


Unit 1


六年前,作者经历一场惊险的旅程。这次经历让他印象深刻,因为他在这场紧急的事故中找到了真正的英雄。一个周五的早上,航班前往亚特兰大(Atlanta )。飞机起飞不久, 飞行员向乘客通报紧急情况:一个引擎失控了,液压系统(hydraulic system )已经失灵了。更糟糕的是,他们都将会坠机。忽然间,机舱里一片恐慌。许多乘客脸色苍白,四周都在哭喊。在混乱中,一把温柔冷静的妇女声音传来,她正在安慰自己的女儿。母亲似乎没有被四周的悲伤和恐惧影响。即使面对死亡,她依然坚定地告诉女儿她有多么爱她,她把女儿包裹在怀里,尽可能地保护她。幸运的是,飞机安全着陆。母亲对女儿的那份爱向人们展现了什么是真正的勇气。 The author went through a breathtaking travel six years ago and the experience impressed him deeply because he found a real hero in that emergency. On one Friday morning, a flight headed for Atlanta. Soon after the plane took off, the pilot announced the urgent crisis that one engine was broken and the hydraulic system had failed. Worse still, they might be about to crash. Suddenly, panic spread all over the crowd. Many passengers look grim and pale. All around, people cried and screamed. In the chaos, there was a soft and calm voice from a woman who was trying to comfort her daughter. The mother seemed undisturbed by the sounds of grief and fear around her. Even when facing death, the mother still told her daughter firmly about how much she loved her, and put her body over her daughter, trying to protect her as much as she could. Fortunately, the plane

landed safely. The mother’s love for her daughter showed people what real courage was. 作文(出题者:梁凌)

• 1. Who is your favorite hero/heroine? And why do you like him/her?

• 2. Should everyone have a hero model?

• 3. What is your own opinion?

Unit 2



my husband, not only dismissed what I said but also contended that it must have been the strap on my shoes snapping. Therefore, we didn’t know my foot was broken because he didn’t send me to a doctor even though my foot was swollen like a balloon. During the 12-hour flight to the airport, he left me alone in the borrowed wheelchair and pretended that he didn’t notice my gestures indicating the need of going to the bathroom.


1. 当代人的沟通渠道各种各样,主要分为语言类沟通方式和非语言类沟通方式,譬如„„

2. 人们产生误会的主要原因包括„„

3. 我认为最好的沟通方式是„„,因为„„

2 Unit 3



You can find relief from stress and regain control fairly quickly. You can learn how to relax your body, and then your mind will follow. You can also learn to relax your mind and take control of your work situations. Once the stress is gone they tend to solve their work problems very quickly。


• 1. 当代人的压力有哪些。

• 2. 当代人的压力是如何产生的。

• 3. 作为一名大学生,应如何减轻压力。

Unit 4



This day, as I entered my class, some gossip came into my ears. It was about a new freshman girl from China, who aroused my curiosity. I wanted to meet the mysterious figure and I did. The Assistant Dean called me over to take the girl to her afternoon activity. So we started our journey. The first stop was her dorm. Half of the room was so tidy that it was hard to tell whether there was existence of human beings. The other half was totally a mess. Of course, the neat half belonged to the Chinese girl. 段落翻译题2(出题者:田红)

我不知道如果我到另一个国家, 用另一种语言努力的跟那些说话流利的人交流, 那时我会有多坚强。尤其是, 我不知道如果没有一帮朋友,没有和家里一样铺着绿色木板的白色屋子, 没有那条路灯时明时暗淡旧街, 没有夜色中飞驰而过的汽车声,我会有多坚强。 我离不开那漫漫夏夜飘散在我窗前的茉莉花香,也离不开每天早上熟悉的洒水车的声音。

I don’t know how strong I’ll be if I move to a foreign country and try to speak in another language with fluent speakers. Especially, I don ’t know how strong I’ll be if I don ’t have a network of my friends or the same white house with green board, the old streets with blinking road lamps, and sounds of cars whizzing by during the dark of night. I can’t rear myself away from the scent of jasmine that drifts through my window during long summer nights and the sound of the sprinklers completing a morning routine.


• 1. 现今越来越多人出国读书,„„

• 2. 出国读书的利弊。

• 3. 作为一名大学生,你的看法是„„

3 Unit 5


我们所拥有的资产之所以会快速贬值的原因是一旦我们已经拥有了,就会对之失去兴趣。在这种情况下,我们就可以用这些物品来进行合作消费。相关研究人员告诉我们传统的分享已经变身为租赁业务,并将在未来的十年中蓬勃发展。考虑到人口的快速增长,集体消费将完全符合“资源共享、以物易物、贸易、租凭”这一新的趋势。在进行合作消费时,如何理顺合作关系将成为最具挑战的问题: 在同一时段,人们都需要用同一物品怎么办?在这个资源越来越少的世界中,我们别无选择只能与他人,甚至陌生人一起分享账富,这为尝不是一个明智的选择。 The reason why the value of the assets we possess depreciates quickly is that we already have the ownership and we may lose interest in them. Under this circumstance, these items can be used for collaborative consumption. The relevant shows us that traditional sharing already transformed into rental businesses, which will thrive in the following decade. Considering the growth of population, collaborative consumption conforms to the new trend---sharing, bartering, trading and renting, The biggest challenge of collaborative consumption is streamlining operations because people may need or want the same item at the same time. In this on-going world with resources which are declining in amount, we have no choice but to collaborate with others, even strangers to spread the wealth. 作文(出题者:梁凌)

