







2007年,考查的是主动建议信,再次把考生放在了非常主动的地位上,没人问你意见,你自己跳出来对母校的大学图书馆管理提建议。这封邮件再次使网络上以及很多培训机构的预测失效,因为他们为同学们准备的范文多半是类似于你有一个同学,要去美国读书,写信问你到底是读历史还是计算机。实质上,这属于回复建议信,它的文章开头多半是In respond to your question about whether to „ , I would like to present the following

recommendations. 而主动建议信的开头却截然不同,因为是主动,所以收信人多半会感觉比较突然,因此需要写信人在开头稍作自我介绍,并不是介绍自己的姓名,而是稍微说明下自己主动提建议的初衷是为对方好,首先取得对方的理解,这才是一封主动建议信所必须具备的,基于此,开头往往会设计为,As a warm-hearted and attentiveness-full 的人, I have spent a lot of time caring about the development of so that I write this letter to display some of my recommendations with regard to as follows.因此,如果不能准确使用,则后果会很严重,从第一句话就会暴露你根本没有审题,得分也就可想而知;

2008年考察的非常巧妙,杂交了两种类型的邮件:道歉加失物归还。出国旅行,把国外朋友借给你听的CD 机一不小心带回国了。这封邮件再次使很多死板的失物招领信或寻物启事信模板无用武之地;







(1) 高举和谐社会大旗(Harmonious Society)

从1998年考研英语大作文命题至今,考题基本锁定和谐社会的大旗,反复变换切入点,而命题方式,除了1999年的图表题之外,已经基本锁定在图画题,这个规律已经延续11年未变,具体来看,1998年的诚信(credit )话题,1999年以及2000年连续两年的人与自然和谐共处的话题(nature ),2001年爱心话题(love ),2002年的世界文化融合话题(culture ),2003年的个人、企业独立成长话题(self-independence ),2004年的人生奋斗无止境话题(it ends today but starts tomorrow ),2005年的抚养老人话题(to respect elders ),2006年的偶像崇拜话题(idol worship ),2007年的自信话题(confidence ),2008年的残疾人合作奋斗自强不息话题(never give up),2009年的网络对于人类交流亲疏远近之影响(interpersonal relationship immersed in Internet era)以及2010年再次重现的中西文化大融合话题。从这些历年真题中无不察觉出命题者的良苦用心,即完善人格,关注生活,关心他人,最终实现人与人的和谐,个人自身的和谐以及人与自然的和谐。一旦把握此命题思路,在平时的训练时就能真正做到有的放矢,例如,一些阴暗的,过于政治化的话题,就不会成为应试范围,而尚未考察过的一些和谐话题,例如社会责任(responsibility ),乐观心态(optimism )亦或平心做人、脚踏实地(to try to grasp your aspiration step by step)等,就应该在平时适当进行练习,这样在走进考场那一刻才能真正实现胸有成足,写作时的素材才会有信手拈来的感觉。

(2) 影射当年热点话题(hot spot)

