相处等方面可能遇到的问题,并向大家寻求帮助。



3、文中不得出现直实的姓名及学校名。 I’m a little nervous because I’ll face the new environment. What if I can’t get along with my new teachers and classmates? What if I can’t get good grades because there are so many subjects? I’m afraid I will not have enough time to play because of busy study. If you have some advice, please tell me. Thanks a lot.

12). 礼物表达了人与人之间真挚的情感和良好的祝福,你曾经收过的最珍贵的礼物是什么?请你以“The most valuable gift(最珍贵的礼物)”为题写一篇英语短文,叙述自己收到的最美好的礼物。 写作要点:

1. What’s the gift? 2. Who gave the gift to you?

3. When did you receive the gift? 4. What did the gift stand for(象征)?

5. What’s the gift made of? 6. Why was it given to you?

7. Why is it valuable to you??


1. 文中不得出现真实的人名和校名;

2. 表达清楚,语句通顺,内容完整,书写规范;


So far I have received many gifts. But I think the most valuable gift of them is a photo album from my best friend Mary.

Mary and I were classmates in Grade Four of primary school. Now Mary is 14 years old. She has black hair and smart eyes. She is very kind to everyone. We both liked reading books and listening to music, and we often played and read books together. It’s very nice to

have such a good friend.

After Grade Four, she needed to another school because her family moved to another place. Then she sent me a photo album. The album stood for our deep friendship. In the album there were many photos of the memorable activities we had experienced togother. I love the album very much. I put it on the book board in my bedroom. We will never forget each other and our friendship forever.

13). 初中生活即将结束了,三年的初中校园生活里你一定有很多难忘的经历。现在,你学校英文报社就My Unforgettable School Experience 话题征文,请你投稿。







My Unforgettable School Experience

How time flies! Soon we’re leaving school. Here I’d love to share one of my unforgettable school experiences with you. Last winter sports meet, I took part in 800 meter race. At the beginning everything went well. However, I fell down and hurt my leg on the half way. I was very sad and afraid of being laughed at. So I went home silently and cried loudly at home. To my surprise, when I arrived at the classroom on the next day, many cards from my teacher Miss Li and my classmates on my desk. They encouraged me and reminded me to take good care of my leg. I was deeply moved and I become more

active. Though we’re leaving school, I’ll never forget my dear teachers and classmates. Best wishes for them.

14). 假设你校即将开展“读好书,促成长”的活动。请根据活动主题向全校同学发出倡议。


目前的状况: 听音乐,看电视上网占据了学生的大部分时间。 发出倡议:多读书,读好书。

注意: 1. 词数:不少于80。


3. 倡议书必须包含所有的要点,行为连贯,表达清楚,书写规范。

参考词汇: gain knowledge, open the mind

My dear friends,

Reading is very important in our life. By reading we can gain much knowledge and open our mind. If we read more, we can learn a lot about the world. Reading also makes us cleverer and happier, because books can provide us with a lot of knowledge and wisdom. What’s more, reading is helpful for us to grow healthily.

However, we are sorry to see many students spend too much time going online, listening to music or watching TV for a long time. So I suggest all of us should read more books and read good books.

Knowledge is power. Let’s start reading now.

15) 假如你是来自英国的交换生Sarah, 你在深圳已经待了一个月了。现在你想用报告的形式向你的英国同学介绍你的交流生活。报告开头已给出,不计入总词数。要求:80词左右,可适当发挥。 提示:

16)如今多数中学生缺少感恩之心, 对待家人, 老师, 朋友等很冷漠, 行为方式和价值观令人担忧. 作为一名中学生, 请你根据以下表中所提供的信息, 以Learn to Express Thanks 为题, 用英语写一篇演讲稿.

Learn to Express Thanks

Good morning, boys and girls,

The topic of my speech today is “ Learn to express Thanks”. We find most Middle School students don’t show any sense of “Thanks”. They think they are certain of eating well and wearing fashionable clothes.

As middle school students, we should learn to express thanks. We should thank our parents for supporting us to go to school. And we should express thanks to our teachers who teach us much knowledge. Besides, our friends always give us encouragement and help.

In a word, we are lucky in everything. But we should learn to express thanks. In the future, I should study harder to repay our parents and teachers. I should go to my friends to share their happiness and sadness.

Thank you for listening!

三 人物描写

1). 以你看过的书或电视电影中你最喜欢的一个人物为题,写一篇题为My favorite character 的短文。


1. 人物特点

2. 你喜欢的原因(至少写三点 )

3. 你从他 / 她身上学会了什么.

