

15商英一班 第五组

12李淑丽、13林美玲、14徐韩晶、19陆伊琳、23徐华玲、30周晓泓 Ladies and gentlemen:


Good morning ! Welcome to The Great Wall.

女士们、先生们:你们好! 欢迎来到长城。

The Great Wall is the working people in ancient China created the great miracle, is China witnessed a long history. It is the Terracotta Army and the TianAnMen, together with the people of the world as a symbol of Chinese. Because the length is more than 10000, it is also called the "the Great Wall". According to records, Qin Shi Huang used the nearly million labor force accounted for the construction of the Great Wall, 1/20 of the country's population, there were no machinery, are all rely on human labor, work environment and high mountains and lofty hills, cliff. The Spring and Autumn Period, the princes and other countries to defense the intrusion, the construction of Beacon Tower, connected with the wall of the city, the formation of the earliest the Great Wall. The Great Wall east of Tiger Hill Liaoning Dandong , West to Gansu Jiayuguan, from east to west through 10 provinces. 长城是我国古代劳动人民创造的伟大的奇迹,是中国悠久历史的见证。它与天安门,兵马俑一起被世人视为中国的象征。因长度逾万里,故又称作“万里长城”。据记载,秦始皇使用了近百万劳动力修筑长城,占全国人口的二十分之一, 当时没有任何机械,全部劳动都得靠人力,而工作环境又是崇山峻岭、峭壁深壑。春秋战国时期,诸侯各国为了防御别国入侵,修筑烽火台,用城墙连接起来,形成最早的长城。以后历代君王大都加固增修。长城东起辽宁丹东虎山,西至甘肃嘉峪关,从东向西行经10个省区市。 "No come to the Great Wall no heroes ". Ok. I hope it have let you a impressive memory. Let’s have a good time! “不到长城非好汉”, 好了,我希望它给你一个令人印象深刻的记忆。让我们开始我们的旅程吧!

Now,start our first station-Shanhaiguan.现在,开启我们的第一站路程-山海关。 Shanhaiguan gathering the essence of Chinese ancient Great Wall, is the eastern end of the Great Wall starting point, "first pass under heaven," said. 山海关有”天下第一“的美称,集合了中国古长城的精髓,是长城的起点。 The Great Wall at badaling history said that the world nine fill one. 长城八达岭史称天下九塞之一。 Okay,now enjoy your personal time,next station we will be Badaling 好的,现在大家可以享受你们的私人时光,下一站我们会出发去八达岭。 The Badaling can not only plant trees, outing, still can view and admire a full mountain red, fragrant everywhere. 八达岭有植树、还可踏青,观赏满山芳香四溢的杏花红。

15商英一班 第五组

12李淑丽、13林美玲、14徐韩晶、19陆伊琳、23徐华玲、30周晓泓 now we are standing in juyongguan. 现在我们已经站在居庸关。 The Juyongguan look not only very dangerous, and pleasant scenery. And the Juyongguan with insurance is famous, "YiFuDangGuan, affection of mo open" of power. 居庸关并没有看起来那么险峻,风景很美。它主要是以它的防御功能而出名。有着“一夫当关,万夫莫开”的力量。

okay.then we can see a outstanding construction in the YanmengguanLet is go. 好的,下面我们会去雁门关看一个很伟大的建筑。现在出发吧! YanMenguan mainly with insurance is given priority to, also has the rich cultural resources, the ancient building construction is particularly outstanding. 雁门关以保险为主,也有丰富的文化资源,古建筑尤为突出。

Lady shut is special for its name.so let's go to see it. 娘子关因为它的名字很特别,让我们出发去探索它的特别之处吧! Lady shut has "the first nine off" title, and there are many customs and legend, is worth us further understand. 娘子关有“前九关”的称号,并有许多习俗和传说,值得我们进一步了解。

As far as the jiayu pass bright Great Wall is the starting point of the west, but also the Great Wall of the biggest pass.


The Great Wall's aisle is very spacious, may five or six horses counterparts


At night,the Great Wall is very beautiful, like a colorful dragon circling in the mountains .


Oh.Time flies.our first day,s trip is finished.And you can enjoy your free time tonight.But just be care.You can call me anytime. 时光飞逝,我们第一天的路程已经结束了。今晚大家可以自由行,但是要注意安全,有什么事都可以给我打电话。 Thank you

15商英一班 第五组

12李淑丽、13林美玲、14徐韩晶、19陆伊琳、23徐华玲、30周晓泓 Ladies and gentlemen:


Good morning ! Welcome to The Great Wall.

