

IBT 写作标点符号虽小但功劳却不少


1、在并列连词and , but, for, nor, or, yet 前使用,用来连接句中的各分句。

The principal reason for this is that none of them possesses chlorophyll ,and since they cannot synthesize their own carbohydrates, they obtain their supplies either from the break down of dead organic matter or from other living organisms.


Further more the walls of fungal cells are not made of cellulose, as those of plants are , but of another complex sugar like polymer called chitin , thematerial from which the hard outer skeletons of shrimps, spiders , and insects are made.

They are a major cause of structural damage to building timbers, a cause of disease in animals and humans, and one of the greatest causes of agricultural losses.


Chemical fer tilization ,for example , helps to produce better crops , but is harmful to the environment.


For men, heroism was usually described as bravery and the active,successful over coming of adversity.



The canopy, the upper level of the trees in the rain forest, holds aplethora of climbing mammals of moderately large size , which may includemonkeys , cats, civets, and porcupines.


The canopy, the upper level of the trees in the rain forest, holds aplethora of climbing mammals of moderately large size , which may includemonkeys , cats, civets, and porcupines.

IBT 写作标点符号虽小但功劳却不少


1、在并列连词and , but, for, nor, or, yet 前使用,用来连接句中的各分句。

The principal reason for this is that none of them possesses chlorophyll ,and since they cannot synthesize their own carbohydrates, they obtain their supplies either from the break down of dead organic matter or from other living organisms.


Further more the walls of fungal cells are not made of cellulose, as those of plants are , but of another complex sugar like polymer called chitin , thematerial from which the hard outer skeletons of shrimps, spiders , and insects are made.

They are a major cause of structural damage to building timbers, a cause of disease in animals and humans, and one of the greatest causes of agricultural losses.


Chemical fer tilization ,for example , helps to produce better crops , but is harmful to the environment.


For men, heroism was usually described as bravery and the active,successful over coming of adversity.



The canopy, the upper level of the trees in the rain forest, holds aplethora of climbing mammals of moderately large size , which may includemonkeys , cats, civets, and porcupines.


The canopy, the upper level of the trees in the rain forest, holds aplethora of climbing mammals of moderately large size , which may includemonkeys , cats, civets, and porcupines.


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