参考词汇:character 人物


1. 表达清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯,书写规范;

2. 文中不得出现真实姓名和校名;

3. 词数:不少于80。

My favorite character

My favourite character is Tom Sawyer . He is a character from the novel called The Adventures of Tom Sawyer written by Mark Twain. He was 12-13 years old who lived in a small town with his aunt near the Mississippi River. I like him because He was clever, naughty and adventurous . He always had clever ideas to trick others into helping him. What’s more, he always gave his friends courage. He never gave up in the face of difficulty, which is what I should learn from him.

2). 请你依据下面信息,写一篇题为“我的偶像”的短文。


1. 选取一个心目中崇拜的偶像

2. 结合人物背景对人物进行一定的介绍

3. 谈谈你为什么崇拜他的原因


1. 表达清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯,书写规范;

2. 文中不得出现真实姓名和校名; 3. 词数:不少于80。

My idol

My favorite idol is Yao Ming. He is a famous Chinese basketball player in the world. He is not only tall but strong.

I like playing basketball because once I saw Yao Ming play the basketball very well on TV. I want to learn the excellent basketball

skills from him, so I keep practicing day by day. Now I can play pretty well on basketball. I think Yao is my first teacher. Although he retires now, he still tries his best to teach those who like basketball. I want to be a well-known basketball player in the future just like my idol, Yao Ming.

一 日常生活

1).如今,微信WeChat 已成为人们生活的一部分。人们可以快速地在微信上获取信息, 和朋友保持联系,分享身边的新鲜事, 把它当作电话来沟通, 节省话费。也可以随时在上面表达自己的心情和想法,上传(upload )图片让朋友更加了解你身边的情况; 展示自己的作品等。但它也有它的不足,例如它会占用你过多的时间,微信上也可能有假的信息或不健康的信息,有可能会泄露自己的私人信息等。因此我们要充分利用它的优点,尽量避免它的不足。

请你以 WeChat in our life 为题写一篇短文。


1. 表达清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯,书写规范;

2. 文中不得出现真实姓名和校名;

3. 词数:不少于80。

express our feelings or thoughts;upload pictures or photos; provides a platform(舞台) for ordinary people to show their abilities; give away(泄露); advantages(优点)

WeChat in our life

In recent years, WeChat has been more and more popular。 Actually, it has become part of our life. It seems that everyone uses WeChat now. It is so popular among people because it has many advantages.

First, everyone can easily use it, it does not need much skills. Second, we can express our feelings and thoughts at any time and anywhere if we have a phone, then our friends can know us well. If we are sad, we can easily get help comfort from others. Third, we can get the latest information quickly and easily , which let us know quickly what is going on around us . So it is very useful. What’s more, it provides us a platform to show our abilities. When we get prizes, or sing a good song , or draw a good picture, we can just upload them and let our friends know. When we go to a new place or make some delicious food, we can also share them with others. And we can use it as a telephone to talk with our families, how fantastic! So everyone love it .

But it also has some bad effects on our study if we spend too much time on it. And if we put our private information on it, it may give away to others, so it may be dangerous to us.

So we should be careful while using it. All in all, If we make good use of it, I think it has more advantages than disadvantages.

2). 现在,越来越多的青少年学生拥有手机。你觉得学生应该将手机带到学校吗?请你依据下面信息提示,写一篇题为“Should students have a mobile phone at school?”的短文。


1. 明确你的观点

2. 阐述你的理由

3. 给学校提出一两点建议


1. 表达清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯,书写规范;

2. 文中不得出现真实姓名和校名;

3. 词数:不少于80。

Now more and more students have mobile phones. Some of them even bring mobile phones to school. In my opinion, students shouldn’t have a mobile phone at school.

I can’t find any advantages in bringing them to school. Some students use mobile phones to send messages to others in class. Some use mobile phones to play games and others even take photos of students and teachers and post them online without asking permission. All these habits are bad for students’ study.

So I hope schools can set some rules for students and make them use mobile phones in a right way. If so, mobile phones will become useful to students.


3). 如今,微博( micro blog) 已成为人们生活的一部分。人们可以在上面随时表达自己的心情和想法,上传(upload )图片让朋友更

加了解你身边的情况; 展示自己的作品,(如获奖的作文,美术作品, 歌曲,美食等),和朋友保持联系,分享身边的新鲜事, 把它当作电话来沟通, 节省话费。但它也有它的不足,例如它会占用你过多的时间,微信上也可能有假的信息或不健康的信息,有可能会泄露自己的私人信息。因此我们要充分利用它的优点,尽量避免它的不足。

请你以 Micro blog in our life 为题写一篇短文。


1. 表达清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯,书写规范;

2. 文中不得出现真实姓名和校名;

3. 词数:不少于80。

express our feelings or thoughts;upload pictures or photos; provides a platform(舞台) for ordinary people to show their abilities;share views and get information; give away(泄露); advantages(优点)

Micro blog in our life

In recent years, Micro-blog has been more and more popular。Actually, it has become part of our life. It seems that everyone has amicro blog now. It is so popular among people because it has many advantages.

