

Society has changed so dramatically in the 21st century due to various advanced technologies. Among them, the invention and popularity of computers have unprecedented impacts on each individuals. However, Whether children should be permitted to play computer games or not has been heatedly debated.From my own perspective, my answer is "Yes". Firstly, playing computergames occupies the time that should be spent with their parents at home. To illustrate, parents are one of the best teachers for the growth of children, playing computer games alone without speaking to anyone at home would definitely reduce the communications between family members. In the long run, it is not beneficial for the parents to build strong bond with their children,some may even feel isolated with the world. Secondly, study is the top priority for every child, playing computers takes up their studying time in some degree.To make it more clear, as children are not mature enough to manage their time appropriately, they may easily get addicted to computer games and get tired of study. For instance, some children even get rid of the classes to play computer games at the net bar, leaving all the study assignment and teachers' instructions behind. How awful that was! Thirdly,compared with computers, there are more interesting activities that could have to make better use of the time. Take extra curricular activities as an example, playing basketball,football and Ping Pong with their classmates or friends are all enjoyable activities that children could choose. Because these activities not only help strengthen their bodies but also get relaxed from their study. While playing computer games are bad for children' eyesight as they always stare at the screen for long hours, a recent survey from a education website showed that children who like playing computer games are more likely to get a poor eyesight. Moreover, some may cause headaches or other illnesses, which is absolutely not worthwhile both for the mental and physical development of their growth.

All in all, from the three points that I mentioned above, we could safely draw the conclusion that playing computer games is not a good choice for children to make and should not be permitted. And spending more time with their parents at home, studying well at school and having various exercises after class are all better options for the better development of children.

Society has changed so dramatically in the 21st century due to various advanced technologies. Among them, the invention and popularity of computers have unprecedented impacts on each individuals. However, Whether children should be permitted to play computer games or not has been heatedly debated.From my own perspective, my answer is "Yes". Firstly, playing computergames occupies the time that should be spent with their parents at home. To illustrate, parents are one of the best teachers for the growth of children, playing computer games alone without speaking to anyone at home would definitely reduce the communications between family members. In the long run, it is not beneficial for the parents to build strong bond with their children,some may even feel isolated with the world. Secondly, study is the top priority for every child, playing computers takes up their studying time in some degree.To make it more clear, as children are not mature enough to manage their time appropriately, they may easily get addicted to computer games and get tired of study. For instance, some children even get rid of the classes to play computer games at the net bar, leaving all the study assignment and teachers' instructions behind. How awful that was! Thirdly,compared with computers, there are more interesting activities that could have to make better use of the time. Take extra curricular activities as an example, playing basketball,football and Ping Pong with their classmates or friends are all enjoyable activities that children could choose. Because these activities not only help strengthen their bodies but also get relaxed from their study. While playing computer games are bad for children' eyesight as they always stare at the screen for long hours, a recent survey from a education website showed that children who like playing computer games are more likely to get a poor eyesight. Moreover, some may cause headaches or other illnesses, which is absolutely not worthwhile both for the mental and physical development of their growth.

All in all, from the three points that I mentioned above, we could safely draw the conclusion that playing computer games is not a good choice for children to make and should not be permitted. And spending more time with their parents at home, studying well at school and having various exercises after class are all better options for the better development of children.


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