



假如你是启明中学(Ming Qi Middle School )的李明,想申请一个扶贫项目,帮助贫困地区的儿童。根据以下启事,写一封申请信(信中不能提到真实姓名和学校)。







联系方式: 2011hope@icf.org

Word came that the International Children Funds Association intended to aid middle school students financially in launching programs designed to help children in poor areas. And I am writing to you to apply for one, hoping that the fund as much as 2000 yuan can realize my wish to help these children.

As a normal student of Ming Qi Middle School, I, Li Ming, has been long cherishing a dream that every single child in poverty can have free access to knowledge, thus devoting themselves to society to make it more harmonious in turn.

Consequently, if my application can be luckily agreed to, I will spare no efforts to build a library for those children as my program.

To be more specific, the fund will be divided into three parts. First 800 yuan of it will be spent on buying books which may be mainly second-hand, in order to ensure the quantity. Also, another 400 yuan will be intended to carry out advertisements that call on the people with a sense of responsibility in society to donate textbooks and so forth. What’s more, the remaining 800 yuan, according to my design, shall be given to those children, entitling them the right to buy their favorite books that are beyond what is mentioned above.

As you can see from what is talked about above, my plan may still leave something to be desired, but as far as my strong wish to help those children is concerned, I genuinely hope you and your association can grant me the opportunity to turn it into reality.


Guided Writing

Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.

上周一,你在一所小学观摩了小女孩Amy 所在班级的两堂绘画课(如图所示),回家后你用英语写了一篇日记,内容包括:



Life is never short of surprises and unforgettable memories, and my experience on Last Monday is surely one.

Recalling Amy’s two painting classes, I found the first one left a totally different impression on me. The moment the word “start” slipped the teacher’s lips, Amy, setting the painting brush aside, spread her arms and ink-dripped legs on a large painting cloth. Before long, she finished it off with a few big or small footprints and a self-made title “Happy Feet”.

The class that followed was more than traditional for a lot of high-demanding rules were delivered. Faced with all these, little Amy just couldn’t help frowning. The hand holding the brush quivered so much that she could do nothing to keep off the tenuity but bring in and give out air mouth fully. Although she finished with a scenic landscape

painting, she ended up exhausted and had no mood for it.

It is obvious that the form of the class and Amy’s eventual emotion differ in the two classes. Hard as it is to tell which class is better, Amy did gain more joy from the former one.

As far as I’m concerned, the aim of education is not merely to grant pupils living skills or certificates but to provide them with more pleasure and personalities. Undoubtedly, a pleasant learning experience will serve as a big push to the acquisition of knowledge. Moreover, rules are anything but a source of creativity and the lack of creativity will put chains on our imagination as well as the development of capacities of self-education.

Therefore, a suitable form of education assumes especial importance, whether it is traditional or innovative.




假如你是启明中学(Ming Qi Middle School )的李明,想申请一个扶贫项目,帮助贫困地区的儿童。根据以下启事,写一封申请信(信中不能提到真实姓名和学校)。







联系方式: 2011hope@icf.org

Word came that the International Children Funds Association intended to aid middle school students financially in launching programs designed to help children in poor areas. And I am writing to you to apply for one, hoping that the fund as much as 2000 yuan can realize my wish to help these children.

As a normal student of Ming Qi Middle School, I, Li Ming, has been long cherishing a dream that every single child in poverty can have free access to knowledge, thus devoting themselves to society to make it more harmonious in turn.

Consequently, if my application can be luckily agreed to, I will spare no efforts to build a library for those children as my program.

To be more specific, the fund will be divided into three parts. First 800 yuan of it will be spent on buying books which may be mainly second-hand, in order to ensure the quantity. Also, another 400 yuan will be intended to carry out advertisements that call on the people with a sense of responsibility in society to donate textbooks and so forth. What’s more, the remaining 800 yuan, according to my design, shall be given to those children, entitling them the right to buy their favorite books that are beyond what is mentioned above.

As you can see from what is talked about above, my plan may still leave something to be desired, but as far as my strong wish to help those children is concerned, I genuinely hope you and your association can grant me the opportunity to turn it into reality.


Guided Writing

Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.

上周一,你在一所小学观摩了小女孩Amy 所在班级的两堂绘画课(如图所示),回家后你用英语写了一篇日记,内容包括:



Life is never short of surprises and unforgettable memories, and my experience on Last Monday is surely one.

Recalling Amy’s two painting classes, I found the first one left a totally different impression on me. The moment the word “start” slipped the teacher’s lips, Amy, setting the painting brush aside, spread her arms and ink-dripped legs on a large painting cloth. Before long, she finished it off with a few big or small footprints and a self-made title “Happy Feet”.

The class that followed was more than traditional for a lot of high-demanding rules were delivered. Faced with all these, little Amy just couldn’t help frowning. The hand holding the brush quivered so much that she could do nothing to keep off the tenuity but bring in and give out air mouth fully. Although she finished with a scenic landscape

painting, she ended up exhausted and had no mood for it.

It is obvious that the form of the class and Amy’s eventual emotion differ in the two classes. Hard as it is to tell which class is better, Amy did gain more joy from the former one.

As far as I’m concerned, the aim of education is not merely to grant pupils living skills or certificates but to provide them with more pleasure and personalities. Undoubtedly, a pleasant learning experience will serve as a big push to the acquisition of knowledge. Moreover, rules are anything but a source of creativity and the lack of creativity will put chains on our imagination as well as the development of capacities of self-education.

Therefore, a suitable form of education assumes especial importance, whether it is traditional or innovative.



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