

As we know, there are always two sides to everything and shopping via media is no exception. On the one hand, it saves much time, money and effort to purchase goods through media since you don ’t have to go to the shops in person. Besides, you can choose what you want from an enormous variety of goods on display. On the other hand, you may be cheated sometimes by the false information and suffer a considerable loss. . 我们知道, 有两面性和购物通过媒体也不例外。一方面, 它节省了许多时间, 金钱和精力去购买商品通过媒体, 自从你不必亲自去商店。此外, 你可以选择你想从一个巨大的各种各样的商品陈列。另一方面, 你可能会被欺骗有时通过虚假信息和遭受巨大损失。。

As far as I am concerned, shopping via media brings great benefits to our life and our economy on the whole. At the same time, we need strengthened supervision over the information released via media. In this way, we can gain more benefits from shopping via media and reduce the possible harm to a minimum.

就我而言, 购物通过媒体带来了巨大的好处, 对我们的生活和我们的经济总体上。同时, 我们需要加强监督通过媒体发布的信息。通过这种方式, 我们可以获得更多的好处, 减少购物通过媒体可能伤害降到最低。

Different people have different ideas about the teleshopping Some people like teleshopping because it allows them to do their shopping without leaving home. But at the same. time,some other people do not like this new way of shopping . They usually worry about the quality of the things.Good quality is important to them, and they cannot be sure about the quality of the things on TV.


About two weeks from now,college students will begin to enjoy their long summer holidays. Many are looking for odd jobs,of which tutoring is almost the most popular one.

大约两周以后, 高校学生将开始享受他们的漫长暑假。许多正在寻找零工, 其中最受欢迎的辅导几乎是一个。

These students say ,by doing part-time jobs such as being tutors they can not only make some money for their next term's tuition,but also enrich their holidays. They prefer to be tutors because this has more to do with what they have learned in class and is a good test on their grasp of knowledge. In a way,it can urge them to be stricter with themselves in their own study.

这些学生说, 通过做兼职工作如被导师他们不仅可以使一些钱供他们的下一个学期的学费, 而且充实他们的假期。他们宁愿导师, 因为这不仅仅是在课堂上所学的, 是一个很好的测试在他们掌握的知识。在某种程度上, 它可以是更严格要求他们与自己在他们自己的研究。

1. 时下电视真人秀(如超级女声、梦想中国等节目)非常流行



On TV Show

Nowadays,TV shows are very popular .TV programs like Super Girls and Dreams in china have attracted thousands of people to participate ,and many more wait to watch them when they are on show.

Why are so many people interested in such programs?Advocates say that these programs provide excellent opportunities for young people to express themselves and to show their speciality .They help improve young people's self-confidence and can encourage them to face challenges. However ,some people criticize these programs,arguing that they are not only a waste of energy,money and time,but also a revelation of social vanity .At lot of teenagers do not want to continue their study ,and instead dream of becoming rich and famous overnight.

In my opinion,we needn't be too critical about such TV programs .If they can bring happiness to those participants as well as to the audience, they are entitled to prosper.

As we know, there are always two sides to everything and shopping via media is no exception. On the one hand, it saves much time, money and effort to purchase goods through media since you don ’t have to go to the shops in person. Besides, you can choose what you want from an enormous variety of goods on display. On the other hand, you may be cheated sometimes by the false information and suffer a considerable loss. . 我们知道, 有两面性和购物通过媒体也不例外。一方面, 它节省了许多时间, 金钱和精力去购买商品通过媒体, 自从你不必亲自去商店。此外, 你可以选择你想从一个巨大的各种各样的商品陈列。另一方面, 你可能会被欺骗有时通过虚假信息和遭受巨大损失。。

As far as I am concerned, shopping via media brings great benefits to our life and our economy on the whole. At the same time, we need strengthened supervision over the information released via media. In this way, we can gain more benefits from shopping via media and reduce the possible harm to a minimum.

就我而言, 购物通过媒体带来了巨大的好处, 对我们的生活和我们的经济总体上。同时, 我们需要加强监督通过媒体发布的信息。通过这种方式, 我们可以获得更多的好处, 减少购物通过媒体可能伤害降到最低。

Different people have different ideas about the teleshopping Some people like teleshopping because it allows them to do their shopping without leaving home. But at the same. time,some other people do not like this new way of shopping . They usually worry about the quality of the things.Good quality is important to them, and they cannot be sure about the quality of the things on TV.


About two weeks from now,college students will begin to enjoy their long summer holidays. Many are looking for odd jobs,of which tutoring is almost the most popular one.

大约两周以后, 高校学生将开始享受他们的漫长暑假。许多正在寻找零工, 其中最受欢迎的辅导几乎是一个。

These students say ,by doing part-time jobs such as being tutors they can not only make some money for their next term's tuition,but also enrich their holidays. They prefer to be tutors because this has more to do with what they have learned in class and is a good test on their grasp of knowledge. In a way,it can urge them to be stricter with themselves in their own study.

这些学生说, 通过做兼职工作如被导师他们不仅可以使一些钱供他们的下一个学期的学费, 而且充实他们的假期。他们宁愿导师, 因为这不仅仅是在课堂上所学的, 是一个很好的测试在他们掌握的知识。在某种程度上, 它可以是更严格要求他们与自己在他们自己的研究。

1. 时下电视真人秀(如超级女声、梦想中国等节目)非常流行



On TV Show

Nowadays,TV shows are very popular .TV programs like Super Girls and Dreams in china have attracted thousands of people to participate ,and many more wait to watch them when they are on show.

Why are so many people interested in such programs?Advocates say that these programs provide excellent opportunities for young people to express themselves and to show their speciality .They help improve young people's self-confidence and can encourage them to face challenges. However ,some people criticize these programs,arguing that they are not only a waste of energy,money and time,but also a revelation of social vanity .At lot of teenagers do not want to continue their study ,and instead dream of becoming rich and famous overnight.

In my opinion,we needn't be too critical about such TV programs .If they can bring happiness to those participants as well as to the audience, they are entitled to prosper.


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