• 1. 现今人们的消费观念不再像过去那样保守,„„

• 2. 人们消费的理由各种各样。

• 3. 作为一名大学生,你的看法是„„


Unit 1


六年前,作者经历一场惊险的旅程。这次经历让他印象深刻,因为他在这场紧急的事故中找到了真正的英雄。一个周五的早上,航班前往亚特兰大(Atlanta )。飞机起飞不久, 飞行员向乘客通报紧急情况:一个引擎失控了,液压系统(hydraulic system )已经失灵了。更糟糕的是,他们都将会坠机。忽然间,机舱里一片恐慌。许多乘客脸色苍白,四周都在哭喊。在混乱中,一把温柔冷静的妇女声音传来,她正在安慰自己的女儿。母亲似乎没有被四周的悲伤和恐惧影响。即使面对死亡,她依然坚定地告诉女儿她有多么爱她,她把女儿包裹在怀里,尽可能地保护她。幸运的是,飞机安全着陆。母亲对女儿的那份爱向人们展现了什么是真正的勇气。 The author went through a breathtaking travel six years ago and the experience impressed him deeply because he found a real hero in that emergency. On one Friday morning, a flight headed for Atlanta. Soon after the plane took off, the pilot announced the urgent crisis that one engine was broken and the hydraulic system had failed. Worse still, they might be about to crash. Suddenly, panic spread all over the crowd. Many passengers look grim and pale. All around, people cried and screamed. In the chaos, there was a soft and calm voice from a woman who was trying to comfort her daughter. The mother seemed undisturbed by the sounds of grief and fear around her. Even when facing death, the mother still told her daughter firmly about how much she loved her, and put her body over her daughter, trying to protect her as much as she could. Fortunately, the plane

landed safely. The mother’s love for her daughter showed people what real courage was. 作文(出题者:梁凌)

• 1. Who is your favorite hero/heroine? And why do you like him/her?

• 2. Should everyone have a hero model?

• 3. What is your own opinion?

Unit 2



my husband, not only dismissed what I said but also contended that it must have been the strap on my shoes snapping. Therefore, we didn’t know my foot was broken because he didn’t send me to a doctor even though my foot was swollen like a balloon. During the 12-hour flight to the airport, he left me alone in the borrowed wheelchair and pretended that he didn’t notice my gestures indicating the need of going to the bathroom.


1. 当代人的沟通渠道各种各样,主要分为语言类沟通方式和非语言类沟通方式,譬如„„

2. 人们产生误会的主要原因包括„„

3. 我认为最好的沟通方式是„„,因为„„

2 Unit 3



You can find relief from stress and regain control fairly quickly. You can learn how to relax your body, and then your mind will follow. You can also learn to relax your mind and take control of your work situations. Once the stress is gone they tend to solve their work problems very quickly。


• 1. 当代人的压力有哪些。

• 2. 当代人的压力是如何产生的。

• 3. 作为一名大学生,应如何减轻压力。

Unit 4



This day, as I entered my class, some gossip came into my ears. It was about a new freshman girl from China, who aroused my curiosity. I wanted to meet the mysterious figure and I did. The Assistant Dean called me over to take the girl to her afternoon activity. So we started our journey. The first stop was her dorm. Half of the room was so tidy that it was hard to tell whether there was existence of human beings. The other half was totally a mess. Of course, the neat half belonged to the Chinese girl. 段落翻译题2(出题者:田红)

我不知道如果我到另一个国家, 用另一种语言努力的跟那些说话流利的人交流, 那时我会有多坚强。尤其是, 我不知道如果没有一帮朋友,没有和家里一样铺着绿色木板的白色屋子, 没有那条路灯时明时暗淡旧街, 没有夜色中飞驰而过的汽车声,我会有多坚强。 我离不开那漫漫夏夜飘散在我窗前的茉莉花香,也离不开每天早上熟悉的洒水车的声音。

I don’t know how strong I’ll be if I move to a foreign country and try to speak in another language with fluent speakers. Especially, I don ’t know how strong I’ll be if I don ’t have a network of my friends or the same white house with green board, the old streets with blinking road lamps, and sounds of cars whizzing by during the dark of night. I can’t rear myself away from the scent of jasmine that drifts through my window during long summer nights and the sound of the sprinklers completing a morning routine.


• 1. 现今越来越多人出国读书,„„

• 2. 出国读书的利弊。

• 3. 作为一名大学生,你的看法是„„

3 Unit 5


我们所拥有的资产之所以会快速贬值的原因是一旦我们已经拥有了,就会对之失去兴趣。在这种情况下,我们就可以用这些物品来进行合作消费。相关研究人员告诉我们传统的分享已经变身为租赁业务,并将在未来的十年中蓬勃发展。考虑到人口的快速增长,集体消费将完全符合“资源共享、以物易物、贸易、租凭”这一新的趋势。在进行合作消费时,如何理顺合作关系将成为最具挑战的问题: 在同一时段,人们都需要用同一物品怎么办?在这个资源越来越少的世界中,我们别无选择只能与他人,甚至陌生人一起分享账富,这为尝不是一个明智的选择。 The reason why the value of the assets we possess depreciates quickly is that we already have the ownership and we may lose interest in them. Under this circumstance, these items can be used for collaborative consumption. The relevant shows us that traditional sharing already transformed into rental businesses, which will thrive in the following decade. Considering the growth of population, collaborative consumption conforms to the new trend---sharing, bartering, trading and renting, The biggest challenge of collaborative consumption is streamlining operations because people may need or want the same item at the same time. In this on-going world with resources which are declining in amount, we have no choice but to collaborate with others, even strangers to spread the wealth. 作文(出题者:梁凌)

• 1. 现今人们的消费观念不再像过去那样保守,„„

• 2. 人们消费的理由各种各样。

• 3. 作为一名大学生,你的看法是„„


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