

Last month, I hurt my left leg carelessly when I was having the PE class. The wound was so serious that I was not allowed to move around freely. In the following weeks, I could do nothing but sit alone in the classroom during the PE class. However, I managed to keep walking with slow steps in order to get better soon. It was hard at the beginning, but day by day, I can take a walk without others’ help. Fortunately, I haven’t broken my bones, the doctor says I will recover in a few days. Thanks to the accident, I have learnt a lot from it. I believe, from now on, every time I meet any difficulty, I will not be afraid and get through it bravely.

I have faced lots of difficulties this term, but I have never given up. A few weeks ago, I was very worried because we are going to have the PE exam in May this term and I am very poor in doing sports. However, I treated it in a right way. In order to get a high mark during the PE exam, I made up my mind to practice jogging and playing basketball every day after class. Whenever I got tire, I compelled myself to keep doing them. My hard work was rewarded with the high mark in the practice last week and I felt very excited. I believe if I keep practicing, I will get want I want in the end. The harder I try today, the more I will be rewarded tomorrow.

I got a bad mark in a Chinese exam at the beginning of this term. I was so upset that I didn’t think I had any gift to learn Chinese.

At that time, my Chinese teacher told me not to be so sad. And she gave me some suggestions. So I practiced reading more carefully and communicated with the teacher. I also made efforts to get good marks in almost every test. In these days, I have made progress in Chinese.

I determine to continue working hard in the future. No pains, no gains. I believe that if I work, I will get good marks and make great progress.

My life has changed a lot since the beginning of Grade Nine. This term, our study became more and more difficult. And sometimes I felt I couldn’t follow the teacher. My self-confidence was hurt again and again because of the low marks I got.

So I started to think about those problems, why did my study become so hard? I wondered if I didn’t spend enough time studying. So I decided to make full use of my time to study. Firstly, I did the homework more carefully than before so that I could have to review what I had learned. And I didn’t watch TV any more.

From then on, the serious situation has changed, I think I will keep doing these things in the next half year. Because I have realized that no matter how hard it is, just keep going, for you only fail when you give up.

Last month, I hurt my left leg carelessly when I was having the PE class. The wound was so serious that I was not allowed to move around freely. In the following weeks, I could do nothing but sit alone in the classroom during the PE class. However, I managed to keep walking with slow steps in order to get better soon. It was hard at the beginning, but day by day, I can take a walk without others’ help. Fortunately, I haven’t broken my bones, the doctor says I will recover in a few days. Thanks to the accident, I have learnt a lot from it. I believe, from now on, every time I meet any difficulty, I will not be afraid and get through it bravely.

I have faced lots of difficulties this term, but I have never given up. A few weeks ago, I was very worried because we are going to have the PE exam in May this term and I am very poor in doing sports. However, I treated it in a right way. In order to get a high mark during the PE exam, I made up my mind to practice jogging and playing basketball every day after class. Whenever I got tire, I compelled myself to keep doing them. My hard work was rewarded with the high mark in the practice last week and I felt very excited. I believe if I keep practicing, I will get want I want in the end. The harder I try today, the more I will be rewarded tomorrow.

I got a bad mark in a Chinese exam at the beginning of this term. I was so upset that I didn’t think I had any gift to learn Chinese.

At that time, my Chinese teacher told me not to be so sad. And she gave me some suggestions. So I practiced reading more carefully and communicated with the teacher. I also made efforts to get good marks in almost every test. In these days, I have made progress in Chinese.

I determine to continue working hard in the future. No pains, no gains. I believe that if I work, I will get good marks and make great progress.

My life has changed a lot since the beginning of Grade Nine. This term, our study became more and more difficult. And sometimes I felt I couldn’t follow the teacher. My self-confidence was hurt again and again because of the low marks I got.

So I started to think about those problems, why did my study become so hard? I wondered if I didn’t spend enough time studying. So I decided to make full use of my time to study. Firstly, I did the homework more carefully than before so that I could have to review what I had learned. And I didn’t watch TV any more.

From then on, the serious situation has changed, I think I will keep doing these things in the next half year. Because I have realized that no matter how hard it is, just keep going, for you only fail when you give up.


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