

Two Cheers for Made in China

Hello, Everyone! It’s my honor to stand here.

As we all know, China is good at making many things, from shoes to mobile phones, clothes to computers, and toys to ships. Now the country has a 10-year national plan, Made in China 2025, which makes the world’s second-largest economy ever to move up the value chain and turn itself from a manufactur-ing giant into a world industrialized power.

Here we detail some products, of which China makes the most, based on a report of sina.com.cn.

China builds about 766 million tons of vessels , accounting for 45.1 percent of the world’s total.

The country produces about 1.8 billion tons of coal (oil equivalent) annually, taking up 48.2 percent of the world’s total. Its production is also triple the average of other parts of the world.

Pork bred by China contributes 49.8 percent of the total worldwide, hitting 1.5 million tons annually. That means for

each person in China 40 kilograms are produced annually, six times the average of other parts of the world.

China annually produces 1.8 billion tons of cement, which accounts for 60 percent of the world’s supply. Per capita

production is more than six times the average of other parts of the world.

The number of shoes made in China annually reaches 12.6 billion, taking up 63 percent of the world’s total. Its per capita production stands at 10 pairs, about eight times the average of other parts of the world.

China makes about 70.6 percent of global mobile phones,

1.77 billion annually. Per capita phone production is 10 times the average of other parts of the world.

Overall capacity of solar cells hits 21.8 million kW

annually, 80 pecent of the world total.

The country’s 4.3 billion energy-saving lamps account for 80 percent of the global total, with each person producing 3.2 lamps annually - 16 times the average of other parts of the world.

China makes 80 percent of the world’s air conditioners. Per capita production is 17 times the average of other parts of the world.

China produced 286.2 million personal computers in 2014, accounting for 90.6 percent of the world’s total. The per capita production was 40 times the average of other parts of the world.

In my opinion, I think we should change from made in China to created in China .One in four computers in the world comes from China; but from each computer produced, China earns only what 10 apples are worth. The problem is, China has involved in countless processes of production, but doesn't necessarily have the intellectual property rights. If all we can be is part of the low-cost, labor-oriented production process, we'll remain in a passive, disadvantaged position and gradually lose our competitive edge in the global arena. In the global era where technology emerges at a rapid speed, one has to adopt the latest technology, and also to compete for the speed of developing new ones. When the business was soaring and situation was changing, the family members had divergent views of management. To make sure of the development of

their business, they decided to turn their company into a limited liability one, distributing property rights efficiently.

That’s all! Thank you very much!

Two Cheers for Made in China

Hello, Everyone! It’s my honor to stand here.

As we all know, China is good at making many things, from shoes to mobile phones, clothes to computers, and toys to ships. Now the country has a 10-year national plan, Made in China 2025, which makes the world’s second-largest economy ever to move up the value chain and turn itself from a manufactur-ing giant into a world industrialized power.

Here we detail some products, of which China makes the most, based on a report of sina.com.cn.

China builds about 766 million tons of vessels , accounting for 45.1 percent of the world’s total.

The country produces about 1.8 billion tons of coal (oil equivalent) annually, taking up 48.2 percent of the world’s total. Its production is also triple the average of other parts of the world.

Pork bred by China contributes 49.8 percent of the total worldwide, hitting 1.5 million tons annually. That means for

each person in China 40 kilograms are produced annually, six times the average of other parts of the world.

China annually produces 1.8 billion tons of cement, which accounts for 60 percent of the world’s supply. Per capita

production is more than six times the average of other parts of the world.

The number of shoes made in China annually reaches 12.6 billion, taking up 63 percent of the world’s total. Its per capita production stands at 10 pairs, about eight times the average of other parts of the world.

China makes about 70.6 percent of global mobile phones,

1.77 billion annually. Per capita phone production is 10 times the average of other parts of the world.

Overall capacity of solar cells hits 21.8 million kW

annually, 80 pecent of the world total.

The country’s 4.3 billion energy-saving lamps account for 80 percent of the global total, with each person producing 3.2 lamps annually - 16 times the average of other parts of the world.

China makes 80 percent of the world’s air conditioners. Per capita production is 17 times the average of other parts of the world.

China produced 286.2 million personal computers in 2014, accounting for 90.6 percent of the world’s total. The per capita production was 40 times the average of other parts of the world.

In my opinion, I think we should change from made in China to created in China .One in four computers in the world comes from China; but from each computer produced, China earns only what 10 apples are worth. The problem is, China has involved in countless processes of production, but doesn't necessarily have the intellectual property rights. If all we can be is part of the low-cost, labor-oriented production process, we'll remain in a passive, disadvantaged position and gradually lose our competitive edge in the global arena. In the global era where technology emerges at a rapid speed, one has to adopt the latest technology, and also to compete for the speed of developing new ones. When the business was soaring and situation was changing, the family members had divergent views of management. To make sure of the development of

their business, they decided to turn their company into a limited liability one, distributing property rights efficiently.

That’s all! Thank you very much!


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