



Directions : For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Mobile Payment following the outline given below. You should write at least

1. 现在移动支付(手机支付)已经成为一种时尚;

2. 移动支付有很多好处,但也有安全隐患;

3. 我的建议。

Mobile Payment

Driven by the explosive growth of online shopping as well as Internet financial services, mobile payment is becoming more and more popular. It is believed that a majority of you have benefited from mobile payment apps such as Alipay and Wechat payment.

Mobile payment is both fast and convenient. It allows users to make instant online, in-store and vending machine payments, and generally go about their daily lives without needing to carry cash or a physical wallet. As for businesses, especially small businesses, mobile payment enable them to keep thier operating costs low, increase sales volume, and give their customers the convenient experience and payment flexibility to compete with larger retailers. Despite all the advantages presented above, mobile payment systems are prone to fraud. If the users ’ personal and financial information falls into the possession of fraudsters , then they can defraud the users of their money.

Therefore, high security risk is the key factor users should take into consideration when making mobile payments. They should pay attention to carefully protect their payment accounts and passwords . Meanwhile, governments should develop a supportive regulatory environment in order to effectively manage the potential risks.


移动支付的快速发展给人们的生活带来了便捷,人们甚至不用带现金和钱包出门,只要将智能手机上的支付APP 打开,经过简单的程序就能完成各类支付。但是与此同时,移动支付对支付的安全提出了更高的要求。伺机已久的黑客们也抓住这一新兴产业的漏洞,将手伸进人们的“移动口袋”里。因此,用户在使用过程中应保持高度警惕,另外,政府部门也应该提升相关的监管力度。文章第一段指出移动支付盛行这一现象;第二段分析了移动支付的利弊;第三段作者结合自己的观点提出建议。

Alipay 和Wechat payment 都是手机支付的常用APP ,分别指支付宝和微信支付;go about one ’s daily lives意为“忙于日常生活”; be prone to sth.意为“易于受„„的影响;有„„的倾向”;fall into the possession of sb.意为“被某人占有; 落入某人手中”;fraudster 意为“行骗者”;defraud sb. of sth.意为“从某人处骗取某物”;high security risk意为“高度的

安全风险”;take sth. into consideration意为“考虑到,顾及”;payment accounts and passwords意为“支付账号和密码”。supportive regulatory environment意为“有力的监管环境”。


Directions : For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Should We Help Strangers following the outline given below. You should write at least than

1. 目前,许多人不愿意去帮助陌生人,认为这样会给自己带来麻烦甚至是危险;

2. 出现这一现象的原因;

3. 我对这一问题的看法和建议。

Should We Help Strangers?

A proverb says “You may be happier than princes, if you will be more virtuous.” Helping strangers has always been considered as a treasured virtue of mankind. But nowadays, people tend to be cautious of strangers because of the frequent occurrence of blackmails after offering help to strangers. Some are even unwilling to do any good deeds as they think helping others involves risks of getting hurt or cheated.

Who should be blamed for turning blind eyes to those in need? Is it the moral declining of the whole society? Its real reason lies in the lack of necessary protection for those warm-hearted people. In addition, the corruption of social mores, and bad influences of negative cases have worsen the problems.

Just keep in mind “Virtue is bold, and goodness never fearful.” Don’t hesitate to help others. One good turn deserves another. Accordingly, government should work out a Good Samaritan law to protect those who reach out to the strangers in need.



You may be happier than princes, if you will be more virtuous. 意为“如果你能多做善事,你会比王子还要幸福”;blackmail 意为“讹诈,勒索”;turn blind eyes to意为“对„„视而不见”;social mores意为“社会风气”;Virtue is bold, and goodness never fearful. 意为“美德和善良从来无所畏惧。”;One good turn deserves another. 意为“善有善报。”;Good Samaritan law 意为“善良的沙玛利安法”,指鼓励和保护见义勇为者的法律。reach out to sb.意为“伸出援助之手帮助某人”。


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Factors Affecting Work Performance based on the statistics provided in the bar chart below. Please give a brief description of the chart and then make comments on it. You should write at leastbut no more than

Factors Affecting Work Performance

The bar chart shows four factors that affecting work performance of two age groups, people aged from 18 to 30 and those aged from 45 to 60.

