

C33 张婕妤 <学案造句>

1.We are practicing speaking English.

2.What about going to the cinema with me tonight?

3.I study English by reading aloud.

4.He enjoys playing basketball.

5.I spend much time doing my homework.

6.Why not consider visiting Paris?

7.Would you mind shutting the door?

8.How can she finish cooking within two hours?

9.Miss.Zhang is very conscientious in doing her work.

10. Waiting for him.

11.It’s important for me to study.

12.I’m frustrated..

13.I found that it was frustrating to learn English grammar.

14.I don’t know how to use commas. 我不知道怎么使用逗号。

15.Why don’t you get her a scarf?

16.I have trouble doing my homework..

17. If you're not going, I'm not going either.

18. Yeah, I say, me too.

19. However, I also have weaknesses.

20.Many Chinese students find it difficult to learn English.

21.He used to live in the country.

22.He is used to living in the country now.

25.He is on the swim team.

26.I don’t wanna be alone.

27.He feels lonely.

28. Do you really have time for another project?

29.He is a fifteen-year-old boy.

30.He is fifteen years old.

31. Her head is as big as mine.

32.I think math is much more difficult than English.

33.Then I rode to school as fast as I could.

34.They don’t allow me to get my ears pierced. 35. There is enough water in the tub.

36.The room needs to be big enough for three people.

37.Stop to do your homework.

38.I should stop talking.

39.Don’t forget to do your homework.

41.Remember to bring your homework to school.

42.I remember playing computer with my sister yesterday.

43.At that age you don't look for what is hidden.

44.Instead, they turn to the model.

45.They are talking instead of studying.

46.I can’t go out on school nights.

47.Our English teacher is strict with us.

48.Our math teacher is strict in his work.

49.Eat more fruits can help us to keep healthy.

50.We should keep eight hours’ sleep.

51.I would rather stay at home than go shopping.

52.She is friendly to everybody.

53.I feel nervous.

54.It tastes good.

55.That sounds good.

56.It looks nice.

57.It must belong to Linda.

58,It can’t be John’s.

59.It must be Linda’s/It might be Linda’s/It could be Linda’s/It can’t be Linda’s.

60.It must be something visiting our home.

61Something good/Anything strange/Somewhere relaxing

62. I’m not worried about this.

63.I worry about all this.

64.Be careful of the car.

65.I like music that I can dance to.

66.She like singers who/that write their own lyrics

67.I love places where is relaxing.

68.He prefer singing to dancing.

69.It does have a few good features. 它的确有些好的特点。

70.So am I.

71.So he is.

72.I only eat food that tastes good. 我只吃味道好的食物。

73.It doesn’t have any beaches or mountains. 那里没有沙滩和山。

74.France is quite an expensive place. 法国是个相当贵的地方。

75.Could you provide me with some information?

76.Could you provide some information for me?

77.We’d like to be away for about three weeks. 我们想离开大约三个星期。

78.I hope to be a singer.

79.I’d love to sail across the Pacific. 我想穿越太平洋。

80.I’d like to trek through the jungle/the history museum. 我想穿越丛林/去历史博物馆。

81.My teacher often helps me with my English.

82.He hardly ever help his mother to do housework.

83.I want to help her work out.

84.Not only do I feel good about helping other people,but I get to spend time doing what I love to do.


85.Her mother is allowed she to get ears pierced.

86.My father is cooking.

87.Although tea wasn’t brought to the Western World until 1610,the beverage… 尽管茶叶直到1610年才传到西方。

88.By the time I woke up,my father had already gone into the bathroom.

89.I have studied English for 3 years./She has studied English for 10 years.

90.I only just made it to my class. 我只是刚好准时上课。

91.He goed to school in his father’s car every morning.

92.He goes to school in bus every morning.

93.She got on her bike.

94.He is so young that he can’t dress himself.

95.So that tells you something.

96.Such box that I can’t carry it.

97.We are both tall and thin.

98.You’re supposed to shake hands.

99.Can you play with me?