First, everyone can easily use it, it does not need much skills. Second, we can express our feelings and thoughts at any time

anywhere if we have a phone, then our friends can know us well. If we are sad, we can easily get help comfort from others. Third, we can

get the latest information quickly and easily which let us know

quickly what is going on around us . So it is very useful. What’s more, it provides us a platform to show our abilities. When we get prizes, or sing a good song , or draw a good picture, we can just upload them and let your friends know. When we go to a new place and make

some delicious, we can also share them with others. And we can use it as a telephone to talk with our families, how fantastic! So everyone love it .

But it also has some bad effects on our study if we spend too much time on it. And if we put our private information on it, it may give away to others, so it may be dangerous to us.

So we should be careful while using it. All in all, If we make good use of it, I think it has more advantages than disadvantages.

4). 现在越来越多的人在网上购物(shopping online ),网购已成为流行趋势,网购的利弊也成为人们讨论的焦点。请参考下面的信息,并结合你的观点写一篇短文,谈谈你对网购的看法。

1. 方便。可以在家买东西,不受时间限制;

2. 有很大的商品信息,可以买到当地没有的商品;

3. 价格较便宜;

4. 买货容易退货难;

5. 实物和图片有差距;

6.网络支付(e-pay )不安全。


网店:online shop; 实物:material object; 货比三家shop around ; 保护私人信息:protect your privacy;保持理智:stay rational ;支付宝:ali-pay ;打折:discount



2.书写工整,句式规范. 标点符号和大小写使用正确;


4. 80字左右, 开头、过渡和结尾已给出,不计入总字数。 is convenient. You can shop whenever you like because the online shop are open 24 hours a day. It is often to buy goods and it is also easy to find the things that you can’t buy in the shop . Besides, it’s cheaper .

You can’t see the material objects or check their quality. Usually the pictures are more beautiful than the goods. So when we get the goods and don’t like them, they sometimes are not easy to give back. What’s more , It’s not safe to pay through the internet.

5)。2014年的最后一天,上海外滩发生了踩踏事故造成多人伤亡,这为我们敲响了安全的警钟。作为一名中学生,请你以Safety rules in

public 为题写一篇作文,对于在公共场所如何保持安全,提出你的建议:

It’s important for us to keep safe in public and it will make us live more happily. In order to keep safe in public, we must do like these. First, be in order when we are going upstairs or downstairs .Try not to be hurt.

Second, make sure you know where emergency exit is when we are in public.

Third, know about some knowledge of safety .It’s helpful to us. If we follow the advice, we’ll make ourselves safe in public.

6)根据右边图片的内容,以"Mother Stops Him",为题,用英语写一篇短文。

[写作内容] (1)描述图中发生的亊件;





1. 表达清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯,书写规范;

2. 文中不得出现真实姓名和校名;

3. 词数:不少于80。标题和开头已给出,不计人总词数。 参考词汇:lift…up扶起 knock…down撞倒 trust 信任

Mother Stops Him Here is a picture from a news report. In the picturewe can see three people. An old woman is lying on the ground. A boy is trying to lift her up, but his motherstops him at once. Don t do that! Others may think it's you who have knocked her down" she says.

In my opinion, the mother's behavior is not right. A mother should encourage her child to give others a hand. How can a child become warm-hearted if he is educated in such a way? And the old woman might feel worse or even be hit by the traffic unless we move her away in time.

I hope it won’t Happen again. Let’s trust each other and help anyone in trouble.

7). 2015年1月2日13时17分,位于哈尔滨市太古头道街的北方南勋陶瓷大市场的三层仓库起火。持续了9个多小时的大火导致仓所在的居民楼塌方,扑救过程中,共有5名消防战士牺牲,13名消防干部战士和1名保安不同程度受伤。

请你依据下面信息,以 “火灾发生时做什么”为题写一篇短文。 写作内容:1. 尽快找到安全出口;

2. 把湿毛巾放在门底边以阻止烟火进入;

3. 拨打119电话报告火情。


1. 表达清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯,书写规范;

2. 词数:不少于80词。

What should we do when the fire started

If there is a fire going on in the building, there are some rules that must be followed. Firstly, find the exit as quickly as possible. Touch the door of your room to make sure if it is hot or not. If it is hot, don't open it, find other ways to escape. Secondly, put wet towels along the bottom of the door to stop the smoke and fire coming in. Thirdly, phone the reception desk and call 119 telling them the accident. Then open the window and wave and shout for help. When the firemen come to help, do what they say, don't argue with them on anything. If you follow the above advice, you should survive any fire accident.