2008年1月19日下午,正值08年考研第一天,我的手机从当天的研究生入学英语考试结束之时起就一直响到当天晚上21时许,大多数是来自学员和同事的祝贺以及感谢,说我押中了08年的考研大作文题。其实,对于押题这个字眼,我内心从来都是不太感冒的,因为一个好的考研者,英文复习的重心绝对不应该放在押题中,一个好的师者,也不应给学员传达押题这样的信息,而是应该帮助学员实实在在找到方向,真正提高写作水平。但押终归押到了,虽有些许惊诧,但也很欣慰的发现,自己一直以来对于考研命题的思路探析没有出错,起码与命题组的专家们算是有些契合了!其实用心观察的人都会发现,近些年尤其是近5年来考研的命题,除了把握和谐社会这个大方向不变之外,影射当年热点就是另一个最直接有效切中命题的捷径。让我们来看看吧,2003年1月考研,正值中国加入WTO 第一年,实为2002年经济界的一个热点话题,因此图画选择了“温室里的花朵经不起风雨” ,影射中国企业成长继而引申到个人成长都需要自主独立;2005年1月考研,“养老足球赛”,大家查阅2004年全年BBC 评选的中国大事记,把当年命名为中国的“司法聚焦年”,因此赡养父母这个小的切入点影射的实为中国当年的人际全局面貌;2006年1月考研,“偶像崇拜话题” ,更是明显不过,2005年全年的超级女声几乎撼动了整个中国娱乐界;2007年1月的“自信话题” ,漫画中一个守门员,一个射手,正在面临点球大战前的心理波动,回应的的正是2006年沸腾全球的德国世界杯;再到2008年1月,充分显示了命题者的智慧,中国正式进入奥运年,奥运所体现的一切精神就是永不放弃,自强不息,但如果直接选择一幅漫画就是关于奥运,又太过明显,因此,我当时在2007年5月17号的一次考研讲座现场就第一次提出了了08年考研的展望,即奥运这个热点过于强大,所以不可能避开,那怎么隐藏??所以只能选择打“擦边球” ,通过残奥,影射残疾人不屈不挠奋斗之话题,因为每一个观看过哪怕任何一场残疾人运动会的人都会为这个特殊群体的精神所震撼,果不其然,最终的结果如我所料!因此,我们可以大胆的推测,即将到来的11年考研,这个大规律依旧有很大的可能得到延续。



1. 漫画“瞎子摸到了真象”--- 影射国际对于中国认识的前后变化。

2. 漫画“相互推卸责任”--- 影射食品安全事件中的社会责任感和道德感缺失。

3. 漫画“股市大跌”--- 影射投机心态不可有,脚踏实地才是出路。

4. 漫画“地震中用自己身躯保护学生的好老师”--- 影射灾难事件中人性的光辉。关于灾难,此命题切入点还有可能为保持乐观心态。

5. 漫画“把我整成**明星的样子”--- 影射整容现象以及山寨现象



朱伟简介:朱伟,英文名Jerry ,新东方教育科技集团09年度优秀教师,南昌新东方学校考试部名师,国内考试项目主管,主授课程:词汇8000,词汇5500,四六级阅读,考研写作,雅思词汇,BEC 高级写作,大学预科阅读、词汇、考研及四、六级阅读、写作、词汇专家。民商法学硕士研究生,研究生入学考试政治,英语,各专业课以及总分均为当年第一名。大学生缤纷艺术节歌唱比赛冠军,百事新星大赛南区亚军,“江南之星”十强, 在大学毕业时成功举办个人演唱会。大学期间获各类歌唱比赛及英文竞赛大奖, 并曾在同一首歌及周华健演唱会担任嘉宾歌手, 被考生誉为”全能天才偶像教师”。授课内容丰富全面,对历年考试命题规律的研究深入透彻,是新东方集团新一代青年教师的优秀代表。


范文演示:Introduced as a widely known Chinese fable “Blind men and an Elephant ”, it tells us never to draw a conclusion from incomplete data. For tremendous years, people outside China could only get narrow and unilateral knowledge about China, leaving a real China far from being unveiled. Nevertheless, the past 2008 Beijing Olympics was the very and perfect time to lift the curse.

For most people who are non-Chinese, they tend to have a picture of Chinese who are just Confucius-like, living in a highly polluted place or even having no freedom to speak in public, etc. Reasons behind are usually the following two: one is that westerners are not so eager to learn about China just as our Chinese do about them, the limited information that reached them are mostly outdated or biased one which were more often than not stipulated by a third party with a special interest; the other is that Chinese government were not so open as the one today and did inadequate publicity about its country, thus the image of China is always kind of

mysterious to outsiders, then the image depicted above about China, though misleading, is understandable.

