


My name is . I am fourteen years old. My phone number is 123. My birthday is on May 1st . My father is a worker. My mother is a teacher. My sister is ten years old . She is a student, too. I like music very much . I think music is interesting. I the piano and guitar. I like playing computer. I am good at it. After school I play soccer my classmates . I like sports. I think it my . I like fruit and vegetables. , I like apples and eggs. I like noodles and dumplings . I like vegetables and some milk . I think I’m . I like with my friends. I ’ them.


My name is . I am fourteen years old. My phone number is 123. My birthday is on May 1st . My father is a worker. My mother is a teacher. My sister is ten years old . She is a student, too. I like music very much . I think music is interesting. I the piano and guitar. I like playing computer. I am good at it. After school I play soccer my classmates . I like sports. I think it my . I like fruit and vegetables. , I like apples and eggs. I like noodles and dumplings . I like vegetables and some milk . I think I’m . I like with my friends. I ’ them.


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