Team spirit seems to have the same influence on the two age groups, with about 60% of each group indicating this element affecting their performance. Chance for personal development is the most influential factor for the younger group, about 90% of which admit thinking highly of it ; whereas for the older group, only about 40% cite it as important. It is almost the same case with relaxed working environment, which affects more than 80% of the yonger group and about only 30% of the older group. Money is the element that is rated highest for motivating performance among survey respondents between age 45-60. There is only a slight difference between the two groups in this aspect, both of which regard it as important.

Since employees belonging to different age groups are influenced by different motivational factors, managers should strive to develop separate motivational tools for different age groups which suit their requirements so as to retain their valued employees and achieve higher productivity and outputs.



the most influential factor意为“影响最大的因素”;think highly of 意为“对„„高度评价;对„„高度重视”;whereas 意为“然而,反之”;rate 意为“评定某人/某事物的价值” ;

survey respondents意为“调查受访者”;slight 意为“不严重的; 不重要的; 微小的; 轻微的”;retain their valued employees意为“留住重要的员工”;higher productivity and outputs意为“更高的生产率和产量” 。


Directions :For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay entitled My View on Examination-Oriented Education. Your essay should start with a brief description of the picture. You should write at least words but no more than words.

My View on Examination-Oriented Education

From the cartoon above, we can see that a student is pondering deeply over a thought-provoking problem: Why did he forget all that he had learnt the minute he finished the test? Truthfully, a large amount of students have the same thought and feeling as he has.

From elementary school to college, students, teachers and even parents all strive for high scores, for getting good marks is the only way to gain access to good universities and well-paid jobs. Accordingly, students have high scores but low abilities because of cramming method of teaching, mechanical memorization, and learning without comprehension.

Unfortunately, the current examination-oriented education prepares students only for examinations rather than creative abilities. Additionally, being overburdened with endless exams, students may have their health ruined. Gradually it may also limit students ’ thinking, narrow their imagination as well as hinder their ability to innovate. Consequently, it is high time for the government to implement educational reform, and figure out a comparatively sound educational system . Only in this way will students see a more colorful life.



ponder deeply over意为“深思”;strive for意为“力争;力求;(为获得或实现某事物)努力,奋斗”;cramming method of teaching意为“填鸭式教学”;mechanical memorization意为“机械记忆”;be overburdened with意为“因„„而不堪重负”;hinder 意为“阻碍,妨碍”;comparatively sound educational system 意为“相对健全的教育体系”。


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to one of your lecturers. Say what you enjoy about his lectures and suggest how they could be improved. You should write at least

Dear Professor Martin,

I would like to take the opportunity to express my appreciation for your humorous and attractive way of teaching . All the information contained in your lectures is comprehensive and practical. To learn more actively, please allow me to outline some of my opinions on your lectures.

Firstly, I do hope you can insert a short "intermission" through the lecture and let us have a short discussion. It is helpful for us to avoid decline of attention and catch up with your lecture. At the same time, it takes the pressure off you as the instructor.

Secondly, it is advisable that you increase student activities or learning tasks during your lecture so as to promote student engagement.

Thirdly, I hope you will be able to just base your lectures on the most important materials and ask the students to search for the less important information for themselves outside of class.

At last, I’d like to express my heartfelt thanks and highest respect to you for your hardwork and wish to have an opportunity to communicate with you face to face. Yours sincerely, Li Hu



humorous and attractive way of teaching意为“幽默诙谐、招人喜爱的授课方式”;comprehensive and practical意为“涵盖全面且实用的”;insert 意为“插入﹑ 放入﹑ 置入或嵌于某物或某两物间”;intermission 意为“暂停; 中间休息; 幕间休息”;decline of attention 意为“注意力降低”;promote student engagement 意为“提高学生参与度”;base...on 意为“以„„为基础”;heartfelt thanks意为“衷心的感谢”。



Directions : For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Mobile Payment following the outline given below. You should write at least

1. 现在移动支付(手机支付)已经成为一种时尚;

2. 移动支付有很多好处,但也有安全隐患;

3. 我的建议。

Mobile Payment

Driven by the explosive growth of online shopping as well as Internet financial services, mobile payment is becoming more and more popular. It is believed that a majority of you have benefited from mobile payment apps such as Alipay and Wechat payment.

