

There are different opinions among people as to the asteroid collision. Some think it is a trivial matter, but others think it is in danger. They all have their own opinions and reasons. If there is an asteroid collision, I think it will be very dangerous.

First of all, it is almost inevitable that the asteroid struck the earth, when it was just a matter of time. Large volumes of asteroids that hit the earth and cause the extinction of the species are 1 times every one hundred million. This disaster occurred in the last 65 million years ago, which leading to the extinction of dinosaurs. What’s more, the asteroid collision makes the volcanic eruption. That would hit the human population with the double whammy of dramatically reduced agricultural production and widespread loss of vegetation, leading to widespread food shortages and starvation. Moreover, it will bring dust and poisonous gas over the earth, so that climate changes. And many species will meet early death. Therefore, the impact of an asteroid on earth is one of the most prevalent millenarian fears of our age.

There are different opinions among people as to the asteroid collision. Some think it is a trivial matter, but others think it is in danger. They all have their own opinions and reasons. If there is an asteroid collision, I think it will be very dangerous.

First of all, it is almost inevitable that the asteroid struck the earth, when it was just a matter of time. Large volumes of asteroids that hit the earth and cause the extinction of the species are 1 times every one hundred million. This disaster occurred in the last 65 million years ago, which leading to the extinction of dinosaurs. What’s more, the asteroid collision makes the volcanic eruption. That would hit the human population with the double whammy of dramatically reduced agricultural production and widespread loss of vegetation, leading to widespread food shortages and starvation. Moreover, it will bring dust and poisonous gas over the earth, so that climate changes. And many species will meet early death. Therefore, the impact of an asteroid on earth is one of the most prevalent millenarian fears of our age.


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