

Nowadays,power plants,factories,and cars are the main causes of global warming.They release pollution into air,trapping the sun ’s heat.That causes the Earth ’s temperature to rise,leading to many problems.Indeed,fighting against global warming may be the biggest challenge of our time.Therefore,it is common to lead a low-carbon lifestyle.

As we all know,carbon dioxide is the major greenhouse gas that results in global warming.By living a low-carbon life,we can cut carbon dioxide emissions,which may contribute to preventing the temperature from rising.

There are many ways of leading an environmentally friendly life.For instance,we can turn off electrical appliances like lights,the television and the computer when we aren ’t using them.Cars not only cause serious air pollution but also waste energy,thus we could walk or ride a bicycle for short trips.If we need to travel a long distance,why not take public transportation which is greatly beneficial to environmental protection to some degree.It is also wise to use reusable cloth bags rather than disposable plastic bags when we shop.Additionally,recycling water helps a lot.

What ’s more,we have the technology to slow down global warming.New equipment can lower the pollution from power plants.Also,car makers can use new technology to make engines

cleaner.Plus,we can get more energy from wind,solar,and other clean natural resources.

I believe that as long as each of us makes a small alternations to cut carbon emissions,we can make a great difference truthfully and develop a harmonious relationship with the environment.Let’s leave behind a clean world for future generation!

Nowadays,power plants,factories,and cars are the main causes of global warming.They release pollution into air,trapping the sun ’s heat.That causes the Earth ’s temperature to rise,leading to many problems.Indeed,fighting against global warming may be the biggest challenge of our time.Therefore,it is common to lead a low-carbon lifestyle.

As we all know,carbon dioxide is the major greenhouse gas that results in global warming.By living a low-carbon life,we can cut carbon dioxide emissions,which may contribute to preventing the temperature from rising.

There are many ways of leading an environmentally friendly life.For instance,we can turn off electrical appliances like lights,the television and the computer when we aren ’t using them.Cars not only cause serious air pollution but also waste energy,thus we could walk or ride a bicycle for short trips.If we need to travel a long distance,why not take public transportation which is greatly beneficial to environmental protection to some degree.It is also wise to use reusable cloth bags rather than disposable plastic bags when we shop.Additionally,recycling water helps a lot.

What ’s more,we have the technology to slow down global warming.New equipment can lower the pollution from power plants.Also,car makers can use new technology to make engines

cleaner.Plus,we can get more energy from wind,solar,and other clean natural resources.

I believe that as long as each of us makes a small alternations to cut carbon emissions,we can make a great difference truthfully and develop a harmonious relationship with the environment.Let’s leave behind a clean world for future generation!


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