Mobile payment is both fast and convenient. It allows users to make instant online, in-store and vending machine payments, and generally go about their daily lives without needing to carry cash or a physical wallet. As for businesses, especially small businesses, mobile payment enable them to keep thier operating costs low, increase sales volume, and give their customers the convenient experience and payment flexibility to compete with larger retailers. Despite all the advantages presented above, mobile payment systems are prone to fraud. If the users ’ personal and financial information falls into the possession of fraudsters , then they can defraud the users of their money.

Therefore, high security risk is the key factor users should take into consideration when making mobile payments. They should pay attention to carefully protect their payment accounts and passwords . Meanwhile, governments should develop a supportive regulatory environment in order to effectively manage the potential risks.


移动支付的快速发展给人们的生活带来了便捷,人们甚至不用带现金和钱包出门,只要将智能手机上的支付APP 打开,经过简单的程序就能完成各类支付。但是与此同时,移动支付对支付的安全提出了更高的要求。伺机已久的黑客们也抓住这一新兴产业的漏洞,将手伸进人们的“移动口袋”里。因此,用户在使用过程中应保持高度警惕,另外,政府部门也应该提升相关的监管力度。文章第一段指出移动支付盛行这一现象;第二段分析了移动支付的利弊;第三段作者结合自己的观点提出建议。

Alipay 和Wechat payment 都是手机支付的常用APP ,分别指支付宝和微信支付;go about one ’s daily lives意为“忙于日常生活”; be prone to sth.意为“易于受„„的影响;有„„的倾向”;fall into the possession of sb.意为“被某人占有; 落入某人手中”;fraudster 意为“行骗者”;defraud sb. of sth.意为“从某人处骗取某物”;high security risk意为“高度的

安全风险”;take sth. into consideration意为“考虑到,顾及”;payment accounts and passwords意为“支付账号和密码”。supportive regulatory environment意为“有力的监管环境”。


Directions : For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Should We Help Strangers following the outline given below. You should write at least than

1. 目前,许多人不愿意去帮助陌生人,认为这样会给自己带来麻烦甚至是危险;

2. 出现这一现象的原因;

3. 我对这一问题的看法和建议。

Should We Help Strangers?

A proverb says “You may be happier than princes, if you will be more virtuous.” Helping strangers has always been considered as a treasured virtue of mankind. But nowadays, people tend to be cautious of strangers because of the frequent occurrence of blackmails after offering help to strangers. Some are even unwilling to do any good deeds as they think helping others involves risks of getting hurt or cheated.

Who should be blamed for turning blind eyes to those in need? Is it the moral declining of the whole society? Its real reason lies in the lack of necessary protection for those warm-hearted people. In addition, the corruption of social mores, and bad influences of negative cases have worsen the problems.

Just keep in mind “Virtue is bold, and goodness never fearful.” Don’t hesitate to help others. One good turn deserves another. Accordingly, government should work out a Good Samaritan law to protect those who reach out to the strangers in need.



You may be happier than princes, if you will be more virtuous. 意为“如果你能多做善事,你会比王子还要幸福”;blackmail 意为“讹诈,勒索”;turn blind eyes to意为“对„„视而不见”;social mores意为“社会风气”;Virtue is bold, and goodness never fearful. 意为“美德和善良从来无所畏惧。”;One good turn deserves another. 意为“善有善报。”;Good Samaritan law 意为“善良的沙玛利安法”,指鼓励和保护见义勇为者的法律。reach out to sb.意为“伸出援助之手帮助某人”。


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Factors Affecting Work Performance based on the statistics provided in the bar chart below. Please give a brief description of the chart and then make comments on it. You should write at leastbut no more than

Factors Affecting Work Performance

The bar chart shows four factors that affecting work performance of two age groups, people aged from 18 to 30 and those aged from 45 to 60.

