


一、判断下列每组单词画线部分读音是否相同,正“T”误(F)(8) ( )1. mouse house ( )2. bite live

( )3. net wet ( )4. strong soft

( )5. weak bread ( )6. soon foot

( )7. coal cold ( )8. really eat


1. Look, the lion is very large and ___________(强壮) .

唤醒)the lion.

第二天), two men caught the lion.

4. Don’t大声) in the classroom.


从那时起) , the lion and the mouse became friends.

软弱) .

尖锐) teeth.


A. well B. fast C. hard

A. quietly B. loudly C. quickly

A. large B. sharp C. long

—Her best friend Ella.

A. was B. were C. did

( ) 5. It was Children’s Day yesterday. The children were very A. excitedly, happily B. excited, happily C. excited, happy

A. Aesop’s B. Aesop C. Chinese

A. caught to B. catches in C. caught with

C. quietly

( )9. We can have ________ outing in _______autumn.

A. an , an B. an , / C. the , the

( ) 10. It often ________. It’s _______now.

A. rains , raining B. rains , rains C. rainy ,raining

五、 用所给单词的适当形式填空(10)

1. Look, Yang Ling __ ___(tell)a story.

2. The jacket fits me _________(good).

3. I want ___ __(play) football with my friends.

4. What ____ (do) you do three days ago?

5. Mum, it’s ____ __(sun) today. Shall we go to the zoo?

6. Thursday is the ______ _(five) day of the week.

7. Did Su Yang ______ _ (catch) a bird with her father in the park?

8. My shoes are too small. I would like _____ __(buy) a new pair.

9. My mother didn’t _____ __(have) a mobile phone four years ago.

10. It ____ _(be) Sunday yesterday.


1. The lion bit the net with his teeth.(改成一般疑问句) ?

2. The girl woke her mother up this morning.( 改成否定句) 3. The cat caught the mouse just now.(对划线部分提问) 4. We often eat a turkey at Christmas.(对划线部分提问) ______ ____ _ you often ______ at Christmas?

5. The Dragon Boat Festival comes before Teachers’ Day.(同义句转换)

Teachers’ Day ______ _______ the Dragon Boat Festival.

七、阅读理解, 判断正误,用T / F 表示。(5’)


It is hot day in summer. A lion is walking along a lake. He is looking for something to eat. He is very hungry. A duck is swimming in the water. The lion is very happy to see him. “Aha. There is my lunch,” the lion says to himself(自言自语).

“Hello, Mr Duck!” “Go away, bad lion! ”says the duck. “I have good news for you.” “What is it?” asks the duck. “I don’t want other animals to hear it. Please come here, ”says the lion. The poor duck gets out of the water and runs to the lion. The lion catches him and eats him up.

A. walk along the lake B. find something to drink

C. find something to eat

is my lunch.”

A. The lion; himself B. The duck; himself

C. The lion; the duck


A. the lion is good B. the lion is bad

C. the lion is his lunch

A. be the lion’s good friend B. eat the lion

C. know about the good news


A. The duck; not the lion’s lunch B. The lion; the duck’s lunch C. The duck; the lion’s lunch


一、判断下列每组单词画线部分读音是否相同,正“T”误(F)(8) ( )1. mouse house ( )2. bite live

( )3. net wet ( )4. strong soft

( )5. weak bread ( )6. soon foot

( )7. coal cold ( )8. really eat


1. Look, the lion is very large and ___________(强壮) .

唤醒)the lion.

第二天), two men caught the lion.

4. Don’t大声) in the classroom.


从那时起) , the lion and the mouse became friends.

软弱) .

尖锐) teeth.


A. well B. fast C. hard

A. quietly B. loudly C. quickly

A. large B. sharp C. long

—Her best friend Ella.

A. was B. were C. did

( ) 5. It was Children’s Day yesterday. The children were very A. excitedly, happily B. excited, happily C. excited, happy

A. Aesop’s B. Aesop C. Chinese

A. caught to B. catches in C. caught with

C. quietly

( )9. We can have ________ outing in _______autumn.

A. an , an B. an , / C. the , the

( ) 10. It often ________. It’s _______now.

A. rains , raining B. rains , rains C. rainy ,raining

五、 用所给单词的适当形式填空(10)

1. Look, Yang Ling __ ___(tell)a story.

2. The jacket fits me _________(good).

3. I want ___ __(play) football with my friends.

4. What ____ (do) you do three days ago?

5. Mum, it’s ____ __(sun) today. Shall we go to the zoo?

6. Thursday is the ______ _(five) day of the week.

7. Did Su Yang ______ _ (catch) a bird with her father in the park?

8. My shoes are too small. I would like _____ __(buy) a new pair.

9. My mother didn’t _____ __(have) a mobile phone four years ago.

10. It ____ _(be) Sunday yesterday.


1. The lion bit the net with his teeth.(改成一般疑问句) ?

2. The girl woke her mother up this morning.( 改成否定句) 3. The cat caught the mouse just now.(对划线部分提问) 4. We often eat a turkey at Christmas.(对划线部分提问) ______ ____ _ you often ______ at Christmas?

5. The Dragon Boat Festival comes before Teachers’ Day.(同义句转换)

Teachers’ Day ______ _______ the Dragon Boat Festival.

七、阅读理解, 判断正误,用T / F 表示。(5’)


It is hot day in summer. A lion is walking along a lake. He is looking for something to eat. He is very hungry. A duck is swimming in the water. The lion is very happy to see him. “Aha. There is my lunch,” the lion says to himself(自言自语).

“Hello, Mr Duck!” “Go away, bad lion! ”says the duck. “I have good news for you.” “What is it?” asks the duck. “I don’t want other animals to hear it. Please come here, ”says the lion. The poor duck gets out of the water and runs to the lion. The lion catches him and eats him up.

A. walk along the lake B. find something to drink

C. find something to eat

is my lunch.”

A. The lion; himself B. The duck; himself

C. The lion; the duck


A. the lion is good B. the lion is bad

C. the lion is his lunch

A. be the lion’s good friend B. eat the lion

C. know about the good news


A. The duck; not the lion’s lunch B. The lion; the duck’s lunch C. The duck; the lion’s lunch


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