

Due attention should be given to the study of Chinese

1. Currently, a growing number of students have begun to overlook the study of Chinese.

Instead, they focus more on

mainly due to more opportunity in studying aboard and job hunting.

2. Many factors contribute to the curious situation. (many factors account for …). First of

all, students take it for granted that Chinese, as their mother tongue, is not necessary to study. In addition, (furthermore, what’s more, besides, plus, also) schools have attached less significance to Chinese study. As a result, less Chinese curriculum are available to students, whether compulsory and selective. Last but not least, the society as a whole, regard foreign language, specially English, as a way of promotion and improvement. Consequently, it is fairly safe to draw conclusion that students neglect the Chinese studying personally and socially.

3. From my perspective, Chinese language education is recommended to be compulsory

course for all college students for it is an indispensable part of Chinese culture. Only in this way, can China ensure the preservation of unique culture while still advancing in the modern world.

It is well illustrated in the case of

1、 结构词 on one hand, on the other hand

2、 从句(,which, )Many factors contribute to the curious situation, one of which is

worth mentioning at first.

3、 短语:be fully aware of/that, be absolutely sure of, see to it that

4、 被动语态 5、经典的句型

As a proverb goes, where there is a will, there is a way. As time goes by, consciously or unconsciously, a Chinese class, a most dominant class in the college,

Due attention should be given to the study of Chinese

1. Currently, a growing number of students have begun to overlook the study of Chinese.

Instead, they focus more on

mainly due to more opportunity in studying aboard and job hunting.

2. Many factors contribute to the curious situation. (many factors account for …). First of

all, students take it for granted that Chinese, as their mother tongue, is not necessary to study. In addition, (furthermore, what’s more, besides, plus, also) schools have attached less significance to Chinese study. As a result, less Chinese curriculum are available to students, whether compulsory and selective. Last but not least, the society as a whole, regard foreign language, specially English, as a way of promotion and improvement. Consequently, it is fairly safe to draw conclusion that students neglect the Chinese studying personally and socially.

3. From my perspective, Chinese language education is recommended to be compulsory

course for all college students for it is an indispensable part of Chinese culture. Only in this way, can China ensure the preservation of unique culture while still advancing in the modern world.

It is well illustrated in the case of

1、 结构词 on one hand, on the other hand

2、 从句(,which, )Many factors contribute to the curious situation, one of which is

worth mentioning at first.

3、 短语:be fully aware of/that, be absolutely sure of, see to it that

4、 被动语态 5、经典的句型

As a proverb goes, where there is a will, there is a way. As time goes by, consciously or unconsciously, a Chinese class, a most dominant class in the college,


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