100. Does this tower look familiar to you?

C33 张婕妤 <学案造句>

1.We are practicing speaking English.

2.What about going to the cinema with me tonight?

3.I study English by reading aloud.

4.He enjoys playing basketball.

5.I spend much time doing my homework.

6.Why not consider visiting Paris?

7.Would you mind shutting the door?

8.How can she finish cooking within two hours?

9.Miss.Zhang is very conscientious in doing her work.

10. Waiting for him.

11.It’s important for me to study.

12.I’m frustrated..

13.I found that it was frustrating to learn English grammar.

14.I don’t know how to use commas. 我不知道怎么使用逗号。

15.Why don’t you get her a scarf?

16.I have trouble doing my homework..

17. If you're not going, I'm not going either.

18. Yeah, I say, me too.

19. However, I also have weaknesses.

20.Many Chinese students find it difficult to learn English.

21.He used to live in the country.

22.He is used to living in the country now.

25.He is on the swim team.

26.I don’t wanna be alone.

27.He feels lonely.

28. Do you really have time for another project?

29.He is a fifteen-year-old boy.

30.He is fifteen years old.

31. Her head is as big as mine.

32.I think math is much more difficult than English.

33.Then I rode to school as fast as I could.

34.They don’t allow me to get my ears pierced. 35. There is enough water in the tub.

36.The room needs to be big enough for three people.

37.Stop to do your homework.

38.I should stop talking.

39.Don’t forget to do your homework.

41.Remember to bring your homework to school.

42.I remember playing computer with my sister yesterday.

43.At that age you don't look for what is hidden.

44.Instead, they turn to the model.

45.They are talking instead of studying.

46.I can’t go out on school nights.

47.Our English teacher is strict with us.

48.Our math teacher is strict in his work.

49.Eat more fruits can help us to keep healthy.

50.We should keep eight hours’ sleep.

51.I would rather stay at home than go shopping.

52.She is friendly to everybody.

53.I feel nervous.

54.It tastes good.

55.That sounds good.

56.It looks nice.

57.It must belong to Linda.

58,It can’t be John’s.

59.It must be Linda’s/It might be Linda’s/It could be Linda’s/It can’t be Linda’s.

60.It must be something visiting our home.

61Something good/Anything strange/Somewhere relaxing

62. I’m not worried about this.

63.I worry about all this.

64.Be careful of the car.

65.I like music that I can dance to.

66.She like singers who/that write their own lyrics

67.I love places where is relaxing.

68.He prefer singing to dancing.

69.It does have a few good features. 它的确有些好的特点。

70.So am I.

71.So he is.

72.I only eat food that tastes good. 我只吃味道好的食物。

73.It doesn’t have any beaches or mountains. 那里没有沙滩和山。

74.France is quite an expensive place. 法国是个相当贵的地方。

75.Could you provide me with some information?

76.Could you provide some information for me?

77.We’d like to be away for about three weeks. 我们想离开大约三个星期。

78.I hope to be a singer.

79.I’d love to sail across the Pacific. 我想穿越太平洋。

80.I’d like to trek through the jungle/the history museum. 我想穿越丛林/去历史博物馆。

81.My teacher often helps me with my English.

82.He hardly ever help his mother to do housework.

83.I want to help her work out.

84.Not only do I feel good about helping other people,but I get to spend time doing what I love to do.


85.Her mother is allowed she to get ears pierced.

86.My father is cooking.

87.Although tea wasn’t brought to the Western World until 1610,the beverage… 尽管茶叶直到1610年才传到西方。

88.By the time I woke up,my father had already gone into the bathroom.

89.I have studied English for 3 years./She has studied English for 10 years.

90.I only just made it to my class. 我只是刚好准时上课。

91.He goed to school in his father’s car every morning.

92.He goes to school in bus every morning.

93.She got on her bike.

94.He is so young that he can’t dress himself.

95.So that tells you something.

96.Such box that I can’t carry it.

97.We are both tall and thin.

98.You’re supposed to shake hands.

99.Can you play with me?

100. Does this tower look familiar to you?


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