

1.Talk about a dream place you want to live in

A:Do you have a dream place where you want to live in?

B:Of course

A:So,tell me what kind of a place it is.

B:It’s a big and beautiful city.There is peaceful,no crime and no quarrels.People live very happy and they greet with a smile.In the city,there is a lot of green belts,beautiful trees and green grass and so on.The most important is I have a big family,and we are happy to live together.

A:Wow,what a wonderful place!

B:How about you?

A:What you want is what I want.

2.Talk about one of my sickness experience.

A:Have you ever had a sickness experience what makes you unforgettable?

B:Sure.That makes me remember in my life.

A:So,do you mind if I ask your privacy?

B:No,I’d be glad to share whit you.One day,I had a fever in hospital.But no one visited me.In the evening,the ward(病房) was deserted and I felt so lonely,so sad.What’s worse,the doctor told me to only eat porridge(稀饭).The whole thing was a nightmare(噩梦).

A:I’m so sorry to hear that.But,I hope I can accompany you when you get sick next time.

B:How nice you are!

My dream place

I have a dream place.A place of my dream is to live in a beautiful and large city.The whole city is full of harmony.There is no crime,no quarrels,and people have a comfortable life.The city is so beautiful.A lot of tall trees and pretty flowers were planted.Moreover,where there is a road,there is a green belt(绿化带).In the city,my family and I live together,and all the people greet with a smile.

I very much hope that it becomes a reality.But it sounds unrealistic(不现实).The only thing I can do is living happy.

Sickness experience

Everybody have one memorable(难忘的)sickness experience.Here is mine.A few years ago,I had a fever in hospital.It was not an ordinary fever but a typhoid(伤寒). The doctor told me that I just can eat porridge.How poor I am.But no one visited me and comforted me.In the evening,the hospital was very quiet,and the ward was deserted.I felt so lonely,so sad.This time,I fight alone.

When I get sick,I just hope someone who can accompany(陪伴) me.Because I need some inspiring words.

1.Talk about a dream place you want to live in

A:Do you have a dream place where you want to live in?

B:Of course

A:So,tell me what kind of a place it is.

B:It’s a big and beautiful city.There is peaceful,no crime and no quarrels.People live very happy and they greet with a smile.In the city,there is a lot of green belts,beautiful trees and green grass and so on.The most important is I have a big family,and we are happy to live together.

A:Wow,what a wonderful place!

B:How about you?

A:What you want is what I want.

2.Talk about one of my sickness experience.

A:Have you ever had a sickness experience what makes you unforgettable?

B:Sure.That makes me remember in my life.

A:So,do you mind if I ask your privacy?

B:No,I’d be glad to share whit you.One day,I had a fever in hospital.But no one visited me.In the evening,the ward(病房) was deserted and I felt so lonely,so sad.What’s worse,the doctor told me to only eat porridge(稀饭).The whole thing was a nightmare(噩梦).

A:I’m so sorry to hear that.But,I hope I can accompany you when you get sick next time.

B:How nice you are!

My dream place

I have a dream place.A place of my dream is to live in a beautiful and large city.The whole city is full of harmony.There is no crime,no quarrels,and people have a comfortable life.The city is so beautiful.A lot of tall trees and pretty flowers were planted.Moreover,where there is a road,there is a green belt(绿化带).In the city,my family and I live together,and all the people greet with a smile.

I very much hope that it becomes a reality.But it sounds unrealistic(不现实).The only thing I can do is living happy.

Sickness experience

Everybody have one memorable(难忘的)sickness experience.Here is mine.A few years ago,I had a fever in hospital.It was not an ordinary fever but a typhoid(伤寒). The doctor told me that I just can eat porridge.How poor I am.But no one visited me and comforted me.In the evening,the hospital was very quiet,and the ward was deserted.I felt so lonely,so sad.This time,I fight alone.

When I get sick,I just hope someone who can accompany(陪伴) me.Because I need some inspiring words.


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