

1. 水是生命之源,没有水,生命将不复存在,请你结合实际,以

“Water ”为话题,用英语写几句话,谈谈你对水的认识。(词数30-40词,共5分)。

Water is very important to us. We can ’t live without water. But now many people waste water. They don’t turn off the shower when washing and some factories pour dirty water into the river. So I think we must save water. If we don’t save water, the last drop of water will be our tear-drop.

2. 抽烟有害健康,但抽烟的年龄趋于年轻化,现在有不少中学生也

在抽烟。请你以Smoking 为话题,用英语写几句话,谈谈你对中学生抽烟的看法。(词数30-40词 共5分)

Now more and more students like smoking, they think it ’s cool. I think it’s bad for our health and it wastes money. Sometimes it even causes fire. So I hope students should stop smoking.

3. 许多中学生喜欢喝可乐,雪碧等解渴,而过多地饮用这些饮料会

对身体有所伤害。假如你是校报记者,请用英语写几句话,谈谈你认为喝什么最健康。(词数30-40词 共5分)

In the modern world, more and more students like drinking beverage like cola. In fact, it’s bad for our health to drink it. I think water is the best beverage and milk is good for our sleep. They make us healthier and


4. 许多同学平时学习很刻苦,但总考不出好成绩,这也许是他们缺乏科学的学习方法或 „„。请你以“How to pass the exams”为话题,用英语写几句话,向大家介绍你的经验。 (词数30-40词 共5分)

In our lives, many students study hard before the exams, but they don’t get good grades. Perhaps they don’t find a good way to study. To pass the exams, I think we should listen to teachers carefully in class and hand in homework on time. Don ’t give up and believe yourself all the time. You will make progress.

5. 在你成长的过程中,父母给予你无微不至的关怀和呵护,请你从年龄,职业,外貌,性格,爱好等方面描述你的爸爸或妈妈(词数30-40词 共5分)

Parents are very important in our life. They take good care of us and help us a lot. Here I want to say something about my father. My father is thirty-nine, he is a teacher. He ’s not very tall and has short black hair. He is outgoing and friendly. But he’s strict with me .He likes playing basketball and listening to music. He works hard to make me have a good life and get a good education. I’ll study

harder to make him happy.

6. 母爱是伟大的,天下的母亲都爱自己的孩子,子女也应该爱母亲,请你用英语写几句话,谈谈日常生活中我们能为母亲做些什么,(词数30-40词 共5分)

Mother’s love is great. Every mother loves her children\child. As children, we should love our mothers. Mothers can do everything for us, so we should also do something to help them in our daily life. We can clean the floor, make our bed and water flowers. We can help them cook and do the dishes to let them relax. We can also take out the trash, wash clothes and so on. We should be polite to them and don’t argue with them. In a word, we should try to do something to help them.

7. 生活中我们离不开亲情、爱情和友情。请你以“Friendship ”为话题,用英语写几句话,谈谈你对友情的理解。(词数30-40词 共5分)

Friendship is very important in our life. We can ’t live without friends in the world. So we should make more friends as possible as we can. The more friends we have, the happier we are. When we’re happy, friends can share with us. When we’re in trouble, they can try to help us.

8. 生活离不开金钱,但金钱不是万能的。请以“Money ”为话题,用英语写几句话,谈谈你对金钱的认识和理解。(词数30-40词 共5分)

Money is very important to us. We can’t live without money. First, we can use money to buy some things we like such as food, clothes, houses and so on. Second, more money can make us live more comfortably. If we have money, we can help others.But money isn’t everything. It can’t buy knowledge or friendship. I think knowledge and friendship are more important than money.

9. 作为中学生,你能为建设美丽家园做些什么呢?请你以“Make my homeland more beautiful”为话题,用英语写几句话,谈谈你的想法。(词数30-40词 共5分)

The earth is our only home. We should try our best to protect it. As a middle school student, we should do some small things in our neighbourhood, such as saving water, planting more trees, picking up litter. Also when we leave the room, we should turn off the lights in time. I ’m sure if everyone tries their best, our homeland will become more and more beautiful.

9. 运动使人健康,运动使人聪明。请你以“Exercise ”为话题,用英语写几句话,谈谈你喜欢的运动。(词数30-40词 共5分)

Exercise is very important to everyone. It can make us healthier and smarter. If a person hardly does exercise, he/ she will be easy to get ill. I like doing exercise in my spare time. My favorite sport is basketball, because playing basketball makes me stronger and I can make many friends. It also makes me relaxed and happy.

10. 每个人对幸福的感受是不一样的。请你以“Happiness ”为话题,用英语写几句话,谈谈你对幸福的理解。(词数30-40词 共5分) Happiness

Happiness is very important to us. Much money and success don’t mean happiness. I think it depends on ourselves. And happiness is that we feel happy. Its secret is to enjoy the simple things in our life, like reading a good book, listening to favorite music, helping others and so on. Happiness is everywhere, we can find it easily in our life.