However, the grand Olympic Games provide an golden opportunity for people around the world to see a complete and “brand-new ”China. Therefore, a better world characterized by harmony between China and all the other countries is to come.


重点推荐: the lack of responsibility

范文演示:When the issue of poisonous milk powder gains an overwhelming focus from the public, what are these malefactors doing? As we can see from the depiction, enterprise, milk station, milch cow and even grass are trying to find someone scapegoating for this credit crisis, in my view point, that’s nothing to do with the credit but the problem of responsibility.

Responsibility is a keyword that we should never disregard, defined not only as the courage to face every foreseeable risk, but as the braveness to entail every malpractice when it really takes place as well. The causes of the shortage of


KEYWORDS: “Shanzhai ” or “copycat ”(山寨)


As is indicated in the illustration given above, one well-known historical notability named Li Kui is being astonished by his another-self, who is standing in the opposite side, with a disgraceful note in his hand announcing “giving you the parallel experience as the original edition could pay”. So, paid for what? Definitely, he would be paid for his special reputation as a so-called “Copycat Big Star” or “Shanzhai Superstar” which is rampant in today’s China.

The trend of the variety of human culture is unchangeable even without the action delivered by human beings ascribing to the various individualities themselves, so is this round of culture revolution. The novelties emanating from the “Copycat Culture ”---“Shanzhai Movie ”, “Shanzhai Camera ” and even “Shanzhai Celebration of Spring Festival ” have brought a lot of entertainment to the public to some extent, but what we should never be blind to is their negative influence if they go to extremes hypothetically. Just as the exemplification demonstrated in the cartoon goes, “Shanzhai Star ” is taking advantage of the fame or profitable value generating from the true superstar, sometimes this kind of behavior is a typical infringement to the intellectual property indeed, which we can never fail to recognize from TV programs or newspapers always.

Then, the question goes to another orientation, that is, whether or not should we admit the existence of “Copycat Culture ” or to what extent could we make efforts to protect the rights of original authority? It goes with no denying that the engine

of the development of a country is subject to the nation’s creative power, which needs the much strongest protection from no matter government or civilian to fight with any behavior ravaging this kind of ecological balance. Fortunately, the first good news has been coming in --- “a unique 15-digit code, the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI), is being applied to China’s more than 200 types of registered mobile phones. The effort will combat “Shanzhai ” mobile phones, or copycat phones, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology said recently. ”




Last year we achieved a 15% increase in the sales of our . we believe that this happy state of affairs can be attributed to two causes. First, we managed to avoid passing on any part of our increased manufacturing costs to our majestic clients. Second, we believe our designs and colors are the most attractive that we have ever produced.

And so we are happy to be able to tell you that our new season ’s are, if anything, more attractive than last year’s and our prices will compare very favorably with those of any of our competitors. We believe that you will agree that our samples prove the truth of our claims.

We look forward for you to favor us an order.


Could you give us some idea about your price?

Full information as to prices, quality, quantity available and other relative particulars would be highly appreciated.

It will be greatly appreciated if you will kindly send us your samples. However, we find that we can obtain a price less by 30% than yours with local firm.






点评:这是一封典型的combination (合体式)作文,它既涉及找工作面试用语,又涉及投诉信,代表了考研应用文命题的典型思路。


Dear Sir or Madam,

I, the undersigned, am a job applicant who had participated in the interview held by your company last Wednesday. I feel bad to trouble you but I am afraid that I have to make a complaint about this jod-striving experience.

The reason for my dissatisfaction has nothing to do with the outcome but the tone of your interviewer, Mr Wang. First, when I was about to illuminating my deep thought, he began to blame on my so-called nonsense according to his perspective. Additionally, his cynical eyesight always made me feel that I am a reject , after

all, I am a novice who has stepped into this ruthless carrer world for the first time.

I appreciate it very much if you could take my letter into consideration, what I really want is just an apology delivered from him,and I would like to have this matter settled by this Friday.


