

Write a passage based on the following topic:

Prevention or punishment, which is the better alternative in ensuring citizen safety? Requirements:

1. Pattern : introduction– some/ others believe ….-- your opinion)

2. Words: 150

3. The date to hand it in—those having intensive reading classes on Mondays: 11-14

on Thursdays: 11-10

4. Peer correction: After finishing the passage, find a classmate to correct it for you.

Correction grading standards:

Structure: 4’ (poorly—2; satisfactorily—3; superbly—3.5-4)

Contains a topic sentence;

Uses helpful transition signals;

Sticks to the main idea throughout.

Content: 4’ (poorly—2; satisfactorily—3; superbly—3.5-4)

Deals with the given topic;

Provides relevant and convincing information for the topic sentence.

Grammar: 4’ (poorly—2; satisfactorily—3; superbly—3.5-4)

No unbearable mistakes (主谓一致,冠词使用,句子结构完整. 名词单复数使用正确,词性使用正确)

Language: 4’ (poorly—2; satisfactorily—3; superbly—3.5-4)

Uses right words to express ideas;

Writes effective sentences with variations;

Formal language.

Calligraphy: 4’ (poorly—2; satisfactorily—3; superbly—3.5-4)

Sum :

Writer : Editor :

By the way, please respect my labor and do not copy.

Write a passage based on the following topic:

Prevention or punishment, which is the better alternative in ensuring citizen safety? Requirements:

1. Pattern : introduction– some/ others believe ….-- your opinion)

2. Words: 150

3. The date to hand it in—those having intensive reading classes on Mondays: 11-14

on Thursdays: 11-10

4. Peer correction: After finishing the passage, find a classmate to correct it for you.

Correction grading standards:

Structure: 4’ (poorly—2; satisfactorily—3; superbly—3.5-4)

Contains a topic sentence;

Uses helpful transition signals;

Sticks to the main idea throughout.

Content: 4’ (poorly—2; satisfactorily—3; superbly—3.5-4)

Deals with the given topic;

Provides relevant and convincing information for the topic sentence.

Grammar: 4’ (poorly—2; satisfactorily—3; superbly—3.5-4)

No unbearable mistakes (主谓一致,冠词使用,句子结构完整. 名词单复数使用正确,词性使用正确)

Language: 4’ (poorly—2; satisfactorily—3; superbly—3.5-4)

Uses right words to express ideas;

Writes effective sentences with variations;

Formal language.

Calligraphy: 4’ (poorly—2; satisfactorily—3; superbly—3.5-4)

Sum :

Writer : Editor :

By the way, please respect my labor and do not copy.


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