1. 表达清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯,书写规范;

2. 文中不得出现真实姓名和校名;

3. 词数:不少于80。

在unit3 Family Life 中,Emily 家有个大公寓,并且有很多私人财产,也从来不用做家务,

相比Jerry 家, Emily 家是比较富裕的,可是Emily 经常觉得很孤独,不开心。相反,Jerry 家虽然很拥挤,家里也没有多少私人物件,很显然,家庭经济条件没有Emily 家好,但是Jerry 每天都觉得很开心,过得很幸福。


1. 金钱确实很重要,写出它的重要性。

2. 生活中也有很多是金钱买不到的东西。(至少列举2种)

3. 钱就是一切吗?钱就等于幸福吗?(写出你的观点)

4. 幸福是什么?(可以参考Jerry 幸福开心的原因,也可自由发挥) 参考词汇:equal v.等于


My view on money and happiness

As we all know, money plays an important role in our daily life. We can’t live without it, because we have to use money to buy our daily things, like food, drinks, clothes, books, and so on. And we also need money to pay for our houses and education.

However, there are so many things that money can’t buy. For example, money can’t buy us knowledge, friendship, abilities and exp erience. In addition, money can’t buy us a happy feeling and a good health. So,

In my opinion, money doesn’t mean everything. Money doesn’t equal happiness. Happiness is having good health and a close relationship between family members. We will feel happy if we have

some close friends and we can share something with them. 作文评分标准

第一档 13~15分 书写干净工整;信息完整;表达流畅;无语言错误或基本无语言错误。

第二档 10~12分 书写干净工整;信息基本完整;表达较流畅;有个


第三档 7~9分 书写欠干净工整;但能传递部分信息。表达不够流畅,但句子基本可读。

第四档 4~6分 书写欠干净工整;只能传递少量信息;表达不通顺,只有少量句子可读。

第五档 1~3分 书写欠干净工整;只能传递个别信息;表达不清楚,只有个别句子可读。

9). 目前,越来越多的中学生利用周末上各种各样的培训班或请家教。请根据以下提示,以Is a Training Class of Family Teacher Necessary ?为题写一篇作文。


1. 对于这一现象,存在两种不同观点: 有些人认为有必要 ,因为跟老师学比自己学好 ,可以巩固课堂所学内容 ,可以学到更多的东西 ;

2. 另一些人认为没有必要 , 容易养成依赖习惯,

学生需要时间休息, 许多培训班和家教以赢利为目的。

3. 谈谈你的感受


1. 写一篇80词左右的短文,并简要阐述自己的观点。

2. 文中不得出现真实姓名和校名;

3. 层次清晰,连贯流畅;表达灵活,不要逐字逐句翻译。

4. 参考词汇:巩固strengthen ;

5. 文章开头已给出, 不计入总字数。

Is a Training Class or Family Teacher Necessary?

More and more middle school students are going to all

kinds of training classes or having family teachers at

the weekend. There are two different viewpoints about




10). 上周星期六,小米参观了动物园。她在动物园里发现了一些问题,觉得很担心,决定给动物园管理处写一封信反映这些问题并








Dear Sir/Madam,

I visited the zoo last Saturday, but I was unhappy and worried about the following things.

The lions were all in cages, but the cages were too small for them to move freely. That was terrible. When I went to the fish pool, I found many people feeding them. They gave them too much rice and meat. That would kill the fish! Wha t’s worse, all the rubbish bins were completely full, so the rubbish was everywhere.

To make the zoo a nice place, you should do something. First, you’d better move the lions into big cages. Secondly, put a “No feeding” notice near the pool, tell people not to feed the fish too much food, or they may die. Finally, ask the cleaners to take charge of their work, and put more rubbish bins.

I hope you can improve these to make the zoo better and better.

Yours sincerely

Xiao Mi

11)对于每个人来说, 健康的生活方式至关重要,但是现在有许多的青少年不重视他们的生活习惯,这严重影响了他们的健康。请你根据以下内容提示,以“Have a healthy lifestyle”为题写一篇英语短文。 内容提示:

1. 众所周知,健康很重要;

2. 许多青少年不注重健康问题,如长时间看电视、上网聊天、玩游戏等;

3. 不良生活习惯带来的危害;

4. 你的看法。


1. 表达清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯,书写规范;

2. 文中不得出现真实姓名和校名;

3. 词数在80左右。

As we all know, health is very important. But many teenagers

don’t pay any attention to their health. They spend too much time watching TV, playing games and chatting on the Internet. As a result of that, they get nearsighted and their bodies become much weaker. What’s worse, they will lose the chance to communicate with others face to face because they never go out. And this may have a bad effect on their mental health.