Li Ming







2007年,考查的是主动建议信,再次把考生放在了非常主动的地位上,没人问你意见,你自己跳出来对母校的大学图书馆管理提建议。这封邮件再次使网络上以及很多培训机构的预测失效,因为他们为同学们准备的范文多半是类似于你有一个同学,要去美国读书,写信问你到底是读历史还是计算机。实质上,这属于回复建议信,它的文章开头多半是In respond to your question about whether to „ , I would like to present the following

recommendations. 而主动建议信的开头却截然不同,因为是主动,所以收信人多半会感觉比较突然,因此需要写信人在开头稍作自我介绍,并不是介绍自己的姓名,而是稍微说明下自己主动提建议的初衷是为对方好,首先取得对方的理解,这才是一封主动建议信所必须具备的,基于此,开头往往会设计为,As a warm-hearted and attentiveness-full 的人, I have spent a lot of time caring about the development of so that I write this letter to display some of my recommendations with regard to as follows.因此,如果不能准确使用,则后果会很严重,从第一句话就会暴露你根本没有审题,得分也就可想而知;

2008年考察的非常巧妙,杂交了两种类型的邮件:道歉加失物归还。出国旅行,把国外朋友借给你听的CD 机一不小心带回国了。这封邮件再次使很多死板的失物招领信或寻物启事信模板无用武之地;







(1) 高举和谐社会大旗(Harmonious Society)

从1998年考研英语大作文命题至今,考题基本锁定和谐社会的大旗,反复变换切入点,而命题方式,除了1999年的图表题之外,已经基本锁定在图画题,这个规律已经延续11年未变,具体来看,1998年的诚信(credit )话题,1999年以及2000年连续两年的人与自然和谐共处的话题(nature ),2001年爱心话题(love ),2002年的世界文化融合话题(culture ),2003年的个人、企业独立成长话题(self-independence ),2004年的人生奋斗无止境话题(it ends today but starts tomorrow ),2005年的抚养老人话题(to respect elders ),2006年的偶像崇拜话题(idol worship ),2007年的自信话题(confidence ),2008年的残疾人合作奋斗自强不息话题(never give up),2009年的网络对于人类交流亲疏远近之影响(interpersonal relationship immersed in Internet era)以及2010年再次重现的中西文化大融合话题。从这些历年真题中无不察觉出命题者的良苦用心,即完善人格,关注生活,关心他人,最终实现人与人的和谐,个人自身的和谐以及人与自然的和谐。一旦把握此命题思路,在平时的训练时就能真正做到有的放矢,例如,一些阴暗的,过于政治化的话题,就不会成为应试范围,而尚未考察过的一些和谐话题,例如社会责任(responsibility ),乐观心态(optimism )亦或平心做人、脚踏实地(to try to grasp your aspiration step by step)等,就应该在平时适当进行练习,这样在走进考场那一刻才能真正实现胸有成足,写作时的素材才会有信手拈来的感觉。

(2) 影射当年热点话题(hot spot)

