

As we all know, the Ugly Duckling which we have learnt at primary school, is selected from Andersen’s fairy tale. Teachers have pointed out the thoughts and feelings of the story, but when I picked up the story written in English, I was still moved by the hero of the tale.

Born under extremely poor conditions in the Danish town Odense, Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) was a master of the fairy tales in the 19th century. As a child he was highly dissociable, self-contemptuous, and emotional. All these characters and his unattractive appearance made him very unpopular. The Ugly Duckling was considered his autobiographical work. His early years were full of misadventures. His father was a shoemaker and his mother worked as a washerwoman. Andersen received little early education because of poor family circumstances. But it was his devotion and dedication to literature that finally contributed to his great success. Andersen was not only a fairy tale writer but a poet, a playwright and a traveler. And he was also good at paper cutting. Poor family background in his childhood and no opportunities to learn made him keenly feel that there was nobody who was in want of reading more than poor children . His works were characterized by their unique style: the poetic beauty and the comic humor. The former was predominant style that embodied itself in the chantable stories while the latter in the sarcastic ones.

Ugly duckling was hatched from an egg to the large 、ugly one with gray feather, as a result all other animals bullied him. His family disgusted him and even his mother regretted giving birth to him. In order to get away from the sad birth place, he had no choice but left his family. However, there are more danger and frustration in the outside world. Such as the risk of being shot by the hunters, the lack of food, the danger of being frozen to death and so on. After suffering so many miseries, at the end of the story, people suddenly discovered that the world’s most ugly duck had become a beautiful swan.

The ending of the ugly duckling is out of all our expectation including himself. “I’m too ugly, even for a dog to eat.” the duckling thought originally. How disappointed he was when he was denied by the world, yet he didn’t lose his hope and dream. He decided to fight for a new life. Though the rode was full of cold , hunger, loneness and scary, he faced all kinds of misfortunes and overcame them by himself. Sometimes he would feel helpless and helpless, but he stick to his dream —to live independently and roughly. Time went by with miseries, his wings grow stronger as

well as his heart. One morning in a spring, he saw three gentle swans wondered above the lake in which he lives. When they discovered him, they all swam toward him and showed friendship to him. He got the answer when he saw the reflection of himself on the water, --he had become an admirable swan! What a surprising reward to his past misfortune!

The story of the ugly duckling tells us that no matter what is your background and appearance, you are supposed to possess your dream, and you can achieve it by your constant efforts. Of course, there are many barriers and frustrations on the road of seeking for dream, in order to reach your goal, you should stick to your original dream and fight against the blocks. Once you overcome the internal and external problem, you will see the world that appears in your world.

As energetic youths, what’s our reason to enjoy entertainment and stop searching? We should learn from the ugly duckling, being aggressive and brave, keeping going no matter what happens. In this way, we will also become a “swan” finally.

As we all know, the Ugly Duckling which we have learnt at primary school, is selected from Andersen’s fairy tale. Teachers have pointed out the thoughts and feelings of the story, but when I picked up the story written in English, I was still moved by the hero of the tale.

Born under extremely poor conditions in the Danish town Odense, Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) was a master of the fairy tales in the 19th century. As a child he was highly dissociable, self-contemptuous, and emotional. All these characters and his unattractive appearance made him very unpopular. The Ugly Duckling was considered his autobiographical work. His early years were full of misadventures. His father was a shoemaker and his mother worked as a washerwoman. Andersen received little early education because of poor family circumstances. But it was his devotion and dedication to literature that finally contributed to his great success. Andersen was not only a fairy tale writer but a poet, a playwright and a traveler. And he was also good at paper cutting. Poor family background in his childhood and no opportunities to learn made him keenly feel that there was nobody who was in want of reading more than poor children . His works were characterized by their unique style: the poetic beauty and the comic humor. The former was predominant style that embodied itself in the chantable stories while the latter in the sarcastic ones.

Ugly duckling was hatched from an egg to the large 、ugly one with gray feather, as a result all other animals bullied him. His family disgusted him and even his mother regretted giving birth to him. In order to get away from the sad birth place, he had no choice but left his family. However, there are more danger and frustration in the outside world. Such as the risk of being shot by the hunters, the lack of food, the danger of being frozen to death and so on. After suffering so many miseries, at the end of the story, people suddenly discovered that the world’s most ugly duck had become a beautiful swan.

The ending of the ugly duckling is out of all our expectation including himself. “I’m too ugly, even for a dog to eat.” the duckling thought originally. How disappointed he was when he was denied by the world, yet he didn’t lose his hope and dream. He decided to fight for a new life. Though the rode was full of cold , hunger, loneness and scary, he faced all kinds of misfortunes and overcame them by himself. Sometimes he would feel helpless and helpless, but he stick to his dream —to live independently and roughly. Time went by with miseries, his wings grow stronger as

well as his heart. One morning in a spring, he saw three gentle swans wondered above the lake in which he lives. When they discovered him, they all swam toward him and showed friendship to him. He got the answer when he saw the reflection of himself on the water, --he had become an admirable swan! What a surprising reward to his past misfortune!

The story of the ugly duckling tells us that no matter what is your background and appearance, you are supposed to possess your dream, and you can achieve it by your constant efforts. Of course, there are many barriers and frustrations on the road of seeking for dream, in order to reach your goal, you should stick to your original dream and fight against the blocks. Once you overcome the internal and external problem, you will see the world that appears in your world.

As energetic youths, what’s our reason to enjoy entertainment and stop searching? We should learn from the ugly duckling, being aggressive and brave, keeping going no matter what happens. In this way, we will also become a “swan” finally.


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