Team spirit seems to have the same influence on the two age groups, with about 60% of each group indicating this element affecting their performance. Chance for personal development is the most influential factor for the younger group, about 90% of which admit thinking highly of it ; whereas for the older group, only about 40% cite it as important. It is almost the same case with relaxed working environment, which affects more than 80% of the yonger group and about only 30% of the older group. Money is the element that is rated highest for motivating performance among survey respondents between age 45-60. There is only a slight difference between the two groups in this aspect, both of which regard it as important.

Since employees belonging to different age groups are influenced by different motivational factors, managers should strive to develop separate motivational tools for different age groups which suit their requirements so as to retain their valued employees and achieve higher productivity and outputs.



the most influential factor意为“影响最大的因素”;think highly of 意为“对„„高度评价;对„„高度重视”;whereas 意为“然而,反之”;rate 意为“评定某人/某事物的价值” ;

survey respondents意为“调查受访者”;slight 意为“不严重的; 不重要的; 微小的; 轻微的”;retain their valued employees意为“留住重要的员工”;higher productivity and outputs意为“更高的生产率和产量” 。


Directions :For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay entitled My View on Examination-Oriented Education. Your essay should start with a brief description of the picture. You should write at least words but no more than words.

My View on Examination-Oriented Education

From the cartoon above, we can see that a student is pondering deeply over a thought-provoking problem: Why did he forget all that he had learnt the minute he finished the test? Truthfully, a large amount of students have the same thought and feeling as he has.

From elementary school to college, students, teachers and even parents all strive for high scores, for getting good marks is the only way to gain access to good universities and well-paid jobs. Accordingly, students have high scores but low abilities because of cramming method of teaching, mechanical memorization, and learning without comprehension.

Unfortunately, the current examination-oriented education prepares students only for examinations rather than creative abilities. Additionally, being overburdened with endless exams, students may have their health ruined. Gradually it may also limit students ’ thinking, narrow their imagination as well as hinder their ability to innovate. Consequently, it is high time for the government to implement educational reform, and figure out a comparatively sound educational system . Only in this way will students see a more colorful life.



ponder deeply over意为“深思”;strive for意为“力争;力求;(为获得或实现某事物)努力,奋斗”;cramming method of teaching意为“填鸭式教学”;mechanical memorization意为“机械记忆”;be overburdened with意为“因„„而不堪重负”;hinder 意为“阻碍,妨碍”;comparatively sound educational system 意为“相对健全的教育体系”。


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to one of your lecturers. Say what you enjoy about his lectures and suggest how they could be improved. You should write at least

Dear Professor Martin,

I would like to take the opportunity to express my appreciation for your humorous and attractive way of teaching . All the information contained in your lectures is comprehensive and practical. To learn more actively, please allow me to outline some of my opinions on your lectures.

Firstly, I do hope you can insert a short "intermission" through the lecture and let us have a short discussion. It is helpful for us to avoid decline of attention and catch up with your lecture. At the same time, it takes the pressure off you as the instructor.

Secondly, it is advisable that you increase student activities or learning tasks during your lecture so as to promote student engagement.

Thirdly, I hope you will be able to just base your lectures on the most important materials and ask the students to search for the less important information for themselves outside of class.

At last, I’d like to express my heartfelt thanks and highest respect to you for your hardwork and wish to have an opportunity to communicate with you face to face. Yours sincerely, Li Hu



humorous and attractive way of teaching意为“幽默诙谐、招人喜爱的授课方式”;comprehensive and practical意为“涵盖全面且实用的”;insert 意为“插入﹑ 放入﹑ 置入或嵌于某物或某两物间”;intermission 意为“暂停; 中间休息; 幕间休息”;decline of attention 意为“注意力降低”;promote student engagement 意为“提高学生参与度”;base...on 意为“以„„为基础”;heartfelt thanks意为“衷心的感谢”。


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