11. 你的学习和生活中一定有许多令你感动的事情。请你以“One thing which moved me most”为话题,用英语写几句话,谈谈最令你感动的事情。(词数30-40词 共5分)

One thing which moved me most

In my school life, many moving things has happened to me. One evening, I suddenly had a bad cold. After my head teacher knew it, she took me to a hospitalat once.She did many things for me in hospital. After that she taught me subjects that I didn ’t learn. At that time, my eyes were filled with tears. I was moved. I willnever forget my teacher forever.

12. 随着社会的发展,人民生活的提高,养宠物的人越来越多。 请你以“Home with pets”为话题,谈谈你对养宠物的看法。(词数30-40词 共5分)

Home with pets”

Many people like to keep dogs and cats as pets at home. They think dogs and cats are kind and lovely. They make their life happy and colorful. Also, they feel less lonely if they have pets at home. I agree with them. But I think dogs and cats are dirty and noisy. It takes a lot of time to look after them. Why not keep a small fish as a pet?

13. 每个人的父亲都不一样,父爱也不一样。你眼中的父亲是什么样子呢?请你以“Father ’s love”为话题,用英语写几句话,谈谈你对父爱的认识和理解。(词数30-40词 共5分)

Father’s love

My father is very serious. He is a man with few words. He is always strict with me. I know he loves me very much though he never says that. He protects me like a high mountain. He teaches me everything from how to ride a bike, to how to be a good person. Father, believe me. I won’t let you down.

14. 生活有苦也有甜。 请你用英语写几句话,谈谈你生活中的快乐和烦恼。

I ’m a student in Grade Three. Sometimes I ’m happy. Sometimes I’m sad. When I get much knowledge in class, when I get good grades or when I play with my friends, I ’m so happy. But I ’m so sad when I argue with my best friend or when I fail the exams. No matter how happy or sad I am. I ’ll never forget the wonderful time in middle school. 15. 朋友对每个人都很重要,你最好的朋友是个什么样的人呢?请你用英语写几句话,从外貌,性格及爱好三方面描述你的好朋友。(词数30-40词 共5分)

Friends are important to us. My best friend is Tom. He is tall and strong. And he plays basketball very well.He is good at science and math, so I think he is very clever. We both like computer. We often chat or play computer games

online and we will go to the same university to study computer in the future.

1. 水是生命之源,没有水,生命将不复存在,请你结合实际,以

“Water ”为话题,用英语写几句话,谈谈你对水的认识。(词数30-40词,共5分)。

Water is very important to us. We can ’t live without water. But now many people waste water. They don’t turn off the shower when washing and some factories pour dirty water into the river. So I think we must save water. If we don’t save water, the last drop of water will be our tear-drop.

2. 抽烟有害健康,但抽烟的年龄趋于年轻化,现在有不少中学生也

在抽烟。请你以Smoking 为话题,用英语写几句话,谈谈你对中学生抽烟的看法。(词数30-40词 共5分)

Now more and more students like smoking, they think it ’s cool. I think it’s bad for our health and it wastes money. Sometimes it even causes fire. So I hope students should stop smoking.

3. 许多中学生喜欢喝可乐,雪碧等解渴,而过多地饮用这些饮料会

对身体有所伤害。假如你是校报记者,请用英语写几句话,谈谈你认为喝什么最健康。(词数30-40词 共5分)

In the modern world, more and more students like drinking beverage like cola. In fact, it’s bad for our health to drink it. I think water is the best beverage and milk is good for our sleep. They make us healthier and


4. 许多同学平时学习很刻苦,但总考不出好成绩,这也许是他们缺乏科学的学习方法或 „„。请你以“How to pass the exams”为话题,用英语写几句话,向大家介绍你的经验。 (词数30-40词 共5分)

In our lives, many students study hard before the exams, but they don’t get good grades. Perhaps they don’t find a good way to study. To pass the exams, I think we should listen to teachers carefully in class and hand in homework on time. Don ’t give up and believe yourself all the time. You will make progress.

5. 在你成长的过程中,父母给予你无微不至的关怀和呵护,请你从年龄,职业,外貌,性格,爱好等方面描述你的爸爸或妈妈(词数30-40词 共5分)

Parents are very important in our life. They take good care of us and help us a lot. Here I want to say something about my father. My father is thirty-nine, he is a teacher. He ’s not very tall and has short black hair. He is outgoing and friendly. But he’s strict with me .He likes playing basketball and listening to music. He works hard to make me have a good life and get a good education. I’ll study

harder to make him happy.