2008年1月19日下午,正值08年考研第一天,我的手机从当天的研究生入学英语考试结束之时起就一直响到当天晚上21时许,大多数是来自学员和同事的祝贺以及感谢,说我押中了08年的考研大作文题。其实,对于押题这个字眼,我内心从来都是不太感冒的,因为一个好的考研者,英文复习的重心绝对不应该放在押题中,一个好的师者,也不应给学员传达押题这样的信息,而是应该帮助学员实实在在找到方向,真正提高写作水平。但押终归押到了,虽有些许惊诧,但也很欣慰的发现,自己一直以来对于考研命题的思路探析没有出错,起码与命题组的专家们算是有些契合了!其实用心观察的人都会发现,近些年尤其是近5年来考研的命题,除了把握和谐社会这个大方向不变之外,影射当年热点就是另一个最直接有效切中命题的捷径。让我们来看看吧,2003年1月考研,正值中国加入WTO 第一年,实为2002年经济界的一个热点话题,因此图画选择了“温室里的花朵经不起风雨” ,影射中国企业成长继而引申到个人成长都需要自主独立;2005年1月考研,“养老足球赛”,大家查阅2004年全年BBC 评选的中国大事记,把当年命名为中国的“司法聚焦年”,因此赡养父母这个小的切入点影射的实为中国当年的人际全局面貌;2006年1月考研,“偶像崇拜话题” ,更是明显不过,2005年全年的超级女声几乎撼动了整个中国娱乐界;2007年1月的“自信话题” ,漫画中一个守门员,一个射手,正在面临点球大战前的心理波动,回应的的正是2006年沸腾全球的德国世界杯;再到2008年1月,充分显示了命题者的智慧,中国正式进入奥运年,奥运所体现的一切精神就是永不放弃,自强不息,但如果直接选择一幅漫画就是关于奥运,又太过明显,因此,我当时在2007年5月17号的一次考研讲座现场就第一次提出了了08年考研的展望,即奥运这个热点过于强大,所以不可能避开,那怎么隐藏??所以只能选择打“擦边球” ,通过残奥,影射残疾人不屈不挠奋斗之话题,因为每一个观看过哪怕任何一场残疾人运动会的人都会为这个特殊群体的精神所震撼,果不其然,最终的结果如我所料!因此,我们可以大胆的推测,即将到来的11年考研,这个大规律依旧有很大的可能得到延续。



1. 漫画“瞎子摸到了真象”--- 影射国际对于中国认识的前后变化。

2. 漫画“相互推卸责任”--- 影射食品安全事件中的社会责任感和道德感缺失。

3. 漫画“股市大跌”--- 影射投机心态不可有,脚踏实地才是出路。

4. 漫画“地震中用自己身躯保护学生的好老师”--- 影射灾难事件中人性的光辉。关于灾难,此命题切入点还有可能为保持乐观心态。

5. 漫画“把我整成**明星的样子”--- 影射整容现象以及山寨现象



朱伟简介:朱伟,英文名Jerry ,新东方教育科技集团09年度优秀教师,南昌新东方学校考试部名师,国内考试项目主管,主授课程:词汇8000,词汇5500,四六级阅读,考研写作,雅思词汇,BEC 高级写作,大学预科阅读、词汇、考研及四、六级阅读、写作、词汇专家。民商法学硕士研究生,研究生入学考试政治,英语,各专业课以及总分均为当年第一名。大学生缤纷艺术节歌唱比赛冠军,百事新星大赛南区亚军,“江南之星”十强, 在大学毕业时成功举办个人演唱会。大学期间获各类歌唱比赛及英文竞赛大奖, 并曾在同一首歌及周华健演唱会担任嘉宾歌手, 被考生誉为”全能天才偶像教师”。授课内容丰富全面,对历年考试命题规律的研究深入透彻,是新东方集团新一代青年教师的优秀代表。


范文演示:Introduced as a widely known Chinese fable “Blind men and an Elephant ”, it tells us never to draw a conclusion from incomplete data. For tremendous years, people outside China could only get narrow and unilateral knowledge about China, leaving a real China far from being unveiled. Nevertheless, the past 2008 Beijing Olympics was the very and perfect time to lift the curse.

For most people who are non-Chinese, they tend to have a picture of Chinese who are just Confucius-like, living in a highly polluted place or even having no freedom to speak in public, etc. Reasons behind are usually the following two: one is that westerners are not so eager to learn about China just as our Chinese do about them, the limited information that reached them are mostly outdated or biased one which were more often than not stipulated by a third party with a special interest; the other is that Chinese government were not so open as the one today and did inadequate publicity about its country, thus the image of China is always kind of

mysterious to outsiders, then the image depicted above about China, though misleading, is understandable.