In my opinion, they should spend less time in front of the TV or the computer. Instead, they should go out to play some sports, visit some friends and have a healthy lifestyle.

12). 不久前,深圳一位年轻的女歌手因癌症不幸去世,又一次引起人们对健康的关注。请你以如何保持健康为话题,写一篇不少于80字的短文。

写作内容包括:远离烟酒, 多做运动, 饮食均衡, 保持心情愉快, 至少每年体检一次.

Not long ago, a young singer in Shenzhen died of cancer in her thirties. It reminds us the importance of health again. Here is some advice about keeping healthy.

Firstly, it is bad for our health to smoke and drink, so we’d better stay away from it. Secondly, We should do more exercise in our spare time. Sports can provide us energy and make us lively. Thirdly, having a balanced diet is important to us. It is good for us to eat more vegetables and less meat. In addition, happiness is important.

Remember to keep yourself in a good mind. Finally, it is necessary for you to have a medical exam at least once a year.

All in all, health is wealth. We should care about our health.

13). 假设你是李磊,你的美国朋友Tim 想通过你了解中国的传统节日。请你根据提示,给Tim 写一封e-mail ,向他介绍我国传统节日春节的情况。


1. 春节是中国最重要的传统节日之一;

2. 春节期间人们的主要活动 (如节前大扫除、除夕夜吃团圆饭、节日期间人们相互拜年、给小孩派利是钱等等) 。


1. 表达清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯,书写规范;

2. 文中不得出现真实姓名和校名;

3. 词数:不少于80。

[提示词汇] Spring Festival, traditional, decorate, clean up the house, on the eve of the festival, get together, set off fireworks, lucky money Dear Tim,

How are you? I’m really glad that you are interested in traditional Chinese festivals. There are many traditional festivals in China, such as Spring Festival, Mid-Autumn Day and so on. I’d like to introduce the Spring Festival to you. Spring Festival is the most important traditional holiday in China. It usually lasts for 15 days。 Days before the festival, people clean their houses. They think

cleaning sweeps any bad luck. They decorate their houses with paper cuts. On the eve of the festival, family members get together and have big meals. Then they watch the Spring Festival Gala on TV . At midnight, they set off fireworks to welcome the New Year. During the festival, kids get lucky money from old people. People visit their relatives and friends. They wish each other a happy year and good luck. How happy we are!

I love Spring Festival. I always have a great time! Do you like it? Best wishes!

Yours, Li Lei



1. 内容必须包括表格所给的信息,并提出至少二条建议;

2. 文中不得出现真实姓名和校名;

3. 80字左右,开头已给出,不计入总字数。

There are many advantages of waste sorting. First of all, it can help reduce the pollution. Waste sorting can also make it easier to recycle waste. Besides, it can beautify the city.

There are many things people can do. For example, we can start sorting waste ourselves and encourage our friends to start doing it too. Newspapers can also put on articles about the importance of waste sorting.

It’s our duty to keep our cities clean and beautiful. So just start waste sorting today!


〖写作注意〗1. 文章要涵盖表格内的所有内容;2. 词数100左右。

〖参考词汇〗娱乐entertainment 参考书 reference books

Our class has recently had a survey about how to spend the pocket money. Here are the results. About 45% of the students spend their pocket money buying reference books, and 30% use their pocket money to buy snacks and drinks. While 25% of the students spend the pocket money on entertainment, such as surfing the net and playing computer games.

Then how should we spend our pocket money in a right way? Firstly, we should spend the money mainly on school things. Secondly, we can save the pocket money and use it to help the people in need. What’s more, we shouldn’t spend too much money on entertainment, especially on computer games. It’s bad for our study and our health.

It’s not easy for parents to earn money, so we had better spend our pocket money wisely and properly.



要求: 1. 短文应简要概述表格中所提示的信息,并表述自己的观点,可适当发挥。

2. 要求语句通顺, 意思连贯,书写工整。词80左右,短文开头已给出,不计入总词数。

Should I be allowed to surf the Internet

Recently I have talked to my parents about whether or not I should be allowed to surf the internet.

My parents think I should not surf the internet because it’s a waste of time. In addition, teenagers depend on the internet too much and they even don’t like to talk to their parents or friends. using computers too much is bad for their eyes and health.

However, I have different opinions. First, with the internet I can learn the latest information about the world. Second, we can use the internet to chat online ,to book tickets, to download the latest movies or music. Third, we can do our homework on the internet, send e-mails to teachers and friends. In this way, we can save a lot of time. Internet helps us a lot in many ways.

How can we use the internet in a right way? In my opinion, first we should have self-control. During weekdays ,we’d bet ter not use the internet. And we should stay away from computer games. Second, we should go back to the real world. Making more friends in real life. Third, we should put our heart into our studies and doing more outdoor sports helps us have a good health.

