


开头句 1. Helping others makes me happy

2. I often help others. I think it makes me happy.

3. As we all know, helping others can bring happiness to others

4. It is known to all that life is always filled with difficulties.

5. I always believe that we all need help from others.

6. As the old saying goes, a friend in need is a friend indeed.

7. It’s my pleasure to help others.

8. It’s my honour to give others a helping hand.)

9. I often help others by giving them a helpful hand.

10. Everyone needs helps and everyone can help others.


1. I often help others when they are in trouble.

2. I give them my helping hand and try my best to help them solve the problems.

3. I often help others by giving them a helpful hand. When we do others a favor, we will gain something in return.

主题相关核心关键词:bring happiness to sb, be kind to others, in my daily life, not only…but also, not only wonderful but also meaningful, sounds great, a great chance to … be full of / be filled with difficulties,(充满困难) overcome difficulties,(克服困难) provide sb with sth., give enough support, feel good, be thankful to sb. be in trouble, try one’s best, solve problems, share sth. with sb. , do sb. a favour(帮某人一个忙), in return(作为回报),


1. To me, helping others is … (wonderful / meaningful / great)

2. In my opinion, helping others gives me a chance to learn to care for others.

3. That’s why I often help others.

4. I love helping others because it can make my friends happy / bring happiness to my friends.

5. It always brings me happiness

6. To me, helping others is both meaningful and wonderful. I really enjoy it. That’s why l often offer others help.

7. To me, being helpful to others gives myself a pleasant mood. That’s why I will try my best to help others.

8. So you see helping others is helping oursevles!


A friend in need is a friend indeed.(患难朋友才是真朋友)


开头句 1. Helping others makes me happy

2. I often help others. I think it makes me happy.

3. As we all know, helping others can bring happiness to others

4. It is known to all that life is always filled with difficulties.

5. I always believe that we all need help from others.

6. As the old saying goes, a friend in need is a friend indeed.

7. It’s my pleasure to help others.

8. It’s my honour to give others a helping hand.)

9. I often help others by giving them a helpful hand.

10. Everyone needs helps and everyone can help others.


1. I often help others when they are in trouble.

2. I give them my helping hand and try my best to help them solve the problems.

3. I often help others by giving them a helpful hand. When we do others a favor, we will gain something in return.

主题相关核心关键词:bring happiness to sb, be kind to others, in my daily life, not only…but also, not only wonderful but also meaningful, sounds great, a great chance to … be full of / be filled with difficulties,(充满困难) overcome difficulties,(克服困难) provide sb with sth., give enough support, feel good, be thankful to sb. be in trouble, try one’s best, solve problems, share sth. with sb. , do sb. a favour(帮某人一个忙), in return(作为回报),


1. To me, helping others is … (wonderful / meaningful / great)

2. In my opinion, helping others gives me a chance to learn to care for others.

3. That’s why I often help others.

4. I love helping others because it can make my friends happy / bring happiness to my friends.

5. It always brings me happiness

6. To me, helping others is both meaningful and wonderful. I really enjoy it. That’s why l often offer others help.

7. To me, being helpful to others gives myself a pleasant mood. That’s why I will try my best to help others.

8. So you see helping others is helping oursevles!


A friend in need is a friend indeed.(患难朋友才是真朋友)


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