


Japan’s PM is set to become the first foreign leader to meet US President-elect Donald Trump, since the election last week.

自上周的选举以来,日本首相安倍将成为第一位会见美国总统当选人特朗普的外国领袖。 Shinzo Abe said he wanted to "build trust" and "work together for prosperity and world peace", before leaving for his trip.

开始他的行程之前,安倍称,他想要(同美国)“建立信任”,“共同为繁荣和世界和平努力”。 The meeting in New York comes amid concern over the foreign policy direction of Tokyo’s biggest ally.


Mr Trump has said Japan needs to pay more to maintain US troops on its soil. 特朗普先生说,日本需要为维持驻日美军支付更多报酬。

He also condemned a major trade deal struck by President Obama with Japan and other Pacific Rim countries.


The US and Japan have been key allies since the end of World War Two, when the US helped Japan rebuild its economy.


Mr Abe is stopping in New York on his way to an Asia-Pacific trade summit in Peru.


But details of Thursday’s meeting are unclear, with a Japanese official saying exactly where it will happen has not been firmed up.


"There has been a lot of confusion," a Japanese official told Reuters news agency.


The BBC’s Paul Adams in Washington says Mr Trump has toned down some of his more strident rhetoric since the election, but that hasn’t stopped observers wondering whether the fundamentals of post-war US policy on Asia can survive. 英国广播公司的保罗·亚当斯在华盛顿说道,自选举以来,特朗普已经缓和了他的一些极为强硬的言论,但是,美国对亚洲的政策是否能保留下来,观察家仍很好奇。

Mr Trump has also yet to select his new cabinet and other positions. He has denied that the transition to the White House is in a disarray.


Mr Trump and Vice President-elect Mike Pence have spoken with 29 world leaders since the election, according to a statement from the transition team. 据过渡团队的一份声明,自当选以来,特朗普先生和副总统当选人迈克以已经同29国国家领导人通话。

It remains unclear who else might be at the meeting with Mr Abe.


High-level talks are rarely held in such an informal context and Tokyo is keen to minimise uncertainty during the long handover of power.


"We want to safeguard our alliance with the United States during the transition," said a senior Japanese foreign ministry official, Tetsuya Otsuru, when the meeting was announced.

当会面被宣布时,日本高级外交部官员TetsuyaOtsuru 说:“过渡期间,我们想守卫我们和美国的同盟。”


Japan’s PM is set to become the first foreign leader to meet US President-elect Donald Trump, since the election last week.

自上周的选举以来,日本首相安倍将成为第一位会见美国总统当选人特朗普的外国领袖。 Shinzo Abe said he wanted to "build trust" and "work together for prosperity and world peace", before leaving for his trip.

开始他的行程之前,安倍称,他想要(同美国)“建立信任”,“共同为繁荣和世界和平努力”。 The meeting in New York comes amid concern over the foreign policy direction of Tokyo’s biggest ally.


Mr Trump has said Japan needs to pay more to maintain US troops on its soil. 特朗普先生说,日本需要为维持驻日美军支付更多报酬。

He also condemned a major trade deal struck by President Obama with Japan and other Pacific Rim countries.


The US and Japan have been key allies since the end of World War Two, when the US helped Japan rebuild its economy.


Mr Abe is stopping in New York on his way to an Asia-Pacific trade summit in Peru.


But details of Thursday’s meeting are unclear, with a Japanese official saying exactly where it will happen has not been firmed up.


"There has been a lot of confusion," a Japanese official told Reuters news agency.


The BBC’s Paul Adams in Washington says Mr Trump has toned down some of his more strident rhetoric since the election, but that hasn’t stopped observers wondering whether the fundamentals of post-war US policy on Asia can survive. 英国广播公司的保罗·亚当斯在华盛顿说道,自选举以来,特朗普已经缓和了他的一些极为强硬的言论,但是,美国对亚洲的政策是否能保留下来,观察家仍很好奇。

Mr Trump has also yet to select his new cabinet and other positions. He has denied that the transition to the White House is in a disarray.


Mr Trump and Vice President-elect Mike Pence have spoken with 29 world leaders since the election, according to a statement from the transition team. 据过渡团队的一份声明,自当选以来,特朗普先生和副总统当选人迈克以已经同29国国家领导人通话。

It remains unclear who else might be at the meeting with Mr Abe.


High-level talks are rarely held in such an informal context and Tokyo is keen to minimise uncertainty during the long handover of power.


"We want to safeguard our alliance with the United States during the transition," said a senior Japanese foreign ministry official, Tetsuya Otsuru, when the meeting was announced.

当会面被宣布时,日本高级外交部官员TetsuyaOtsuru 说:“过渡期间,我们想守卫我们和美国的同盟。”


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