17) 关于中学生使用手机


(1) 现在是信息社会,手机是最快的信息交流的工具之一

(2) 应充分利用好手机,如偶遇突发事故,可立即拨打手机求助

(3) 可在每天学习之余利用手机进行电子阅读,扩展个人的能力 反对意见:

(1) 学校已提供了公共电话,因此手机并不能带来更多的方便,而


(2) 课堂接听手机会影响上课

(3) 学生玩手机游戏或接发短信,将无法集中精力学习


(1) 条理清楚,有表明自己观点的句子

(2) 书写工整,句式规范,标点符号和大小写使用正确

(3) 短文应尽量包括提示内容,可适当发挥,但不能出现真实的人名、地名。80词左右

Nowadays mobile phones are becoming more and more popular among the middle school students. Some people think it is good for students to bring a mobile phone. But some people do not think so. They think it is bad for students to bring a mobile phone .Because the students will use mobile phones to read articles, play games, sent text messages, watch movies, etc, which will do harm to their study .And if a mobile phone rings in the class, the teacher and students would be disturbed

In my opinion, we can use mobile phones. As we know, the 21st century is a modern age and full of information. A mobile phone is one of the quickest tools for us to exchange information. The mobile phone is a fashionable and useful invention. So we ought to make the best use of it. Suppose there’s a sudden accident, it is more convenient for us to call for help immediately. There’re also some games in the mobile phone. We can relax ourselves by playing them when we’re tired of our studies .In my opinion, it’s not wrong to follow the fashion ,but the most important thing is how to use the

mobile phone in a right way and do not disturbed others。

二 校园生活:

1) 。作为初三毕业生,请你告诉你的同龄朋友如何减压。


serious ,have a talk with,get on well with, worry about,under pressure ,(want sb. to do, the top student…, take part in…, all kinds of training classes,as a teenager…, learn to arrange,

Pressure is a serious problem in today’s world. Students in our

I’students can’t get on worry about their exams 。My parents want me to be the top student in our class, so they send me to take part in all kinds of training classes at weekends. I’m so busy at weekends that I can hardly have time to do relaxing activities. Last week I had a talk with my mother. My mother agreed with me at last.

So when you have problems with your parents, having a conversation with them is helpful.

2) .目前我校对学生进行一项健康调查,发现学生肥胖现象日益严重。学生们的饮食习惯糟糕,缺乏锻炼,导致身体素质下降。

以How to keep healthy 为题,写一篇80字左右的短文。

3). 以My hobby is reading”为题写一篇英语短文

注意: 1. 词数:80左右 (开头已给出的内容不计入总词数) ;

2. 内容必须包括上表中的要点,可适当发挥,但不要逐条翻译;

3. 条理清楚、语句连贯;

4). 以下表格内容是你对自己15年后的设想。请根据表格内容提示,以“My life in fifteen years” 为题写一篇60词左右的短文,介绍一下15年后的你。

My life in fifteen years

In 15 years, I will be much taller than now, but I still have short straight hair. I will be a teacher in Beijing University. I think it will be a good job to work with students. I can also read more books in the university library. I like swimming. I will have a swimming pool in my home. I will have a lovely and clever child like me. I believe I will have a happy life in fifteen years.







1. 表达清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯,书写规范;

2. 文中不得出现真实姓名和校名;

3. 词数:不少于80。

提示词:take part in sports interesting favourite

singing , story telling , English show, writing for school magazine and sports. We enjoy them very much. Playing football and reading are my favorites. These activities are full of fun. I’ve learnt a lot from my classmates. And I feel relaxed.

Here I also have some suggestions for my classmates. W e’d better take an active part in after-activities, which will not only make our school life colorful, but also improve our learning. Schools should organize more activities for us students and leave more time for

activities by giving us less homework.

6). 近期,电视节目《一年级》深受大家喜欢,下表是节目的有关信息。



电视节目:TV Program;《一年级》:The First Grade;


1. 不得在文中出现真实的姓名、校名等信息; 2. 部分内容已经给出,请接着续写,注意衔接自然、流畅;

3. 字数:80字左右, 开头、过渡和结尾已给出,不计入总字数。

Y ou can enjoy the show at 22:00 on every Friday night. The program is about seven kids who are smart, cute and sometimes naughty in and after classes.

firstly I think it’s a good way for the teachers to know how the kids think. Secondly, the kids realize the importance of teamwork. Thirdly, the parents know more about the school life. However, I wonder whether it’s proper to put the little kids in the spotlight.

All in all, it’s a good show.

