



March 21, 2006

Dear Cathy,

I am writing to you to share my opinions on fashion with you, for I have just heard that you were depressed because you couldn’t afford the best(famous) brands.

I shall say that it is natural for everyone to pay much emphasis on his own image. And it is true that stylish clothes, shoes or something like those will make one more fashionable and eye-catching. However, everybody has his(her) own family background, and it is really extravagant for you to buy the famous brands. Besides, it will also add to the burden of your parents.

What’s more, beauty is just skin deep. There are many things which can make you popular with others except fashion. A great amount of knowledge, noble character and a warm heart will surely win others’ respect and admiration. Good qualities are the treasure in your life which is more valuable than anything you wear.

Never judge a person by the appearance. I hope that you will remember the saying and become as happy as you used to be.



March 21, 2006

Dear Cathy,

I am writing to you to share my opinions on fashion with you, for I have just heard that you were depressed because you couldn’t afford the best(famous) brands.

I shall say that it is natural for everyone to pay much emphasis on his own image. And it is true that stylish clothes, shoes or something like those will make one more fashionable and eye-catching. However, everybody has his(her) own family background, and it is really extravagant for you to buy the famous brands. Besides, it will also add to the burden of your parents.

What’s more, beauty is just skin deep. There are many things which can make you popular with others except fashion. A great amount of knowledge, noble character and a warm heart will surely win others’ respect and admiration. Good qualities are the treasure in your life which is more valuable than anything you wear.

Never judge a person by the appearance. I hope that you will remember the saying and become as happy as you used to be.


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