However, the grand Olympic Games provide an golden opportunity for people around the world to see a complete and “brand-new ”China. Therefore, a better world characterized by harmony between China and all the other countries is to come.


重点推荐: the lack of responsibility

范文演示:When the issue of poisonous milk powder gains an overwhelming focus from the public, what are these malefactors doing? As we can see from the depiction, enterprise, milk station, milch cow and even grass are trying to find someone scapegoating for this credit crisis, in my view point, that’s nothing to do with the credit but the problem of responsibility.

Responsibility is a keyword that we should never disregard, defined not only as the courage to face every foreseeable risk, but as the braveness to entail every malpractice when it really takes place as well. The causes of the shortage of


KEYWORDS: “Shanzhai ” or “copycat ”(山寨)


As is indicated in the illustration given above, one well-known historical notability named Li Kui is being astonished by his another-self, who is standing in the opposite side, with a disgraceful note in his hand announcing “giving you the parallel experience as the original edition could pay”. So, paid for what? Definitely, he would be paid for his special reputation as a so-called “Copycat Big Star” or “Shanzhai Superstar” which is rampant in today’s China.

The trend of the variety of human culture is unchangeable even without the action delivered by human beings ascribing to the various individualities themselves, so is this round of culture revolution. The novelties emanating from the “Copycat Culture ”---“Shanzhai Movie ”, “Shanzhai Camera ” and even “Shanzhai Celebration of Spring Festival ” have brought a lot of entertainment to the public to some extent, but what we should never be blind to is their negative influence if they go to extremes hypothetically. Just as the exemplification demonstrated in the cartoon goes, “Shanzhai Star ” is taking advantage of the fame or profitable value generating from the true superstar, sometimes this kind of behavior is a typical infringement to the intellectual property indeed, which we can never fail to recognize from TV programs or newspapers always.

Then, the question goes to another orientation, that is, whether or not should we admit the existence of “Copycat Culture ” or to what extent could we make efforts to protect the rights of original authority? It goes with no denying that the engine

of the development of a country is subject to the nation’s creative power, which needs the much strongest protection from no matter government or civilian to fight with any behavior ravaging this kind of ecological balance. Fortunately, the first good news has been coming in --- “a unique 15-digit code, the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI), is being applied to China’s more than 200 types of registered mobile phones. The effort will combat “Shanzhai ” mobile phones, or copycat phones, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology said recently. ”




Last year we achieved a 15% increase in the sales of our . we believe that this happy state of affairs can be attributed to two causes. First, we managed to avoid passing on any part of our increased manufacturing costs to our majestic clients. Second, we believe our designs and colors are the most attractive that we have ever produced.

And so we are happy to be able to tell you that our new season ’s are, if anything, more attractive than last year’s and our prices will compare very favorably with those of any of our competitors. We believe that you will agree that our samples prove the truth of our claims.

We look forward for you to favor us an order.


Could you give us some idea about your price?

Full information as to prices, quality, quantity available and other relative particulars would be highly appreciated.

It will be greatly appreciated if you will kindly send us your samples. However, we find that we can obtain a price less by 30% than yours with local firm.






点评:这是一封典型的combination (合体式)作文,它既涉及找工作面试用语,又涉及投诉信,代表了考研应用文命题的典型思路。


Dear Sir or Madam,

I, the undersigned, am a job applicant who had participated in the interview held by your company last Wednesday. I feel bad to trouble you but I am afraid that I have to make a complaint about this jod-striving experience.

The reason for my dissatisfaction has nothing to do with the outcome but the tone of your interviewer, Mr Wang. First, when I was about to illuminating my deep thought, he began to blame on my so-called nonsense according to his perspective. Additionally, his cynical eyesight always made me feel that I am a reject , after

all, I am a novice who has stepped into this ruthless carrer world for the first time.

I appreciate it very much if you could take my letter into consideration, what I really want is just an apology delivered from him,and I would like to have this matter settled by this Friday.


Li Ming


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