

Lesson 78


The writer read an article about stopping smoking and he smoked the last cigarette. He didn’t smoke for a week. His wife suffered terribly because of his bad temper and enormous appetite. Whenever I took out a sweet from pocket, they would keeping on offering me cigars because they wanted to amused me. However, at a party, I accepted a cigarette from a friend. Now everything returned to normal.


Two young boys wanted to try the feeling of smoking after they had seen the pleasure of cigarette from their father. As soon as they took cigarettes from father’s packet in his inattention, they went and hid in the garage. Then they lit the cigarettes and they smoked with terribly coughing. Their father saw smoke coming from garage and he thought it might be a fire so that he rushed down. When he opened the door, he smiled while the boys were smoking. To make them feel better, he offered them cigars. After a while, the boys accepted them. But when them grew elder, they got sick. Since then they have began to regret learning smoking and have complaining about his father’s permission to let them smoke.



Once, the plane was flying over the city after taking off. When it was slowly gaining height, it had to return to the airport. Meanwhile, we were told keep calm. After it had disembarked, we learnt that there was an important person in this flight. Someone had told police that a bomb had been planted on the plane but though the plane was searched, nothing had been found. Five hours later it was able to take off again.(78)

After having taken off, it flew low over the city. Although it was gaining height, it had to return to the airport. During this time, we weren’t told to keep calm until it had disembarked. We also learned there was an important person on board. Because police were told there was a bomb, the plane was searched .However nothing has been found, so five hours later, it took off again.



Before the plane took off, a passenger threw a lighted cigarette into an air vent and he thought it was only an ash tray. Then the plane took off. After a while, there was a continuous smoke floating from the vent. Suddenly the passengers burst into a panic. As soon as the plane returned to the airport, fire engines

and ambulance had got ready. When the passengers were convoyed to get off the plane, luckily, there was no one hurt. The fire was finally put out and soon the plane took off again. Lesson80


The Crystal Palace which was built for the great exhibition was different from others because it was made from iron and glass. It had the goods from all over the world as well as a great deal of machinery. There are so many visitors who went by train or boat that the profit from the exhibition could be used to build colleges and museums. After it moved to South London, it remained one of the most famous buildings in the world until it was burnt down in 1936.

The crystal Palace which was made of iron and glass was built for the great exhibition and it was different from others. It not only had the goods from all over the world but a great deal of machinery as well. This attracted a number of visitors who went there by train or boat. Later, the profits from the exhibition were used to build colleges and museums. The Crystal Palace moved to South London and remained one of the most famous buildings in the world until it was burnt down in 1936.


A few years ago, I had a visit to modern exhibition by chance. I went there by air. It was the first time for me to take a plane and I felt excited more than nervous. When I got there, there were so many people that I could hardly breathe. I thought it was a very excellent exhibition that could attract large crowds. My first impressions of the exhibition were its neatness and the beauty of the works. The things on display showed the latest technology of the world. Then I walked round the exhibition hall, which almost cost me an hour. The exhibits that I liked best were the combination of creation and the thought of preventing disaster in advance. The progress of society of the human beings was reflected from it. After a day’s visit, I was tired out at the end of the day.



After having killed the guard, he dragged into bushes to change into the dead man’s clothes. Then he put a rifle over his shoulder and marched boldly up and down in front of the camp. A short time afterwards, four officers got out from a car so he stood to attention and saluted as they passed. When they had gone, the

driver of the car came towards him and after the driver was knocked out, he jumped into the car and drove away.

Lesson 78


The writer read an article about stopping smoking and he smoked the last cigarette. He didn’t smoke for a week. His wife suffered terribly because of his bad temper and enormous appetite. Whenever I took out a sweet from pocket, they would keeping on offering me cigars because they wanted to amused me. However, at a party, I accepted a cigarette from a friend. Now everything returned to normal.


Two young boys wanted to try the feeling of smoking after they had seen the pleasure of cigarette from their father. As soon as they took cigarettes from father’s packet in his inattention, they went and hid in the garage. Then they lit the cigarettes and they smoked with terribly coughing. Their father saw smoke coming from garage and he thought it might be a fire so that he rushed down. When he opened the door, he smiled while the boys were smoking. To make them feel better, he offered them cigars. After a while, the boys accepted them. But when them grew elder, they got sick. Since then they have began to regret learning smoking and have complaining about his father’s permission to let them smoke.



Once, the plane was flying over the city after taking off. When it was slowly gaining height, it had to return to the airport. Meanwhile, we were told keep calm. After it had disembarked, we learnt that there was an important person in this flight. Someone had told police that a bomb had been planted on the plane but though the plane was searched, nothing had been found. Five hours later it was able to take off again.(78)

After having taken off, it flew low over the city. Although it was gaining height, it had to return to the airport. During this time, we weren’t told to keep calm until it had disembarked. We also learned there was an important person on board. Because police were told there was a bomb, the plane was searched .However nothing has been found, so five hours later, it took off again.



Before the plane took off, a passenger threw a lighted cigarette into an air vent and he thought it was only an ash tray. Then the plane took off. After a while, there was a continuous smoke floating from the vent. Suddenly the passengers burst into a panic. As soon as the plane returned to the airport, fire engines

and ambulance had got ready. When the passengers were convoyed to get off the plane, luckily, there was no one hurt. The fire was finally put out and soon the plane took off again. Lesson80


The Crystal Palace which was built for the great exhibition was different from others because it was made from iron and glass. It had the goods from all over the world as well as a great deal of machinery. There are so many visitors who went by train or boat that the profit from the exhibition could be used to build colleges and museums. After it moved to South London, it remained one of the most famous buildings in the world until it was burnt down in 1936.

The crystal Palace which was made of iron and glass was built for the great exhibition and it was different from others. It not only had the goods from all over the world but a great deal of machinery as well. This attracted a number of visitors who went there by train or boat. Later, the profits from the exhibition were used to build colleges and museums. The Crystal Palace moved to South London and remained one of the most famous buildings in the world until it was burnt down in 1936.


A few years ago, I had a visit to modern exhibition by chance. I went there by air. It was the first time for me to take a plane and I felt excited more than nervous. When I got there, there were so many people that I could hardly breathe. I thought it was a very excellent exhibition that could attract large crowds. My first impressions of the exhibition were its neatness and the beauty of the works. The things on display showed the latest technology of the world. Then I walked round the exhibition hall, which almost cost me an hour. The exhibits that I liked best were the combination of creation and the thought of preventing disaster in advance. The progress of society of the human beings was reflected from it. After a day’s visit, I was tired out at the end of the day.



After having killed the guard, he dragged into bushes to change into the dead man’s clothes. Then he put a rifle over his shoulder and marched boldly up and down in front of the camp. A short time afterwards, four officers got out from a car so he stood to attention and saluted as they passed. When they had gone, the

driver of the car came towards him and after the driver was knocked out, he jumped into the car and drove away.


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