女士们、先生们:你们好! 欢迎来到长城。

The Great Wall is the working people in ancient China created the great miracle, is China witnessed a long history. It is the Terracotta Army and the TianAnMen, together with the people of the world as a symbol of Chinese. Because the length is more than 10000, it is also called the "the Great Wall". According to records, Qin Shi Huang used the nearly million labor force accounted for the construction of the Great Wall, 1/20 of the country's population, there were no machinery, are all rely on human labor, work environment and high mountains and lofty hills, cliff. The Spring and Autumn Period, the princes and other countries to defense the intrusion, the construction of Beacon Tower, connected with the wall of the city, the formation of the earliest the Great Wall. The Great Wall east of Tiger Hill Liaoning Dandong , West to Gansu Jiayuguan, from east to west through 10 provinces. 长城是我国古代劳动人民创造的伟大的奇迹,是中国悠久历史的见证。它与天安门,兵马俑一起被世人视为中国的象征。因长度逾万里,故又称作“万里长城”。据记载,秦始皇使用了近百万劳动力修筑长城,占全国人口的二十分之一, 当时没有任何机械,全部劳动都得靠人力,而工作环境又是崇山峻岭、峭壁深壑。春秋战国时期,诸侯各国为了防御别国入侵,修筑烽火台,用城墙连接起来,形成最早的长城。以后历代君王大都加固增修。长城东起辽宁丹东虎山,西至甘肃嘉峪关,从东向西行经10个省区市。 "No come to the Great Wall no heroes ". Ok. I hope it have let you a impressive memory. Let’s have a good time! “不到长城非好汉”, 好了,我希望它给你一个令人印象深刻的记忆。让我们开始我们的旅程吧!

Now,start our first station-Shanhaiguan.现在,开启我们的第一站路程-山海关。 Shanhaiguan gathering the essence of Chinese ancient Great Wall, is the eastern end of the Great Wall starting point, "first pass under heaven," said. 山海关有”天下第一“的美称,集合了中国古长城的精髓,是长城的起点。 The Great Wall at badaling history said that the world nine fill one. 长城八达岭史称天下九塞之一。 Okay,now enjoy your personal time,next station we will be Badaling 好的,现在大家可以享受你们的私人时光,下一站我们会出发去八达岭。 The Badaling can not only plant trees, outing, still can view and admire a full mountain red, fragrant everywhere. 八达岭有植树、还可踏青,观赏满山芳香四溢的杏花红。

15商英一班 第五组

12李淑丽、13林美玲、14徐韩晶、19陆伊琳、23徐华玲、30周晓泓 now we are standing in juyongguan. 现在我们已经站在居庸关。 The Juyongguan look not only very dangerous, and pleasant scenery. And the Juyongguan with insurance is famous, "YiFuDangGuan, affection of mo open" of power. 居庸关并没有看起来那么险峻,风景很美。它主要是以它的防御功能而出名。有着“一夫当关,万夫莫开”的力量。

okay.then we can see a outstanding construction in the YanmengguanLet is go. 好的,下面我们会去雁门关看一个很伟大的建筑。现在出发吧! YanMenguan mainly with insurance is given priority to, also has the rich cultural resources, the ancient building construction is particularly outstanding. 雁门关以保险为主,也有丰富的文化资源,古建筑尤为突出。

Lady shut is special for its name.so let's go to see it. 娘子关因为它的名字很特别,让我们出发去探索它的特别之处吧! Lady shut has "the first nine off" title, and there are many customs and legend, is worth us further understand. 娘子关有“前九关”的称号,并有许多习俗和传说,值得我们进一步了解。

As far as the jiayu pass bright Great Wall is the starting point of the west, but also the Great Wall of the biggest pass.


The Great Wall's aisle is very spacious, may five or six horses counterparts


At night,the Great Wall is very beautiful, like a colorful dragon circling in the mountains .


Oh.Time flies.our first day,s trip is finished.And you can enjoy your free time tonight.But just be care.You can call me anytime. 时光飞逝,我们第一天的路程已经结束了。今晚大家可以自由行,但是要注意安全,有什么事都可以给我打电话。 Thank you


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