6. 母爱是伟大的,天下的母亲都爱自己的孩子,子女也应该爱母亲,请你用英语写几句话,谈谈日常生活中我们能为母亲做些什么,(词数30-40词 共5分)

Mother’s love is great. Every mother loves her children\child. As children, we should love our mothers. Mothers can do everything for us, so we should also do something to help them in our daily life. We can clean the floor, make our bed and water flowers. We can help them cook and do the dishes to let them relax. We can also take out the trash, wash clothes and so on. We should be polite to them and don’t argue with them. In a word, we should try to do something to help them.

7. 生活中我们离不开亲情、爱情和友情。请你以“Friendship ”为话题,用英语写几句话,谈谈你对友情的理解。(词数30-40词 共5分)

Friendship is very important in our life. We can ’t live without friends in the world. So we should make more friends as possible as we can. The more friends we have, the happier we are. When we’re happy, friends can share with us. When we’re in trouble, they can try to help us.

8. 生活离不开金钱,但金钱不是万能的。请以“Money ”为话题,用英语写几句话,谈谈你对金钱的认识和理解。(词数30-40词 共5分)

Money is very important to us. We can’t live without money. First, we can use money to buy some things we like such as food, clothes, houses and so on. Second, more money can make us live more comfortably. If we have money, we can help others.But money isn’t everything. It can’t buy knowledge or friendship. I think knowledge and friendship are more important than money.

9. 作为中学生,你能为建设美丽家园做些什么呢?请你以“Make my homeland more beautiful”为话题,用英语写几句话,谈谈你的想法。(词数30-40词 共5分)

The earth is our only home. We should try our best to protect it. As a middle school student, we should do some small things in our neighbourhood, such as saving water, planting more trees, picking up litter. Also when we leave the room, we should turn off the lights in time. I ’m sure if everyone tries their best, our homeland will become more and more beautiful.

9. 运动使人健康,运动使人聪明。请你以“Exercise ”为话题,用英语写几句话,谈谈你喜欢的运动。(词数30-40词 共5分)

Exercise is very important to everyone. It can make us healthier and smarter. If a person hardly does exercise, he/ she will be easy to get ill. I like doing exercise in my spare time. My favorite sport is basketball, because playing basketball makes me stronger and I can make many friends. It also makes me relaxed and happy.

10. 每个人对幸福的感受是不一样的。请你以“Happiness ”为话题,用英语写几句话,谈谈你对幸福的理解。(词数30-40词 共5分) Happiness

Happiness is very important to us. Much money and success don’t mean happiness. I think it depends on ourselves. And happiness is that we feel happy. Its secret is to enjoy the simple things in our life, like reading a good book, listening to favorite music, helping others and so on. Happiness is everywhere, we can find it easily in our life.

11. 你的学习和生活中一定有许多令你感动的事情。请你以“One thing which moved me most”为话题,用英语写几句话,谈谈最令你感动的事情。(词数30-40词 共5分)

One thing which moved me most

In my school life, many moving things has happened to me. One evening, I suddenly had a bad cold. After my head teacher knew it, she took me to a hospitalat once.She did many things for me in hospital. After that she taught me subjects that I didn ’t learn. At that time, my eyes were filled with tears. I was moved. I willnever forget my teacher forever.

12. 随着社会的发展,人民生活的提高,养宠物的人越来越多。 请你以“Home with pets”为话题,谈谈你对养宠物的看法。(词数30-40词 共5分)

Home with pets”

Many people like to keep dogs and cats as pets at home. They think dogs and cats are kind and lovely. They make their life happy and colorful. Also, they feel less lonely if they have pets at home. I agree with them. But I think dogs and cats are dirty and noisy. It takes a lot of time to look after them. Why not keep a small fish as a pet?

13. 每个人的父亲都不一样,父爱也不一样。你眼中的父亲是什么样子呢?请你以“Father ’s love”为话题,用英语写几句话,谈谈你对父爱的认识和理解。(词数30-40词 共5分)

Father’s love

My father is very serious. He is a man with few words. He is always strict with me. I know he loves me very much though he never says that. He protects me like a high mountain. He teaches me everything from how to ride a bike, to how to be a good person. Father, believe me. I won’t let you down.

14. 生活有苦也有甜。 请你用英语写几句话,谈谈你生活中的快乐和烦恼。

I ’m a student in Grade Three. Sometimes I ’m happy. Sometimes I’m sad. When I get much knowledge in class, when I get good grades or when I play with my friends, I ’m so happy. But I ’m so sad when I argue with my best friend or when I fail the exams. No matter how happy or sad I am. I ’ll never forget the wonderful time in middle school. 15. 朋友对每个人都很重要,你最好的朋友是个什么样的人呢?请你用英语写几句话,从外貌,性格及爱好三方面描述你的好朋友。(词数30-40词 共5分)

Friends are important to us. My best friend is Tom. He is tall and strong. And he plays basketball very well.He is good at science and math, so I think he is very clever. We both like computer. We often chat or play computer games

online and we will go to the same university to study computer in the future.


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