

Who is the most creative person in the world?

Who is the most creative person in the world? I think the most creative person in the world is the one who invented the light called Thomas Alva Edison. “Genius is one percent inspiration , and ninety-nine percent perspiration” He said . Without the one percent of inspiration all the perspiration in the world is only a bucket sweat . This word tells us, if you want become a creative person .You should take actions to do things for success. At first you should have much inspiration . How to get inspiration? I think you need more practice like Edison. The second you needs perspiration. Don’t give up. When Edison was a child , Even though he is poor ,he likes inventions . That improve his creativity . That is the reason why he becomes a great inventor.

In a word , this is the person I admire most. Meanwhile, Thomas Alva Edison is also the most creative in the world.

What is true friendship?

Friendship is one of the best things a person can enjoy. It’s very difficult to find a better word to describe friendship. As a human being, one can hardly do something without a friend.

For one thing, a true friend shares pleasure in our joy and shares sorrow in our sadness. In times of danger, they always give us help and encouragement. For another, a true friend should be helpful. If a person won’t try to help you when you are in trouble, he is not a true friend. Meanwhile, a true friend can always be trusted and respected. If you tell a true friend your secrets, he won ’t tell anyone else and keep your secrets. Last but not least, a true friend should try to understand you. When you have made a true friend, you shouldn ’t forget them no matter what happens.

Friends are who changes your life just by being a part of it, who makes you believe that there really is good in the world, who convinces you that there really is an unlock door just waiting for you to open it. A life without a friend is like a life without a sun.

How to develop human relations skills?

As a college student, in social development must to know interpersonal skills. From my point of view, there are three key interpersonal skills.

First, to find common ground in the interpersonal communication, it suggests. The establishment of interpersonal relationship and improve, must be based on the relationship between the basis of mutual interests and needs.

Second, know both sides, improve the occasion. Sun zi said: "know both sides, fight." In the communication process, should fully estimate oneself and the other party's position in the relationship, to what extent can understand each other and estimate their influence or even change the attitude of the other.

Third, understand the point of view, grasp the emotional, emphasis on communication. People often use casting pearls before swine to irony distinguishing

object, inappropriate, not blindly action of the absurd. In communication field, should put an end to this foolish act.

So that it can do a good job in interpersonal communication, so you can use a good interpersonal relationship for the development of the career service .

Who is the most creative person in the world?

Who is the most creative person in the world? I think the most creative person in the world is the one who invented the light called Thomas Alva Edison. “Genius is one percent inspiration , and ninety-nine percent perspiration” He said . Without the one percent of inspiration all the perspiration in the world is only a bucket sweat . This word tells us, if you want become a creative person .You should take actions to do things for success. At first you should have much inspiration . How to get inspiration? I think you need more practice like Edison. The second you needs perspiration. Don’t give up. When Edison was a child , Even though he is poor ,he likes inventions . That improve his creativity . That is the reason why he becomes a great inventor.

In a word , this is the person I admire most. Meanwhile, Thomas Alva Edison is also the most creative in the world.

What is true friendship?

Friendship is one of the best things a person can enjoy. It’s very difficult to find a better word to describe friendship. As a human being, one can hardly do something without a friend.

For one thing, a true friend shares pleasure in our joy and shares sorrow in our sadness. In times of danger, they always give us help and encouragement. For another, a true friend should be helpful. If a person won’t try to help you when you are in trouble, he is not a true friend. Meanwhile, a true friend can always be trusted and respected. If you tell a true friend your secrets, he won ’t tell anyone else and keep your secrets. Last but not least, a true friend should try to understand you. When you have made a true friend, you shouldn ’t forget them no matter what happens.

Friends are who changes your life just by being a part of it, who makes you believe that there really is good in the world, who convinces you that there really is an unlock door just waiting for you to open it. A life without a friend is like a life without a sun.

How to develop human relations skills?

As a college student, in social development must to know interpersonal skills. From my point of view, there are three key interpersonal skills.

First, to find common ground in the interpersonal communication, it suggests. The establishment of interpersonal relationship and improve, must be based on the relationship between the basis of mutual interests and needs.

Second, know both sides, improve the occasion. Sun zi said: "know both sides, fight." In the communication process, should fully estimate oneself and the other party's position in the relationship, to what extent can understand each other and estimate their influence or even change the attitude of the other.

Third, understand the point of view, grasp the emotional, emphasis on communication. People often use casting pearls before swine to irony distinguishing

object, inappropriate, not blindly action of the absurd. In communication field, should put an end to this foolish act.

So that it can do a good job in interpersonal communication, so you can use a good interpersonal relationship for the development of the career service .


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