7). 假如你是学校羽毛球俱乐部的一员,请你根据提示以下内容制作一张俱乐部的海报,用来招募新的成员,可适当发挥。词数80词左右。



时间:每周五下午4:00 - 5:30



报名时间和地点 :本周五下午:4:00-5:00 学校大厅

Welcome to our club!

If you are interested in playing badminton, you can join our club. Our club holds meetings Friday afternoons from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.. Mr Huang will show us some skills and teach us how to play well. We can practice playing badminton with teammates. Besides, we can have matches with teams of other schools.

Last Friday afternoon, we had a match with the team in No. 5 Middle School. Both of the teams were good at playing badminton. We played hard and won the game at last! We were so happy!

We hope to see you this Friday afternoon from 4 p.m. to 5.p.m at the School Hall. Come and join our club!

8)同学们即将结束难忘的初中生活,回首这三年,相信大家都是苦中有乐,笑中有泪。你在学校过得快乐吗?生活中的你过得幸福吗?你心目中的快乐生活是什么样的?请你以“The happiest Life”为题,写一篇80词左右的短文来描述一下你认为最快乐的生活。


1. 你在学校的快乐和烦恼是什么?

2. 你追求的最快乐、最幸福的生活是什么样子的?

3. 你会为此做出怎样的努力?


get on well with, have trouble in, study hard, make…come true

The Happiest Life

In my school life, I like studying in the classroom with my lovely classmate. I get on well with my classmates. I have made many good friends with them. We help each other and learn from each other. Teachers are kind, too. However, sometimes there is too much homework. I have difficulty in finishing it on time. I feel very tired and sleepy. I wish to have a happy life in a big city in the future. I hope to have a job I like. I must study hard to make my dream come true.

9). 在一次主题班会上,老师请同学们以“proud of my school”为主题发言。请根据下面所给的提示写一篇发言稿。


1. What does your school look like?

2. What fun do you have at school?

3. Why do you like your school?


1. 表达清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯,书写规范;

2. 文中不得出现真实姓名和校名;

3. 词数:不少于80。

My school is very big with several tall buildings. There are over 2000 students in my school. We have a big playground with lots of trees around it. There are a lot of flowers everywhere. We also have lots of fun at school. After class we play games and do lots of sports, like playing basketball, football and table tennis. Sometimes we have class meetings. They are very interesting. I love my school because it’s like a big family. The teachers in my school are as kind to us as our parents. I feel proud of my school because it is one of the best schools in my heart.

10). 假如你叫Mary ,在下周的英语角活动中你将要就你





1. 你开始学习英语的时间;

2. 你认为学习英语的重要性;

3. 你学习英语的方法、存在的问题、有何疑惑(至少列



1. 根据提示进行写作,可适当发挥;

2. 词数80 左右;发言稿的格式、开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;

3. 发言稿中不得出现真实的姓名和校名,否则不予评分。

Hello, everyone. I’m Mary. I’m glad to have the chance to talk to you about my English study. I began to learn English when I was ten. At first, I knew nothing about English and I found it difficult to understand the teacher. Later on, I realized that English was important and useful, so I tried my best to learn it. I practised

conversations with my friends to improve my speaking skills. I watch English - speaking videos to improve my listening skills. By these ways I found I improved my listening and speaking English quickly. Now my English is good and I enjoy it very much, at the same time, I want to improve my written English, do you have any good ideas?

I hope my ways of studying can help you a lot.

11). 难忘的初中生活结束了,即将迎来全新的高中生活。为了尽快适应新的环境,你打算在英语俱乐部的WeChat 群里留言。请你谈自己在高中学习、生活以及与人相处等方面可能遇到的问题,并向大家寻求帮助。



3、文中不得出现直实的姓名及学校名。 I’m a little nervous because I’ll face the new environment. What if I can’t get along with my new teachers and classmates? What if I can’t get good grades because there are so many subjects? I’m afraid I will not have enough time to play because of busy study. If you have some advice, please tell me. Thanks a lot.

12). 礼物表达了人与人之间真挚的情感和良好的祝福,你曾经收过的最珍贵的礼物是什么?请你以“The most valuable gift(最珍贵的礼物)”为题写一篇英语短文,叙述自己收到的最美好的礼物。 写作要点:

1. What’s the gift? 2. Who gave the gift to you?

3. When did you receive the gift? 4. What did the gift stand for(象征)?

5. What’s the gift made of? 6. Why was it given to you?

7. Why is it valuable to you??


1. 文中不得出现真实的人名和校名;

2. 表达清楚,语句通顺,内容完整,书写规范;


So far I have received many gifts. But I think the most valuable gift of them is a photo album from my best friend Mary.

Mary and I were classmates in Grade Four of primary school. Now Mary is 14 years old. She has black hair and smart eyes. She is very kind to everyone. We both liked reading books and listening to music, and we often played and read books together. It’s very nice to

have such a good friend.

