

关于感恩节的英语作文 时间:2014-11-08 分类:英语作文 来源:书通网


Thanksgiving, or Thanksgiving Day, is a holiday celebrated in the United States on the fourth Thursday in November.

It has officially been an annual tradition since 1863, when, during the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a national day of thanksgiving to be celebrated on Thursday, November 26.[1] As a federal and popular holiday in the U.S., Thanksgiving is one of the major holidays of the year.

Together with Christmas and the New Year, Thanksgiving is a part of the broader holiday season.


There are many kinds of thanksgiving days in the world. american thanksgiving day is another important holiday related to christianity. it is on the fourth thursday of each november. thanksgiving day in america is considered as a time to offer thanks, of family gatherings and holiday meals, such as turkeys, pumpkin pie, indian corn and so on. there are always holiday parades and hot balloons on that day.


Thanksgiving originated from the United States, which is the forth Thursday of November, but in

Canada its the second Monday of October. It started out as a holiday celebrating the aboriginals, but now it extended to be the celebration of others around you.

On that day, people would have a 2-day break, which they would meet up with family and friends and celebrate with joy and gratitude.

The delicious turkey is the main course at every Thanksgiving dinner.


In the United States, the fourth Thursday in November is called Thanksgiving Day.

On that day, Americans give thanks

for the blessings they have enjoyed during the year.Thanksgiving Day is usually

a family day. People always celebrate with big dinners and happy reunions. Pumpkin pie and Indian pudding are traditional Thanksgiving desserts.

Relatives from other cities, students who have been away at school, and many other Americans travel a long distance to spend the holiday at home.

关于感恩节的英语作文 时间:2014-11-08 分类:英语作文 来源:书通网


Thanksgiving, or Thanksgiving Day, is a holiday celebrated in the United States on the fourth Thursday in November.

It has officially been an annual tradition since 1863, when, during the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a national day of thanksgiving to be celebrated on Thursday, November 26.[1] As a federal and popular holiday in the U.S., Thanksgiving is one of the major holidays of the year.

Together with Christmas and the New Year, Thanksgiving is a part of the broader holiday season.


There are many kinds of thanksgiving days in the world. american thanksgiving day is another important holiday related to christianity. it is on the fourth thursday of each november. thanksgiving day in america is considered as a time to offer thanks, of family gatherings and holiday meals, such as turkeys, pumpkin pie, indian corn and so on. there are always holiday parades and hot balloons on that day.


Thanksgiving originated from the United States, which is the forth Thursday of November, but in

Canada its the second Monday of October. It started out as a holiday celebrating the aboriginals, but now it extended to be the celebration of others around you.

On that day, people would have a 2-day break, which they would meet up with family and friends and celebrate with joy and gratitude.

The delicious turkey is the main course at every Thanksgiving dinner.


In the United States, the fourth Thursday in November is called Thanksgiving Day.

On that day, Americans give thanks

for the blessings they have enjoyed during the year.Thanksgiving Day is usually

a family day. People always celebrate with big dinners and happy reunions. Pumpkin pie and Indian pudding are traditional Thanksgiving desserts.

Relatives from other cities, students who have been away at school, and many other Americans travel a long distance to spend the holiday at home.


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