


The responsibility for preventing the environment damage should be assumed by

government,corporations and individuals alike.More specifically,the primary obligation lies in individuals.

Gone are the days when we saw greenery once walking on the street.It is high time

we gave priority to environmental protection.It is indisputable that government plays a significant role in preserving the environment.However,to be more exact,the government is just the one who makes strategic decisions while the ones who practice it are the individuals.For instance,the government has been committed to protecting the animals and therefore launched a policy to protect endangered animals.To prevent the hunters from hunting endangered animals,the government ’s main responsibility is to supervise the process whereas it is everyone’s compelling obligation not to hunt the endangered animals.

Additionally,the definition of government is rather abstract while the individuals’ is

practical. A question has arisen:who is the government? The answer is obscure.So we cannot depend on the government to share our duty of protecting our surroundings.Truly,the government serve us people,they surely are accountable to the environmental protection.But let us keep in mind that the environment belongs to every individuals.The responsibility and effort of individuals matter a lot to the success of every single measure.

In conclusion,individuals are obliged to preserve the environment.Undoubtedly,the

ones who act in positions of authority on behalf of the government are supposed to assume greater shares of responsibility for the environment.


The responsibility for preventing the environment damage should be assumed by

government,corporations and individuals alike.More specifically,the primary obligation lies in individuals.

Gone are the days when we saw greenery once walking on the street.It is high time

we gave priority to environmental protection.It is indisputable that government plays a significant role in preserving the environment.However,to be more exact,the government is just the one who makes strategic decisions while the ones who practice it are the individuals.For instance,the government has been committed to protecting the animals and therefore launched a policy to protect endangered animals.To prevent the hunters from hunting endangered animals,the government ’s main responsibility is to supervise the process whereas it is everyone’s compelling obligation not to hunt the endangered animals.

Additionally,the definition of government is rather abstract while the individuals’ is

practical. A question has arisen:who is the government? The answer is obscure.So we cannot depend on the government to share our duty of protecting our surroundings.Truly,the government serve us people,they surely are accountable to the environmental protection.But let us keep in mind that the environment belongs to every individuals.The responsibility and effort of individuals matter a lot to the success of every single measure.

In conclusion,individuals are obliged to preserve the environment.Undoubtedly,the

ones who act in positions of authority on behalf of the government are supposed to assume greater shares of responsibility for the environment.


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