After Grade Four, she needed to another school because her family moved to another place. Then she sent me a photo album. The album stood for our deep friendship. In the album there were many photos of the memorable activities we had experienced togother. I love the album very much. I put it on the book board in my bedroom. We will never forget each other and our friendship forever.

13). 初中生活即将结束了,三年的初中校园生活里你一定有很多难忘的经历。现在,你学校英文报社就My Unforgettable School Experience 话题征文,请你投稿。







My Unforgettable School Experience

How time flies! Soon we’re leaving school. Here I’d love to share one of my unforgettable school experiences with you. Last winter sports meet, I took part in 800 meter race. At the beginning everything went well. However, I fell down and hurt my leg on the half way. I was very sad and afraid of being laughed at. So I went home silently and cried loudly at home. To my surprise, when I arrived at the classroom on the next day, many cards from my teacher Miss Li and my classmates on my desk. They encouraged me and reminded me to take good care of my leg. I was deeply moved and I become more

active. Though we’re leaving school, I’ll never forget my dear teachers and classmates. Best wishes for them.

14). 假设你校即将开展“读好书,促成长”的活动。请根据活动主题向全校同学发出倡议。


目前的状况: 听音乐,看电视上网占据了学生的大部分时间。 发出倡议:多读书,读好书。

注意: 1. 词数:不少于80。


3. 倡议书必须包含所有的要点,行为连贯,表达清楚,书写规范。

参考词汇: gain knowledge, open the mind

My dear friends,

Reading is very important in our life. By reading we can gain much knowledge and open our mind. If we read more, we can learn a lot about the world. Reading also makes us cleverer and happier, because books can provide us with a lot of knowledge and wisdom. What’s more, reading is helpful for us to grow healthily.

However, we are sorry to see many students spend too much time going online, listening to music or watching TV for a long time. So I suggest all of us should read more books and read good books.

Knowledge is power. Let’s start reading now.

15) 假如你是来自英国的交换生Sarah, 你在深圳已经待了一个月了。现在你想用报告的形式向你的英国同学介绍你的交流生活。报告开头已给出,不计入总词数。要求:80词左右,可适当发挥。 提示:

16)如今多数中学生缺少感恩之心, 对待家人, 老师, 朋友等很冷漠, 行为方式和价值观令人担忧. 作为一名中学生, 请你根据以下表中所提供的信息, 以Learn to Express Thanks 为题, 用英语写一篇演讲稿.

Learn to Express Thanks

Good morning, boys and girls,

The topic of my speech today is “ Learn to express Thanks”. We find most Middle School students don’t show any sense of “Thanks”. They think they are certain of eating well and wearing fashionable clothes.

As middle school students, we should learn to express thanks. We should thank our parents for supporting us to go to school. And we should express thanks to our teachers who teach us much knowledge. Besides, our friends always give us encouragement and help.

In a word, we are lucky in everything. But we should learn to express thanks. In the future, I should study harder to repay our parents and teachers. I should go to my friends to share their happiness and sadness.

Thank you for listening!

三 人物描写

1). 以你看过的书或电视电影中你最喜欢的一个人物为题,写一篇题为My favorite character 的短文。


1. 人物特点

2. 你喜欢的原因(至少写三点 )

3. 你从他 / 她身上学会了什么.

参考词汇:character 人物


1. 表达清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯,书写规范;

2. 文中不得出现真实姓名和校名;

3. 词数:不少于80。

My favorite character

My favourite character is Tom Sawyer . He is a character from the novel called The Adventures of Tom Sawyer written by Mark Twain. He was 12-13 years old who lived in a small town with his aunt near the Mississippi River. I like him because He was clever, naughty and adventurous . He always had clever ideas to trick others into helping him. What’s more, he always gave his friends courage. He never gave up in the face of difficulty, which is what I should learn from him.

2). 请你依据下面信息,写一篇题为“我的偶像”的短文。


1. 选取一个心目中崇拜的偶像

2. 结合人物背景对人物进行一定的介绍

3. 谈谈你为什么崇拜他的原因


1. 表达清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯,书写规范;

2. 文中不得出现真实姓名和校名; 3. 词数:不少于80。

My idol

My favorite idol is Yao Ming. He is a famous Chinese basketball player in the world. He is not only tall but strong.

I like playing basketball because once I saw Yao Ming play the basketball very well on TV. I want to learn the excellent basketball

skills from him, so I keep practicing day by day. Now I can play pretty well on basketball. I think Yao is my first teacher. Although he retires now, he still tries his best to teach those who like basketball. I want to be a well-known basketball player in the future just like my idol, Yao Ming.


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