

My views of life values

There is a saying in Buddhism that, in the same Dharmahatu, different people will have different views. Accordingly, everyone has different views of life values. Some people prefer accomplishing great things and enjoy getting himself into the limelight, some would just follow the low-keyed life and have their own principles. In the movie Pay It Forward , the three leading characters have their life messed up until they pay it forward. They believe that one good turn deserves another. Wholeheartedly, they start helping people and attain happiness from it. Philanthropic act or project like this are meaningful but requiring lots of time. These three people regard their life values as helping others and I would give the views of my own life values.

Through the different period of life, we would obtain certain life values. Despite of being a millionaire or a good person, the most basic life values which i would adopt, is to be a moral good person. Because there is vague limitation between good or bad, but there does exist definitions to define morality. In my personal perspective, being a moral good person is to avoid doing things while conscience is veiled by mask and never to stab in the back of others, since some college students and employees would do such, in order to get higher grades or better positions. Instead, doing kind things in life which would be deemed as Charitable Jide in


In the first two years since i have entered this college, i am aimless, truth be told, i have never had a clear vision of life values. However, with the critical faculty has been shaped during the past three years, i gradually agree that being a self-reliance person is crucial as well. Sometimes, our life values would appear on what you have done by yourself, so i prefer training ourselves as an independent person, because my intern experiences and my long-period of preparing for GRE test told me so. In the process of preparing GRE test, without questioning that i have found a word called “equality ”. Cheating is unacceptable, nor does the laziness. The only thing you can trust is yourself. This old-fashion saying mentioned above is not only useful but also meaningful, especially for we are about to enter the society. And my life values lies in self-reliance, too. Hence, i would keep my own life values in mind and keep discovery the path to maturity.

My views of life values

There is a saying in Buddhism that, in the same Dharmahatu, different people will have different views. Accordingly, everyone has different views of life values. Some people prefer accomplishing great things and enjoy getting himself into the limelight, some would just follow the low-keyed life and have their own principles. In the movie Pay It Forward , the three leading characters have their life messed up until they pay it forward. They believe that one good turn deserves another. Wholeheartedly, they start helping people and attain happiness from it. Philanthropic act or project like this are meaningful but requiring lots of time. These three people regard their life values as helping others and I would give the views of my own life values.

Through the different period of life, we would obtain certain life values. Despite of being a millionaire or a good person, the most basic life values which i would adopt, is to be a moral good person. Because there is vague limitation between good or bad, but there does exist definitions to define morality. In my personal perspective, being a moral good person is to avoid doing things while conscience is veiled by mask and never to stab in the back of others, since some college students and employees would do such, in order to get higher grades or better positions. Instead, doing kind things in life which would be deemed as Charitable Jide in


In the first two years since i have entered this college, i am aimless, truth be told, i have never had a clear vision of life values. However, with the critical faculty has been shaped during the past three years, i gradually agree that being a self-reliance person is crucial as well. Sometimes, our life values would appear on what you have done by yourself, so i prefer training ourselves as an independent person, because my intern experiences and my long-period of preparing for GRE test told me so. In the process of preparing GRE test, without questioning that i have found a word called “equality ”. Cheating is unacceptable, nor does the laziness. The only thing you can trust is yourself. This old-fashion saying mentioned above is not only useful but also meaningful, especially for we are about to enter the society. And my life values lies in self-reliance, too. Hence, i would keep my own life values in mind and keep discovery the path to maturity.


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